Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 339: completely annihilated

"Attack! Continue to attack! Maximum speed!" Zhao Weiguo ordered loudly, "Maximum engine power, continue to evacuate to the sea!"

"Bang!" The electromagnetic railgun on the Shandong aircraft carrier fired another shot.

Since the huge tentacle was still held high in the air, the speed of the electromagnetic railgun projectile reached hundreds of kilometers per second, and it bombarded the wound that the tentacle had just opened almost instantly.

I saw that this projectile finally exploded directly into the tentacles this time, the huge kinetic energy and the electromagnetic damage attached to it, instantly burst out a huge wound, dozens of meters deep, and a large stream of green blood immediately flowed out.

It's just that.

Although the projectile shot by the electromagnetic railgun penetrated into the tentacle, it was far from reaching the penetration effect, but stuck inside.

For the giant tentacles with a length of tens of thousands of meters and a diameter of nearly 200 meters, this kind of injury is only a minor injury.

For the owner of this tentacle, this attack is even more painless, and it is estimated that there is no feeling at all.

However, Zhao Weiguo looked solemn at this time, and still ordered:

"Attack, keep attacking! Shoot out all the reserve ammunition!"

The Shandong aircraft carrier battle group immediately launched artillery and roaring missiles at the huge tentacles dozens of kilometers away.

The new projectile shot by the electromagnetic railgun also flew away, trying to cooperate with the remaining electromagnetic railgun of the Eagle Nation fleet to attack the tentacles of the giant beast.

It's just that the tentacle has disappeared under the sea again at this time, and began to attack the ships of the Eagle Nation's fleet from underwater.

This exotic beast is obviously more powerful than the one killed by the nuclear bomb before, and also has the ability to release arcs.

Beneath the deep and dark sea, the giant tentacles kept appearing, either directly twisting an Eagle Nation warship into pieces, or tearing off the bottom of the ship, releasing electric current to melt the modular cabin, allowing the warship to sink slowly.

Although the Eagle Nation fleet is also increasing its horsepower and trying to retreat, it is simply too late.

No matter how fast the speed of the battleship was, it couldn't be faster than the tentacle waving, and it was far less flexible than the tentacle.

The owner of this tentacle also seems to have decided on the Eagle Nation fleet. After all, this fleet is the largest among all the fleets on the scene, and it has reacted most violently just now.

Even when some warships fled too fast, almost leaving this sea area, the tentacles would suddenly appear on the bottom of the ship, destroy their engines, and then force the warships to turn.

It's like a cat that's teasing a bunch of mice.

The only remaining carrier-based aircraft group on the USS Ford has been launched, hovering over this sea area, looking for the tentacles of the giant beast under the sea like a headless fly.

It's just that apart from blood stains in the sea, it's mud, sand and leaked fuel, and in addition to the vast darkness, it's impossible to see anything at all.

At the same time, the tentacles occasionally released electromagnetic pulses, which instantly caused some fighter planes hovering in the air to lose control, tumbling in the air and falling into the sea, causing a violent explosion.

The warships of the Eagle Nation Fleet are also fighting back, but whether it is missiles or naval guns, they can't even aim.

Even if it hits, you will be shocked to find that the defense power of this new beast is far superior to that of the previous one. The carapace on the surface of the tentacles is more than ten meters thick, and it cannot be penetrated by ordinary attacks at all.

At most, only some minor injuries are left.

And at this time, the entire Eagle Nation Fleet also received the information from the Hua Nation Fleet in the gap between the electromagnetic pulses, and understood that this was not a complete giant beast, but a tentacle.

It was as if the fleet that had been wiped out before was nothing but a tentacle.

Even if they summoned a nuclear bomb and sacrificed themselves to completely destroy this tentacle, it would not change anything at all.

And it makes no sense.

All they can do is attack and try to escape.

The counterattack and struggle of the Eagle Nation fleet lasted a whole night.

At this time, most of the fleets of other countries have retreated to a safe area hundreds of kilometers away, and observed the battlefield situation of the Eagle Nation fleet through satellites and drones.

At this time, no one rejoiced in misfortune, and everyone felt only heavy in their hearts.

As the most powerful military country in the world, the Eagle Nation fleet has suffered such an end, and it was only defeated by a tentacle, so if the giant beast can really pass through the wormhole and appear on the earth, how will humans deal with it?

Perhaps apart from nuclear bombs, mankind has no other choice.

But can a nuclear bomb really stop the behemoth?

