Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 349: troubadour

According to Old Bill's words, this world has long had no civilization inheritance. After all, everything has been submerged under water.

The entire human world is also divided into countless independent ships, floating island markets and various islands by the vast sea. When storms and tsunamis occur, many people are completely cut off from each other and become completely isolated islands.

But there are still many historical legends from ancient times that have been passed down, and even the inheritance of words.

All of this is done by a group of people who call themselves troubadours.

They wandered back and forth between islands, floating islands and even ships, spreading their inheritance and some knowledge gained from various places, so that the remaining humans would not only live in their own On the isolated island, it becomes an existence like a savage beast.

Unlike traders who take risks for profit, bards are not at all for profit, but for their own mission.

It is said that their inheritance came from the ancient civilization before the tsunami. As for where it came from, many people have long forgotten.

Legend has it that some of the wisest troubadours even wield the magic of ancient civilizations known as "technology".

It is precisely because these bards have the inheritance of civilization, so they have a high status in this world. Wherever they go, they are somewhat similar to the wandering monks of the past, and they will be worshipped by the locals.

Of course, these troubadours also have to give back interesting stories and wonderful insights to the locals.

For the people on the floating island market and on the sea boat, the arrival of the troubadour means that the monotonous and boring life can only be seen in the vast sea, and finally there is a little more color.

According to Old Bill's intelligence, just two days ago, the AN-13 Floating Island Market had just welcomed a bard.

And now this troubadour lives in the highest part of the floating island market, in the tower where only VIPs can live.

According to Shen Feng's understanding of the oil drilling platform, it should have been a pendant.

Shen Feng strolled forward in the floating island market the size of a football field. He was not anxious, but observed the surrounding scenery while walking, in order to determine the state of human civilization in this world.

Originally, according to his expectations, this floating island market, as a place to wander at sea, should be dirty and shabby, just like the barbaric state of the village described in the movie "Water World".

But what he didn't expect was that the place was clean and neat, and all kinds of things were arranged in an orderly manner.

Although most people's clothes are nothing but shabby plastic sheets or woven from sun-dried seaweed, they are cleanly washed and not at all dilapidated.

Shen Feng thought about it for a while, and then he understood.

Although this world has been completely submerged by sea water, and most of the human beings have already fed fish, marine resources have been greatly expanded, especially marine creatures such as fish and various algae, which are absolutely abundant.

The floating island market converted from the drilling platform itself is similar to a huge reef floating on the sea, which will naturally attract various marine life.

Therefore, although all kinds of living materials are very poor, people in this world should have enough food to feed themselves and not starve to death.

As for the source of water, it is also relatively simple.

Inefficient desalination, only one piece of plastic sheeting is enough.

Shen Feng walked all the way and saw that every household in this floating island market had one or several huge plastic sheets, which were covered in some basins or directly on the sea surface, and obtained distilled water under the sunlight.

And according to the descriptions of those pirates during this time, the world has abundant precipitation resources, and it can be regarded as a source of fresh water.

What the residents of these floating island markets lack most should be various minerals and trace elements that should come from crops.

Fortunately, sashimi and various seaweeds can alleviate this lack a little.

While Shen Feng was looking at the residents of the floating island market, these people were also looking at Shen Feng.

Although Shen Feng was only wearing an ordinary T-shirt, big pants, and a pair of slippers, in the eyes of the residents of the floating island market, it was already considered to be the top-level high-end wear.

This kind of clothing that covers most of the body is a symbol of status and status.

When they heard that this young man was the new captain of the Beastmaster Pirates, many people were relieved.

However, there are still many children laughing and laughing behind Shen Feng, wanting to see what kind of excitement this new weirdo can bring to them.

Soon, Shen Feng had come to the hanging tower said to be inhabited by bards.

At this time, there were two dark and strong men in grass skirts guarding under the tower. When they saw Shen Feng approaching, they immediately showed a fierce look.

Shen Feng pouted, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

This world may be the place where poets have the highest status after ancient China.

However, although he didn't think so, he still took out a shiny piece of glass, handed it to the other party, and said:

"I would like to ask to see the bard. This is my reward."

The moment they saw the glass piece, the two guards couldn't help showing a shocked look. One of them took the round glass piece and looked at the sun carefully, and found that it was indeed a lens. Climb into the tower.

Shen Feng nodded slightly, realizing that this thing is indeed useful.

Although people in this world basically do not have any common currency and mainly use barter, there is also a general equivalent that can be exchanged.

It's a glass lens.

In fact, it is the bottom of many transparent glass bottles.

This kind of thing is indispensable for people who live at sea.

A glass lens can do so much.

The biggest use is to gather sunlight and use the high temperature generated by the focal point of the convex lens to start a fire.

Another function is to create a telescope to see the distant situation at sea.

Telescopes are extremely important for a sea ship, whether it is used to find schools of fish or to find floating mineral belts.

Even the sharp edges of the lens can be used to cut through the tough skin of fish or to scrape off scales.

Once a hole is drilled on the edge or a shell is wrapped with a layer of leather, it can be hung on the chest as a beautiful necklace, which is a real symbol of strength and status.

It is for this reason that glass lenses have a very high status and value in this world.

After all, it can summon fire itself.

And in those floating mineral belts, although glass products were occasionally found, the number was still small.

The bottom of the glass bottle in Shen Feng's hand was one of several glass bottles found by the pirates in the floating garbage mine yesterday. The bottom of the bottle was knocked off.

The other pirates also all had one or two of these glass bottom lenses, which drove them crazy with joy.

