Real Cheat Online

Ten stories about my best friend being too cheesy in the game.

When I first saw the total (yes) at the middle school entrance ceremony, I was under the illusion that the surrounding sounds were isolated in a blocked space. And soon, I forced my gaze off in despair of the difference between what I had and what I had in total. Why am I like this? Even though my head understood that it was something I couldn't help thinking about, I didn't feel comfortable. Especially when the girl around me saw him with her fallen in love face into view, she mushed asexually.

So his chest was scuffed when his family sucked and rumors spread and he was avoided from around. I knew somewhere this feeling was wrong, but still, I couldn't face that feeling then.

The turning point came to me when I went to a school trip in my second year of secondary school.

Sometimes it was my first trip abroad. I think the other crew members were in pretty similar condition. Diving through the midnight teacher's sights, me and the three squad members headed straight to the city on a sleepless night. You can't even speak a word.

I think we were feeling a little bit bigger. When I realized, I was coming to the corner of the city where my teacher had cautioned me not to go, surrounded by men staring at me as Niyaniya. We were surrounded by the city's faults as we pictured them, and we were about to be stripped of them again as we pictured them. Some of them had knives and guns, and it didn't feel like they were going to be safe no matter what.

If it stays like this, it sucks. I can put it in tomorrow's paper. The title is [4 middle school students, mysterious disappearance at their school trip]. Yabe, it's going to leak. I can't even stop shaking my knees.

I was prepared for the worst, and I felt like I was losing my mind when I wanted to beat the crap out of ourselves a while ago and help that couldn't possibly come if someone helped me.

That's when the total suddenly appeared. I don't know how many dozens there are in total. He instantly kicked both the bad guys and helped us. But the move away from common sense planted more fear on me than relief. I did relieve myself of being helped. But more than that, I was afraid of the whole thing ravaging the men in front of me. I was convinced at this time that some of the total black rumors would be true.

Then we said a word of thanks to the total who had never spoken properly and hated it in our hearts. Don't touch anything about how you really feel.

The general said we were having complications. "Looks like you're not hurt. Good for you, bye".

I definitely felt it at this time. relief from fear leaving. And be angry at yourself for being too tiny.

- What are you doing? You're not. I need your help. That's not it.

When I realized it, I was running after the total. I'm not sure myself why I did that and what was the deciding factor. But I thought I had to anyway. If I don't, I won't be able to take anything out of my chest like a lump for the rest of my life. Yes, I thought so.

After all, I reluctantly went back to the hotel without being able to find the total that night. Early the next morning, in my sight, wanting to talk early in the absence of people if I could, I saw a total of one sitting on the couch in the lobby. I moved my body before I even thought about it, and I got to the opposite seat. And then I don't remember exactly what words I said in total. I just desperately remember thanking you for yesterday and apologizing for what you've been avoiding.

Still, some of the only things I remember that are clear. Only that word the general said, be clear.

"No, you usually avoid it, one like me. So Takahashi won't be mad if you avoid me. [M] I guess I'd be happier that you talked to me than that. Thanks."

- What the hell, that.

I laughed out loud at the words and desperately misled the tears that were coming in. Whether sad or happy, unexplained emotions were swirling, but the thoughts that arose at that time can be clearly spoken for.

I wanted to be friends with the total from the bottom of my heart at this time.

Three other people than me who were helped by the total didn't try to get involved in the total after that, but I was totally attracted to the total after that one. I say no, but I love girls. And I never feel that way about a man. In total, he was attracted purely as a human being.

But I don't think that's something we can do either. The whole thing was a complete hero to me. A man's admiration for a hero would be more natural than the 1 +1 answer being 2.

Then I got more and more with the total. And in doing so, I also found out that the total is in a really special home or a bit of an unusual way of being trained. Everyone who found out about it left scared of the whole thing, but if you make me say it from me, that's stupid. Including me from the past, you're a big idiot.

As I went out with the total, I knew perfectly well that such a thing was only a fraction of him. This guy is sweet. Occasionally natural, occasionally perverted, but this guy is a great guy. Everyone is afraid of total incompetence, but that's just a fraction of the total personality. It's really stupid to turn away from a guy so good about that extent - I was an idiot.

I think it's good to be friends with the total and from the bottom of my heart.

- So I'm glad that one day I'll be able to help the total. No, I'll definitely be.

■ □ ■ □ ■

The day before my total birthday, I was consulted by the total. It was "how do you think I could live like a regular high school student". Honestly, you can't do this anymore. The word "sole" came out of my throat many times, but all I could tell you was to leave it to me if you talked to me with those moist eyes.

Think about it for a moment, and I'll say what I've been trying to propose to you all along.

"Why don't we just play a game where the whole thing says we want it for our birthday present for a long time?

The sum I heard of that suggestion, it jumped up and rejoiced that it might be a good idea, and it has never thanked me more.

I was a little - happy at this time.

The day after that, the joy of knowing that the total would buy the game was once again in. Seeing the total happy face, I sincerely thought it was really good.

That's why when the total cared about Friendly Fire and then stopped in, it was the thought of me being torn apart.

I couldn't watch the sum of giving up the game I was so excited about and apologizing to me with such a sad face. That's why I made up my mind. I'll take care of everything. He said he owed me a little money back then, right here and now.

■ □ ■ □ ■

37 fights have already ended since I declared that I would train my total on PvP. Yeah, it's muscled shit. This is pretty tough. But now it's time for me to be in total power. Will you ever give up?

"Total, next, next! I think Arts is better used than it was in the beginning... Let's go next!

But even the 38th World War, the total is flirting with my movements, pushing me as if I can't react. No, I can chase you with my eyes, but the arts switch is too chiggy to move. I would point that out, but I knew pointing that out wouldn't solve the problem. Because that is not the fundamental problem of the total.