Even if it is possible to kill this giant beast that has not fully revealed its true face, is there more, a third, a fourth, or even an entire group?

All these questions weighed on everyone's heart like a mountain.

The members of the combined fleet present, whether they were ordinary sailors or fleet commanders, were all silent at this time, looking at the direction of the Eagle Nation fleet in the distance.

Fierce fighting or play lasted all night.

When the sky was getting brighter, the entire Eagle Nation fleet had only one wrecked aircraft carrier, the Ford, still floating on the sea.

The deck of the USS Ford was already cracked at this time, the entire aircraft carrier was caught by the huge tentacles, and most of the bridge had collapsed.

On the sea around the aircraft carrier, there are a large number of wreckage left by the explosion of the battleship, and even the wreckage of the fighter plane.

The front surface of the sea has been covered with fuel from the warships and fighter planes, and there are still many wrecks still burning with flames and billowing smoke.

On the wrecked deck of the Ford, a group of navy soldiers with automatic rifles and even pistols kept firing at the tentacles that wrapped around the carrier, like a swarm of ants trying to bite an elephant.

Although it was useless, these warriors did not give up at all, and they continued to attack, roaring wildly.

In the command room of the aircraft carrier, Clark, the commander of the Eagle Nation Fleet, was sitting in the command chair at this time, looking at the huge tentacles outside the broken window with a dazed expression.

"Commander Clark, look, Mr. President sent another tweet just now, I'll read it to you." The Colonel officer on the side said with a playful smile and said sadly:

"The Eagle Nation just spent $2 trillion on military equipment. We are the largest in the world and by far the best! Since this monster dares to attack the Eagle Nation fleet or any Eagle Nation people, we will not hesitate to send them Some brand new beautiful gear!"

Clark was expressionless at first, and then suddenly burst into laughter, with tears in the corners of his eyes, and said:

"It's so funny, Mr. President is so **** funny, why didn't I notice it before..."

Then he looked at the officer beside him, smiled and said:

"After all, it's election season, isn't it? He always has to attract some attention and hype some topics. It seems that his re-election has been stabilized..."

"Boom!" A loud noise came, the tentacle seemed to be suddenly strengthened, and all the glass in the command room suddenly shattered.

At this time, the surface of the tentacle was even less than one meter away from Clark, and it could be touched just by raising your hand!

"Sir, get on the lifeboat! As long as you survive, you will have a chance to take revenge on this monster!"

Hearing this, Clark turned to look at his subordinates, smiled sadly, and said:

"Come on, Arthur, you are not the commander of the fleet, you don't need to be responsible for this failure... As for me, I led the Eagle Nation and even the most advanced fleet in the world to annihilate the entire army. Even if I survive, how can I take revenge? I I can feel what Daemon feels like now... I order you to lead those who are still alive away."

After speaking, Clark turned his head and looked at the huge tentacles outside the window, and stopped talking.

The Colonel Arthur gritted his teeth, realizing that Clark's decision would never change, and immediately turned around and ran out of the command room, preparing to call the still alive to board the lifeboats.

Clark slowly raised his hand and touched the rough surface of the tentacle in front of him, as if he was touching a rock, and muttered:

"It's as rough and hard as Mr. President's face..."

In the next instant, the rock-like tentacles in front of him suddenly added force, completely squashing the entire command room.

From the satellites and drones, the huge tentacles slammed around the USS Ford and dragged it into the water.

In less than a minute, the super aircraft carrier weighing nearly 100,000 tons was dragged into the water like a toy ship.

The huge volume of the aircraft carrier was dragged into the water, and a huge vortex was immediately formed, engulfing all the people who had just entered the lifeboat and fell into the water.

The USS Ford just disappeared, as if it never existed.

The tentacles of the giant beast also It seems to have retracted to the other side of the underwater wormhole.

Among the Shandong aircraft carriers of the Huaguo Fleet, the latest detection situation was quickly fed back to Zhao Weiguo:

"Report, the tentacles of the giant beast have completely lost their traces. The aircraft carrier Ford of the Eagle Nation Fleet was dragged into the seabed and is currently in the northeast area of ​​the wormhole."

have they gone? Zhao Weiguo frowned slightly.

It would be good news if the behemoth left.

Just don't know when it will come back to the other side of the wormhole again.

For this, humans can only passively defend.

Now it's a little difficult to even collect the bodies of the fallen Ying Nation soldiers.

"Report, emergency alert, wormhole energy response is rising again, starting a new round of expansion!"


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