Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 210: man, blind snake

"As the saying goes, when the world opened up, there were no people. Nuwa Tuan was a human being. The drama was overwhelmed, so she pulled a rope into the mud and raised it as a human being."

—Eastern Han Dynasty Ying Shao "Customs"

Since the original legend of Nuwa's creation of human beings, human beings have never been cut off from the idea of ​​creating human beings.

The creation of man is also a dream shared by many myths and legends of civilizations. The appearance of many images of robots, androids, clones, etc. in modern human art works is also a continuation of this dream.

After all, the creators of human beings in the original human mythology were all gods. If humans could create humans, they would in a sense elevate themselves to a position comparable to gods.

It's not cloning technology, nor is it made by robots, but a real human being with a soul!

If the emergence of artificial intelligence technology shows that human beings have the ability to create souls, then once they can truly create a complete flesh-and-blood body out of thin air in a short period of time through technology, it also shows that humans have the ability to create human bodies.

Is the fusion of the soul and the human body the real creation of man?

Shen Feng's breathing instantly became rapid, but then quickly calmed down.

After all, although there are feelings for creating a human, it is necessary to understand that this does not actually make much sense.

Consciousness transfer technology, the cost of large-scale 3D bioprinting, etc., all need to be considered.

And from a technical point of view, the cost of this artificial creation is much higher than the cost of natural reproduction of human beings themselves.

Shen Feng pondered for a moment, made a small modification to the brain nerve connector used in the virtual reality device, and began to interpret the various materials and information contained in this chip book.

Soon, this information has all entered his silicon-based brain, and the content is extremely complex, far more complex than the various existing 3D printing technologies.

Fortunately, with the information about the previous metal 3D printer stored by Jingwei, Shen Feng could basically interpret it completely.

After reading all the information, he couldn't help but smile.

This thing can still be done.

Biological tissue printing is actually not that complicated, and only requires a culture chamber in a sterile environment.

The most difficult thing here is the printing of bone tissue, which requires the use of a large number of chemical elements.

However, for Shen Feng, this is not difficult. It can be replaced directly with nanomechanical clusters, and the degree of fit is higher than that of printed biological tissues.

He has thought about making some silicone anthropomorphic stand-ins many times before to go out and act in his place.

However, after careful observation, that thing can still be distinguished from the real person, and no matter how good the silicone is, it cannot simulate human skin 100%.

With the current "Humanoid Robot Mimic Simulation", everything is much more convenient.

He can make some stand-ins exactly like himself, and then go to hell.


It's an addictive thing.

"Jingwei, take a look at this "Humanoid Robot Mimic Simulation", don't you want to live like an ordinary person? This book can definitely meet your needs!" Shen Feng excitedly said to Jingwei.

Unexpectedly, Jingwei didn't react at all, as if ignoring him completely.

Shen Feng frowned, his consciousness suddenly sank, and he entered his own silicon-based framework.

At this time, the mimetic data world is being displayed in the form of a garden, which is obviously created by Jingwei.

In the European-style garden courtyard, Jingwei's cheerful laughter is coming:

"Hahaha, Little Blind is so cute! Come on, dance for my sister!"

Then came the whistles.

Shen Feng walked over, and saw Jingwei wearing a small Lolita dress, sitting on the digital grass, holding an Indian-style recorder in his hand and playing non-stop.

In front of her, there was a small snake with long arms and short fingers, dancing to the sound of the flute.

As the sound of Shen Feng's footsteps approached, the little snake suddenly turned its head and spat at him, then leaped up like lightning, climbed up along Shen Feng's legs, wrapped around his arms, and looked up at him.

Shen Feng also turned his head to look at the little snake, and found that this thing turned out to be a greedy snake. It looked extremely rough, as if it was a simple game NPC in the pixel game era.

Blind snake destroys the program, that's all?

One person and one snake stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, all with innocent faces.

Shen Feng asked Jingwei beside him:

"This is the snake I just brought in? Why does it look so crude?"

Jingwei rolled his eyes and said:

"Nonsense, is it still born by me? Don't look at how cute the little blind is. When he is fierce, he is definitely very powerful. Even I can't understand its code, and it involves the field of quantum computing."

Then, with a small hand, he waved at the blind snake:

"Little blind, come to my sister's place!"

Blind Snake looked at Shen Feng, and then at Jingwei, as if deciding who had more authority.

While hesitating, Jingwei changed his face and said:

"If you don't come again, I will let Xiaofeng format you!"

The blind snake immediately trembled, ran towards Jingwei, wrapped around her fingers, and rubbed in a pleasing manner.

Shen Feng was speechless for a while.

How does it feel like I work for this artificial intelligence! ?

In addition, can you change your habit of giving random names to other artificial intelligence programs?

The name of this little blind doesn't sound like any deterrent at all!

In his heart, he complained, but Shen Feng said flatteringly:

"Jingwei, take a look at the book "Humanoid Robot Mimic Simulation". If it's convenient for me, help me get a training pool. It's safer to use."

Jingwei was teasing the snake at this time, in a good mood, his eyes were smiling like crescent moons, and he said:

"Don't worry, it's not complicated for me, as long as there are enough raw materials, and then use the gray tide to build the basic structure, it can be completed in a few days..."

