Chapter 99

A cave in the Fallen Zone. There was a fight going on there for a while.

“Hey, Yellowy! Arrow!”

– Whoa, whoa… … .

Park Si-joon pointed to the huge tree monster that came right in front of him.

Then, the skeleton behind him generated magical power.

– Goooooooo!

Black flames rose in the air and turned into arrows.

Several arrows were shot at the tree monster.

– Whoa!

Arrows that pierce the body accurately.

The tree monster was in agony as it twisted. Park Si-joon’s eyes lit up.


– Kyaoong!

The wind spirit created by Ishimi filled the wind.

A warm wind wrapped around Park Si-joon’s body and lifted him high.


He clenched his sword tightly.

‘Cut in one room.’

The sword was on fire.


A sword that rose at the same time. Park Si-jun swallowed his breath and slashed his sword with all his might.


A blade with a hint of black slashed gently through the body of the tree monster.

Flames rising from the cut engulfed the monster.

-Koooooooh… … .

The gigantic monster shrieked and collapsed.

It has already been subjected to numerous attacks. The attack could no longer be sustained.

[Giant Stomp, a monster twisted with grudges, has been silent forever. Pioneering and Contribution will increase.][Level has risen.][The level of the Immortal Fellow Horse, Yellowy has risen.]

When the boss monster in the dungeon fell, several messages appeared. And items too.

“Good, good.”

Park Si-joon sang his hum and picked up his items.

The items that came out were various medicinal herbs and B-grade weapons made of wood.

‘I’ll have to sell it later.’

Park Si-jun put out the flames by lightly shaking his sword.

[I had a fight with a strong man. Memories of the Fight – You have obtained the Giant Stomp.]

Maybe it was because I caught the boss monster, I also had memories of fighting.

[Memories of Fighting – You can use the Giant Stomp to strengthen your sword.][You can enhance it by selecting one of the following features.]

1. attack power

2. Attack speed

Park Si-joon scratched his cheek.


These days, mainly dungeons, I caught a lot of boss monsters.

At the same time, he naturally strengthened his nameless sword, and there is one thing that I have learned thanks to.

‘Depending on how strong the opponent is, reinforcement is different.’

After the sword, there are five choices. The width of the reinforcement was also very large.

However, these boss monsters had few options, and the reinforcement range was not that great.

‘no. 1.’

Park Si-joon chose #1.

[The Unknown Sword ate the memory. Attack power is strengthened.][Nameless Sword (S)]

A sword without any name. It eats the experience of fighting strong enemies, and grows based on it.

-Physical attack power: 84

-Attack Speed ​​+5%

– Ignore defense +20%

-Growth type sword

-Wearing restrictions: Those who have obtained permission from the Inspector General.

– Required level: none

However, I only focused on increasing the attack power, and it increased quite a bit.

‘It will be useful now.’

The options are still shabby compared to the rating, but they will grow.

– Whoa… … .

The skeleton wizard behind Park Si-jun wept for a long time.

“Why, Yellowy. Did you level up?”

– Whoa, whoa… … .

The skeleton wizard, Park Si-joon, would name it Yellowy.

[Name] Yellowy

[Level] 48

[Race] Skeleton Dark Mage


Strength -30, Agility: 30

Stamina: 30 Intellect: 130

Morale: 90

[Talents] Undead (EX), Lesser Warlock (C), Lesser Curse Magic (C+), Serious Warlock (C+)

His level was 48.

“I thought it would evolve at level 30. I thought it would evolve in units of 10 levels.”

The race also evolved one step further and turned into a Skeleton Dark Wizard.

‘Your character is younger than I thought… … .’

Climbing was not very good.

These days, I was thinking about whether I would rather implement a novel that summons something like the military.

‘Think about that later.’

Park Si-Jun’s level also broke through 56.

It was thanks to the focus on hunting during the remaining time. The problem was that there was still time left.

‘Why are you so late?’

According to Hong Soo-yeon, negotiations with the supporting party were not going well.

The Memories Guild is not a strong guild, so it is being swayed by their demands or something.

‘Wherever you go… … .’

The battle for the right was fierce.

-Boo… Whoa!

Ishimi next to her was playing with the spirit she had summoned, Sylph.

His level has also reached 35.

“Why are you at a lower level than Ash?”

– Whoa?

Ishimi tilted her head as if she didn’t understand.

‘Is it because every time you go up one level, your stats go up a lot?’

Park Si-jun lifted him up.

“Shall we take a break and hunt more?”

– Greung, Greung… … .

I wanted to level up. If possible, I also wanted to evolve Yellowy.

Si-Jun Park sat down and started the community and connected to the broadcast.

He didn’t mean to turn on his broadcast.

[Memories Guild live broadcast.]

It was to watch the broadcast of the Memories Guild broadcast by Alex.

“If anything happens, I’ll let you know through the broadcast, so please check it out from time to time.”

This is what Hong Soo-yeon said.

The broadcast of the Memories Guild was illuminating the garrison of the giants.

I watch it from time to time. It was quiet, so it wasn’t very popular.


But today was a little different.

The number of viewers of the broadcast was quite large. nearly 5,000 people. Usually 100 units.

Something didn’t feel right.

– Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!


The live broadcast window turns on.

Seeing the video that came out, Park Si-joon’s impression hardened.

-Uh, undead! Undead!

– Don’t panic! Formation!

-Brothers, raise your arms!

The garrison of giants.

The center of the colonization of the Fallen Zone was being attacked by a huge number of undead.