The guard who climbed up the pendant quickly climbed down again, the glass lens in his hand had disappeared, and said to Shen Feng with a solemn expression:

"Mr. Poet is meditating, but he'd love to see you. Go, stranger."

Shen Feng smiled slightly, nodded to the two guards, and climbed the ladder of the pendant.

His speed was unhurried, and while climbing, he observed the entire floating island market through the height of the hanging tower.

It can be seen that the largest area of ​​the floating island market is the dock trade area, while other places are mainly used for drying fish, and there are even simple floating cages for deep-sea farming. .

There are many children swimming and playing in the waters around the floating island market, with happy smiles on their faces, obviously all of them were born in this apocalypse.

Compared with those who understand the glory of human civilization, these children are the people with the lightest ideological burden and the most accepting reality.

Soon, Shen Feng had already climbed to the door of the pendant and knocked lightly. A slightly hoarse voice came from inside:

"Come in."

Shen Feng opened the door and got in, and saw that this was a room about ten square meters in size. Compared with the room below the floating island market, the most commendable thing was that it was the farthest from the sea, so it was the driest.

The "floor" of the room was covered with some sun-dried seaweed, as well as some plastic foam board or the like, although very crude, but glittering with shell powder.

In the middle of this "room", a petite figure sat cross-legged with long hair draped over his shoulders.

The moment he saw this man's appearance, Jingwei's voice immediately resounded in Shen Feng's mind:

"Did you make a mistake! Why is it a woman again? What kind of luck are you doing? What the heck, the supporting role can survive if he gets a man or something?"

The bard sitting there was a blond girl with wheat-colored skin.

On her body, she was wearing a robe made up of small black and white squares, which also looked like a pair of armor.

Shen Feng took a closer look and saw that these small squares were filled with letters and various numbers, and they were actually the keycaps of some keyboards!

And this troubadour is still leaning on an iron bar in his hand, and on the iron bar is inlaid a slightly damaged keyboard.

Shen Feng couldn't help but tut his mouth.

Sure enough, when civilization is lost, things like this form of cargo worship often appear.

After all, ordinary people in this world have already called science "magic called technology".

He was very used to all this, so he didn't show too much surprise.

At this time, the bard was also looking at Shen Feng, her eyes were sharp, and her blue eyes seemed to see through Shen Feng's thoughts in an instant, and said:

"Bards are all women. Men can't stand long voyages. They can't stand the long wetness between their legs. Outsider, you seem surprised by this?"

Shen Feng couldn't help raising his eyebrows, but he didn't expect that the other party would be able to see that he was an outsider in an instant.

It's just that this outsider doesn't know what it means.

From other floating island markets? Or other sea areas?

Or another world?

The troubadour stood up, stepped on the floor with his bare feet, walked to the window of the pendant, and looked out, as if he was answering Shen Feng's doubts, and as if he was talking to himself, saying:

"You can see the whole floating island market here. You are not the former captain of the Beastmaster Pirates. After coming to the floating island market, you will not seek solace in those women who sell their flesh, nor will you drink seaweed. The salty wine brewed, but came directly here, plus your appearance is relatively rare, and you are wearing clothes that no one has ever seen before, so you are an outsider and want to find an answer that you are not sure about. ."

Shen Feng nodded slightly.

Although civilization has almost disappeared, human wisdom has never died out, which is very gratifying.

At the moment, he stopped going around in circles, and he asked directly:

"How did the world beast drown the entire world? Do humans still exist on land? Does the Sacred Armor still exist? If so, where is it? What does it rely on to drive it? Also, do you know what space is called? Wormholes? What specific struggles did human civilization do before the tsunami was submerged? Will the world beasts still attack humans now?"

Every time he asked a question, the bard's eyes lit up a little, and when he had finished asking all his questions, the bard tossed the glass lens in his hand and said:

"You can sing an epic for every question. I thought that someone who can afford a glass lens must be very generous, but I didn't expect you to be the most greedy one."

At this time, Shen Feng was already a little impatient by the way the other party talked in a roundabout way. He took out a metal-cased windproof lighter from his backpack, lightly lit it, and sent it to the bard. He said:

"I don't like procrastination."

The troubadour's eyes flashed instantly, he took the lighter, looked carefully at the flame above, and murmured:

"This is... a magic fire called a lighter?"

Shen Feng couldn't help but his head was heavy for a while, and he was about to pull the lighter back with his hands.

The bard hurriedly pulled the lighter with both hands, turned off the flame and put it in his pocket, and said at the same time:

"It stands to reason that you have asked too many questions. I should have refused, but looking at your sincerity in finding answers while wandering at sea, I can tell you everything as it is."

Then his expression became solemn again, and he returned to the center of the room and sat cross-legged on a blanket made of fish skin and seaweed. He used a lighter to ignite a little ambergris in the shell plate next to him, and said solemnly:

"Outsiders, I will sing for you the three epics of "The Sinking of the World", "The Heroic Epic of the Savior", and "The Epic of the Beast of the World" Please be ready to listen to this great past."

At this moment, Shen Feng's wristband shook suddenly, he immediately looked down, and saw a text flashing on the screen:

"Welcome to the Waterworld apocalypse quest.

Task content:

1. Find and collect animal gold.

2. Find and collect super-giant mechanical armor technology.

3. Find the cause of sea level rise.

4. Close the submarine space wormhole.

5. Save the world, return the sea level to its original position, and revive human civilization at the same time.

Mission Time Limit: None.

Players whose mission completion rate is less than 90% will be obliterated by the system. "

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