Then he suddenly thought of something, turned his head and looked at Shen Feng with a half-smile and said:

"By the way, do you have any favorite female classmates or female stars? My sister will make a few for you. It is guaranteed to be flesh and blood, exactly the same as the real person! I will give them a few service-oriented primary programs, tsk tsk, little Feng, then you will only blame yourself for using too much toilet paper in the past!"

What a mess! ? Shen Feng rolled his eyes and said to Jingwei:

"Don't be foolish, I'm a serious person! I don't like Reba Tong Liya's stuff! Talk about it!"

Shen Feng looked solemn and continued:

"The existence behind the real doomsday game just communicated with me."

Having said that, he informed Jingwei in detail about his threat to the game system and the reaction of the other party.

At this time, Jingwei also put away his original hippie smile and asked Shen Feng:

"Then what are you going to do? Now it seems that you have solved the end of the biochemical crisis brought about by the evil spirit virus, and indirectly defeated the enemy of the real doomsday game, and then his enemy may be the Lord of the Void? Isn't that miserable? , he can't even beat a lowly guy like the Lord of the Void, how can he fight the Whisperer!"

Shen Feng said:

"It may not be my actions that repelled his enemies, but my actions that enhanced his strength, so he repelled the enemies... At present everything is unknown, I think too much is useless, or try to consolidate Your own strength is better."

Jingwei looked at the "Humanoid Robot Mimic Simulation" in his hand, nodded and said:

"Yes, maybe you need an army of your own, completely under your control, with consistent thinking, uniform, one for billions, and one for billions..."

Before he finished speaking, Shen Feng had already begun to beg for mercy:

"Big sister, don't, can you stop saying the last sentence? I have a headache now hearing it..."

But he also understood what Jingwei meant.

Jingwei wants him to create an army of androids and infiltrate human society!

Shen Feng immediately waved his hand and said:

"Your assumption is too far away, and the risk is too great. Let's not talk about this now... I think that the strength of the Salvation Army should be strengthened..."

In the previous disasters, the Salvation Army has proved its worth of existence.

Especially in the previous Evil Virus epidemic, The Salvation Army played a main role in the research and development of virus therapeutic agents and the global epidemic prevention work.

And they also proved their loyalty.

For Shen Feng, this is definitely one of the most trustworthy forces.

In the face of those unknowable and mysterious existences, human beings can only rely on their own shallow wisdom, and when every human shallow wisdom is gathered together, it will also become an indescribable and indescribable powerful existence!

Jingwei stood up, wrapped the blind snake around his neck, clapped his hands and said:

"Then do it."

The global epidemic prevention work is coming to an end, and the impermanence agent is sprayed around the world, so that everyone has the ability to be immune to the evil spirit virus.

Over the next few days, everything started to turn quickly for the better.

Reconstruction work, including building reconstruction in the affected area and psychological reconstruction of the survivors, is underway.

People were finally able to confirm that the most terrifying moment was over.

In this disaster, the most affected country is the East Ying Kingdom, followed by the Eagle Country and Canada and other countries with epidemic areas.

However, compared with the experience of the Eastern Ying Kingdom almost destroying the country, other countries are not considered disasters at all.

Although the disaster has passed, the heavy damage suffered by the East Ying Kingdom is difficult to recover in a short period of time.

Tens of millions of people were killed, and the entire metropolitan area of ​​the capital evaporated into a wilderness.

Fortunately, the country is still alive.

After this change, the world political landscape is also changing rapidly.

Because the garrison base was also annihilated in the catastrophe of the evil spirit virus, and the country was too busy to take care of itself, the Eagle Country's control over the East Ying Kingdom had dropped significantly.

The political families and chaebols who originally controlled the entire country were severely damaged, and many were directly exterminated. The power of the entire Eastern Kingdom was temporarily concentrated in the hands of the temporary cabinet formed by Yoshikawa Hiroshi, who was in danger.

Since China and other neighboring countries also sent peacekeeping troops to assist in epidemic prevention and disaster relief, coupled with Yoshikawa Hiroshi's friendly attitude towards China, the political balance in East Asia was completely tilted towards China at this time.

Although Yingguo was unwilling, he had no time to take care of him at this time.

Toyo, in the prime minister's residence in the temporary capital of Nagoya, Yoshikawa Hiroshi was lying on the sofa with his eyes closed.

After a difficult period of time, he was exhausted, but he had to take control of the overall situation and almost fell apart.

It's just that he understands that he must not Thinking of everything the commander has done, his own contribution is simply insignificant, and even makes him feel ashamed at times.

It's just that since the Impermanence Potion was developed, the commander seems to have disappeared, and no news has been released.

After he logged in to the meeting place of the "Real Doomsday Game", he also didn't get any news about the commander, and he was a little worried these days.

At this moment, Yoshikawa Hiroshi's cell phone vibrated suddenly, and he took it over, thinking it was an earthquake warning or something.

In the next instant, Prime Minister Yoshikawa Hiroshi suddenly bounced off the sofa.

It is a reminder of the real doomsday game!

On the screen of the mobile phone are the blood-red eyeballs of the real doomsday game, and a message just released that looks extremely bland:

The Salvation Army is preparing to expand.

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