* * *

“Hey, what’s going on…”

The endless undead continued to surround the garrison of the giants.

“Don’t stop! If it breaks, it’s over!”

“Where did the wizards go!”

“Don’t be pushed, brethren!”

The giants and players united to defend the garrison.

But there are too many undead.

If that’s the case, it’s bound to break through.

‘At least today!’

Alex bit his lip.

Today was the day the Church of the Just Judge decided to come to support.

I’ll be there in a little while, but at least they’ll come before that.

‘Damn children!’

Alex sharpened his teeth, remembering the Golden Saint and the Just Judge.

The schedule is too late. The reason was due to negotiations with the denomination of Huhuseong.

“One of them asks for more money, and the other says he’s late because he’s busy!”

If I had gone ahead and attacked the dragon, this wouldn’t have happened!

Alex screamed and slashed the incoming undead.

“Shut up, you bastards!”

The flames that rose from his sword swept the surrounding undead.

He is a wizard who made a contract with the owner of the Infinite Library, but he used a sword unusually.

“Suyeon-ah! When will the Paladins come?”

“Gee, they’re coming soon!”

“So when!”

“As soon as possible, 30 minutes…!”

“Damn it, it looks like everyone is going to die before that!”

A guild member of Memories who was fighting nearby spat out cursing.

Alex felt the same way.

‘driving me crazy!’

There are too many undead, and there are not enough priests and paladins to help.

Can you really win?

– You will all die!

A huge skeleton knight behind the undead shouted loudly.

-I, Elexar-sama’s 4th corps commander, will lead the Black Knight Belekt!

Belekt raised his sword high.

– Even in death, you will serve Elexar!

Undead are also very picky, but there were even boss monsters.

“Suyeon-ah, ask me to help you through the broadcast! I’ll give you the money you ask for!”

“Pa, are you okay?”

“He looks dead now, but that’s the problem! That golden saint dog… Call her too! They say they’ll grant your request!”

A sigh escaped Alex’s mouth. This is a loss.

“Is that the problem, living is the problem.”

Alex used his magic to support the fighting players.

Whoop, whoop!

The oncoming undead were trying to hit the barrier and break it.

It was the same with the tightly closed door.

“Don’t let these guys in!”

“Holy water, use as much holy water as you can!”

Resistance was desperate.

But regardless of the resistance, the barriers and gates were crumbling.

– Rise up, Ragged Golem.

The Black Knight who watched the scene indifferently gave an order to someone.


Kuroooooooooooooooooo… … !

“What, what?!”

The floor began to vibrate.

As the gates of the garrison shook, the undead stumbled.

And while digging the floor, a huge undead appeared.


A huge golem made by weaving the skin and flesh of other races all over its body.

It was a ragged golem.

Whoop, whoop!

As the golem trampled the ground, it reached the gate of the garrison.

“I’m trying to break the door! Stop it!”

“Shoot the bow!”

Alex and Kurun urgently issued an order, but it was not easy.

The golem ignored any attacks, and other undead helped the golem rush.

– Whoa!

“Oh, no……!”

The golem, who reached the doorstep, threw his arms back as far as they could.

And he banged on the door with all his might.


No, I was trying to hit it precisely.(Read more @

“What, what?”

The moment the ragged golem’s fist was about to touch, a scream erupted.

– Whoa, whoa, whoa?!

At the same time, the golem’s body was hit and staggered.

“I’m here!”

what happened

A player looking around pointed somewhere.


on a tall tree.

Park Si-joon, with his four-door ice cannons spread out on either side, stood there.

“…Ah man, I’m embarrassed.”

while covering the face.

* * *

-Scholar like this: King hahaha

-yourkao : mint~

– Hyejeong: Wow, look at the timing. Wasn’t that what you were looking for?

In the corner of Park Si-joon’s field of vision, chats were coming up. It was Hong Soo-yeon’s broadcast chat.

‘I didn’t mean to appear.’

Coincidentally, the timing just happened that way.

It was a desperate situation, and it seemed as if it appeared for that purpose, so the reaction of people was very hot.

– Kyaoong!

Park Si-joon’s face was also hot.

I feel people’s eyes are drawn on me, so I have to say that I’m embarrassed for nothing.


The ragged golem roared long. Part of the body that had been hit by an ice shell was blown away.

“What you looking at.”

Park Si-jun poured his magical energy into the four cannons. The cannon continued to generate and fire ice shells.

Quang, bang!

The target is the ragged golem.

A bullet hit the man’s body. The guy who approached the door couldn’t stand the offensive and retreated.

‘Speed ​​fast.’

Park Si-jun jumped down and landed on the ground and used his skill at the same time.

The glider’s boots began to wiggle and roar. like the sound of a motor running.


Park Si-joon’s new model jumped out with a strong pounding sound.

He crossed his battlefield as he pushed the undead.

– Big uh uh… … .

The distance from the ragged golem was shortened in an instant.

Park Si-Jun unfolded his violence and clenched his fist.



And he casts his advancing force with his rushing momentum as it is.


issued the right to shred.

A fist that struck the abdomen precisely. The divine power that had wrapped around his fists burrowed into the ragged golem’s body.

-Oh, oh, oooh… … !

At the same time as Kwon Ki exploded inside the ragged golem’s body, it created a strong shock wave behind it.

-Oh oh oh oh!

The golem’s gigantic body flew away without being able to withstand the shock as its abdomen burst.

The undead behind them were also caught in the shock wave and flew in all directions.

“…What is that.”

short-term writing.

Players who saw Park Si-jun’s battle burst out in surprise and exclamation.

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