Real Cheat Online

43 Stories Performance Survey to Start with Ichi

An underground test field guided by Mr. Smith. There were guns and bullets on the table unmade.

My father said that craftsmen can't be well organized, but I wonder if Mr. Smith is okay. No, this is a game, and shouldn't we bring real values here? Uh-huh......

"Soo, do you know anything about guns or anything in real life?

"No, not that far. I think the minimum in terms of use is tapped in, but maybe you don't know more about guns than people who buy books."


I answered normally, but Mr. Smith seemed to recognize me as "using" in this virtual world, and he didn't think I was using guns in real life. Well, usually it is, isn't it?

"Then I wonder if you could shoot this first"

That's what they gave me, a handgun paid for as Gunner's initial gear. I used to use it a while back, too.

"The bullet inside is not playing anything. It's just a handgun."

Believe the word and pull the trigger toward the target. Target is a type of people-shaped board that often looks at the test field in real life or something. Scatter the heart and head appropriately. Every place I hit leaves a beautiful bullet mark.

"This is amazing... is this the one called Shooting Using Arts? It's really something you can shoot so accurately."

No, nothing about that right now. Arts... no. Well, if that's what you're thinking, will you shut up here? Aoi, who knows the circumstances, has a slightly convulsive smile, too, and let's do that here.

"Then set this bullet for me next. If you refer to this bullet as a 'reload' for your hand, it will automatically be loaded."


Heading toward the newly prepared and shooting at the same spot as earlier. Then, unlike the earlier target, there is a slight trace of the hit.

"This is..."

Mr. Smith gets a nibble up his mouth on my leaked words.

"Well, have you noticed?"

Aoi opens his mouth as he looks at the exchange in wonder.

"Saw, what was the difference between those now?

"Uh-huh, you know what a blue is a full metal jacket?

"... I'm sorry, I don't know"

"No, that's okay. There's no way a normal girl knows such a noisy word. A full metal jacket is a bullet that emphasizes penetration and also has a personality that doesn't cause excessive suffering to the person who was shot."

"Yeah, but it hurts when you get shot, doesn't it? Then I'd rather not shoot you from the beginning..."

Yeah, that's right. You can't shoot me, can you? My heart aches when I talk to Aoi and I find out how I'm a Guess.

"Oh, sorry, Nasai. I need something extra."

"No, that's okay. So, as far as I can tell, all that was released when I shot the gun was ammunition of an unlimited nature close to this full metal jacket. Maybe this will be all the bullets that will be reloaded automatically."

It was all this type when I actually test-fired it in a store I stopped by in Urma town. Maybe the bullet that gets ejected saying it's a special gun or a high-ranking gun or something isn't the same as the initial setting, but at least I haven't come across any of those guns yet.

"By contrast, the bullet I just shot deforms the moment it lands instead of low penetration, making it easy for the bullet to remain in the subject's body. This allows you to spread the wound and increase the killing effect, so it's an effective bullet for the armored opponent of the bullet."

Of course in real life there are even more different kinds of ammunition in here, and there are other kinds besides this, but if you talk any more, you're going to get donned.

"You know me well. Did you check the books and the internet?

"Yep... well"

I remember touching it and using it and being used.

"Then this is the next one. There's still a few of them, so give it a try."

That's what Mr. Smith said. He brought with him a ton of bullets that were put in the box. This guy is pretty rough to use...

■ □ ■ □ ■

"It's over..."

I ended up in custody for over two hours. I'm so sorry for Aoi that he's waiting for me in the upstairs room reading the book. At first I said I could do what I wanted, but I couldn't say anything more if they smiled and told me I was waiting here. That smile is a permanent preservation decision in my brain folder.

"Thank you, Mr. Sow. Thanks to you, I saw all the challenges."

I actually tried shooting a lot of things, and there were quite a few bullets called eye-catching if only powerful ones. But many of them had some kind of challenge. The most common challenges were underdevelopment and bullet clogging, and the next most common was gun failure.

It is the player who is making the bullets, so naturally there are good and bad things involved there. I was ready for that. But I didn't think guns would break in this world.

It was me in a panic then, but Mr. Smith gave me a new gun right away that I didn't have to worry about. If you ask me, do you think the weapons maker doesn't have to worry about it at all because he can also master repair skills?

With that said, Shinji was also beckoned with a shield during the first boss battle, but you were fixed the next day. That didn't heal on its own after time. Wasn't this how they fixed it?

"Not many bullets seem to be available on a practical level at the moment, but I was wondering if you could take this with you if you like. I think it's hard to connect to a gun malfunction because I've only picked the bullets you used and had less of a problem with. If this breaks, I'll fix it for free."

"Well, if you don't, I'll pay you. It was a pretty good performance bullet."

"No, this is gratitude from me. Besides, it would be delicious for me if you became a famous player and promoted it. It's like an investment."

Hanzo told me a similar line. Is it worth investing in me like that?

"If that's what you mean, I understand. Let me take care of this."

"Nice to meet you, Saw."

Absolutely, how is this kind of craftsman cool?

"Yes, thank you"

Then I rendezvoused with Aoi, who was waiting for me in the upper room, knocking on the Halloween Gate again. The quest is not over once it is accomplished. It's the first time I've been rewarded for reporting it. Hiking is a hike until you get home.

"Well, it's been quite a while. I've divided it up, and I'll open it here today."

No more affects sleep time. Sleep deprivation is a natural enemy of beauty, but if the beauty of the battleship-class girl in front of me was compromised because of me, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. No, I don't think it's an exaggeration to say this is a treasure of humanity anymore. Humanity will not forgive me for such a great sin.

"Right...... right. It's already that time."

Is that it? I think I missed something. Though I felt a dark face for a moment.

"Shall I log out then?"

Sounds like you're out of your mind. What a beautiful smile to tell you. That smile will make my HP heal on its own. It's Behoma.

"Then you, Saw, be a jerk. You can't forget to submit your homework tomorrow, can you?

That said, she disappeared from my sight. The last time I spoke of Zaraki.

■ □ ■ □ ■

I managed to finish my homework after I broke up with Aoi, and I was brushing my teeth before I went to bed in the washroom. There,

"Brother, no!


I got an angel tackle from behind. Angel tackle, my brother - stuffy - dies.

Rugi, stop brushing your teeth.

"Ha ~ i"

Do you really understand this angel? I almost swallowed it. But you stood behind me brilliantly again. If Rugged's future dream was to be an assassin, you already have the skills to be.

"Can I wake up to this hour? Your mother's gonna scold you, huh?

"It's okay. 'Cause I was just playing with your mother."

Was that mother hanging out with such a childish angel all the way to this hour? What an envy - no kidding.

"What have you been doing with your mother all this time?

"Oh, hey, don't tell me."

"You still won't tell me? Brother...... I miss you"

Angels roar at my imminent act of squatting with their heads on the spot. Damn, I can't take the video with this attitude.

"Uh, the... oh, my mother. Your brother's acting so bad, it's already hard."

Whoa, you're a jerk, too.

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