"- Hi. Your body's moving first, and it's not working."

Yes, that's the biggest problem of all. The specs of the game are outweighed by your total life. Seriously, that's real cheat.

"I wish I could play games without using the arts for the first time...... hmm?

The whole thing whines casually, and I whine casually about the same thing.

"That's right - I'd rather not use Arts... hmm?

The total said it himself and seemed to notice. We said the exact same thing at the same time.

"" You shouldn't use Arts!?

Yes, how could I not have realized such an easy thing? If the support of the game hadn't kept up with the total movement, you didn't have to wear such shackles on purpose. You don't realize how easy this is. Am I an asshole? The total is an asshole too. We're assholes.

"Can you fight without the arts?

"You should be able to. I bet you can, but you've never heard of a human being fighting without arts. I've heard stories about the rarity of people like that in production."

But the total can do it. I was full of such unfounded confidence for some reason.

The total looks the best today, thanks to seeing a glimmer of light. I knew you'd look good on that face. If I were a woman, I'd have definitely fallen in love. I'm confident.

"All right, Hive, let's go on. My gauge is still red, so you're not fighting!

"Ok, so do you want to take a little distance and then go back to work? But with that HP, if you eat one more attack, it's over. Be careful, all right?

I set up my sword and shield again at a certain distance from the total.

"Again and again, my profession, the knight, is characterized by his high defense and his ability to equip himself with thick armored protective equipment. Your early-equipped gun won't do much damage if you attack it from the top of your armor. The only way to deal damage is to strike a gap in the armor or an armorless arm or foot."

"Copy that. Besides, if you use defensive arts, you can predict your opponent's attack to some extent, and even a shield can prevent bullets, right?

"If you know that much, you have nothing more to say from me. Put it on my armor."

Where the total is shooting guns in real life - of course - I've never seen it, but you can still hit my armor.

I fell into the illusion of standing on a tense battlefield somewhere, confronting the total.

The total has two pistols. That's initial gear, too. The outfit belongs to the initial equipment as well. By contrast, I am equipped with plate armor and iron, as well as shields and swords with a wide range of defenses, that can almost hide steep points all over my body. Differences in equipment are historical.

Even so, I don't have a problem with this PvP because it's all about starting to attack me and acquiring the skill to avoid misfiring. I don't know anything. If they see this, they'll see me like I'm annoying beginners.

With that in mind, I carefully observed the total movement - the world turned dark.


I panicked for a moment. That would be true too, my vision is dark in an instant. Having managed to take it off my panic, I first suspected that the VR machine [Rave] had failed. But there was no abnormal sign anywhere for the battery, audio, or video settings shown at the edge of the field of vision. And I finally realized. Shot in both eyes. But...

"Seriously. I had no idea when I shot you... I mean, I can't believe I shot both eyes exactly... No, seriously?

Is it possible to do that? No, I'm taking it now, and I guess I can because they showed it to me. This is... far beyond my imagination.

"Yeah, the shooting arm itself is pretty much with real life. I can shoot you uncomfortably."

Can you do this in real life flat. This guy... wow. After all, the total is a hero. And he's my best friend.

I eventually exploded unbearably happy when my vision recovered.

"You did it, total! With all this quickness and accuracy, we can do it now at all! I mean, no one can do that with art!

Yabe, I'm unhappy. I'm naturally glad that the total can continue to play this game, but the fact that I was able to help the total excites me.

"My eyes say it's hard just to get a snug headshot... and that's both. That's boulder real cheat. Besides, I can't believe you shot two bullets at such short intervals."

He's really amazing. That's what I thought. The total dropped another bomb on me.

"That was four shots I fired. I'm shooting in both eyes and on both sides of the armor gap."

"Eh -"

I froze my thoughts, my body, everything for a moment, and when it melted ice all at once, I hurried off my armor and checked my body. There's...

"True... there's a damage determination on both sides... so, but I only heard two shots!?

"That's right, because you're shooting at the same time. You have two pistols and you don't bother to shoot them alternately to imitate inefficiencies, do you?

... I've apparently created a hell of a monster in this world. Maybe he's not the lass boss.

Then again and again, I played PvP with the total - and I was beaten to death by the time I had no skin.

What I don't believe is that the total scratches my Arts [Defensive Shield] defense as if it doesn't even bother me and attacks the steeple exactly. No one would be able to make that move, even the top guild in the offensive group.

That's not all. All in all, I didn't do the Arts for Attack [Offensive Shield] with my shield, or the Arts for Attack [Blade Attack] with my sword as if it were a scuff. With no avoidance arts, no use of anything, the total dodged all attacks.

Extremely, I lent my spare sword in total. PvP between swords. Far faster and more diverse than the arts I use, and the aggressive attack was always carried out with a cool face. I was just a little depressed by this, too. No, well, it's more than half my responsibility to unleash this monster into this world... but I still want you to say it. Who can predict this?

Shortly afterwards, the general thanked me enough to persevere before falling. I almost fell to the dark side at risk, but I managed to stay there.

All in all, I feel a little tiredness from being made into a guitar and the overflowing fullness of being able to help the total, while lightly touching the items in the chat application that have been glowing for some time now.

[Oh, I finally got out. Hey hive? What's going on? Don't keep in touch.]

[Oh, bad. I can't take it off. I had something important to do. But it's over now.]

[Business? Ah, Fujido. Then you have no choice. Then I'd like to have a meeting tomorrow, so show your face over here for a second.]

[('· ω ·') Eh ~]

[| D] Ah?

[(; *) Yesser]

[Great, I'll see you later]

... Phew, you're going to be busy tomorrow.

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