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63 Stories Hell's Trial Beginning with Juuku

It was a huge rocky mountain and a huge, empty cave in front of it that greeted us when we landed on the island.

"Not if you're upset, Saw. This is the real deal."

Snow Princess's words brought my heart back to the battlefield as I watched the rocky mountains soar high in front of me.

"Here... your sister"

He shrugs in a voice like a canon disappearing as he reflects a pointy rocky mountain at the end of his trembling eyes. Is that an anxiety or an expectation or a wish there?

I really wanted him to stay on the ship with the pirates, but Kanon never changed his mind about any of our words. Then all I can do is protect Cannon and help Lilith out.

"Don't worry, Canon. I'll get your sister out of here."

"... ugh."

And we went into a huge cave.

■ □ ■ □ ■

"... you're not attacking anything"

"... right"

I expected a ghost's harsh welcome, but there was never any sign of an enemy. This time there is a priority to be given to enjoying the fight, so if you want to proceed safely, that's a good thing, but I even find it creepy that it's light.

"But if it's safe, it's a good thing."

Do you feel the same anxiety as I do, Aoi, even though she says so in words, I can see anxiety letters on her face.

"Oh, yeah. If Lilith finds out soon, she'll have nothing to say."

"I'm asking you to scout ahead now, but you haven't found anything yet. Let's keep going a little further."

Thou art one of Mop's partners, a bird-shaped monster. Size and appearance are mostly eagles, but their wings are cool monsters that are not wings but flames. Super jealous.

After that, and without any particular seemingly discovery, proceed while mapping the interior of the undisclosed island. While taking a small break for Canon on the way, I felt only a stronger sense of the passage of time without even feeling signs of other creatures as opposed to enemy attacks.

That's when.

"Well, I think you found something up ahead."

Tensions run between us in Mr. Mop's voice.

"Oh, but you don't seem to be in the fight, so I guess you don't have to get that far, do you?

Hmm? Is that what you're telling me? Did they tell you because I'm standing in front of a canon, with a gun in my hands, a knife in my mouth and a low profile?

"But if so, what did you find?

"Though it sounds like something big in the image that comes from you, I don't know any more. Well, let's go."

Just in case, I'll keep an eye out for traps and such, and I'll go as far as where you are. Eventually, a huge door was reflected in our sight.

"Is this... just a door?

"Ah, General. It says something on it."

Aoi points her thin, white finger over the door. It was written there:

[Q1: Answer the next reading of Kanji. A. Egypt B. Umbilical C. Albatross]

... Yep, Nanicole. Quiz? Huh?

"This is... a quiz, isn't it? I wonder if I should think I can move on if I solve it."

"Probably... but I'm sorry. I don't know one answer. [M] Saw, you are."

"Sorry Nasai!"

"Yeah, fast. Quick shot of a boulder, Mr. Soo. But it's okay, because I don't know either."

"Me too...... kanji is chot"

Tension and confusion stick in the faces of me, Mr. Mop and Mr. Snow Princess. This place looks like a more difficult dungeon than I expected. At least it's better than Okinawa area boss Jeezer's offense.

"Turn back now, you wretched intruder"

"Hey, what's this voice?"

"Duh, from where"

"I am the keeper of this island. If you really want to get through here, you can get past my trials. Solve this problem and we'll get through here. '

Damn it, I can't believe you're here to show up with this kind of obstacle. Definitely my strongest enemy since I started the game. Shit, this sucks. Goddamn it, here...

Egypt, Otsey, Ahoudri.

"" "Eh" "

"...... eh"

"Oh, that, wasn't it?

"Yes, no, you're right."

Ah, Aoi. Do you know everything about that? She's a talented woman.

"Gu, go through, but good, intruder."

Hey, where did the spare time just go, Keeper?

"Ah, the door opened. Lou, that's amazing! Great!"

"Mr. Blue is so smart."

With that said, you heard that Aoi and Tsui, unlike me and Shinji, are doing pretty well.

"Glad I could help you"

Aoi, you were so happy. I don't think I've seen you look like that in a long time.

"This door says" Question 1, "so there's still a chance that the problem will continue.

"That's true. Blue, I'm counting on you."

"Yes. Leave it to me."

And we walk behind the door. There was still nothing relative to the enemy after that, and when I reached the huge door again after walking for a few minutes or so, I heard that voice again from somewhere.

"All intruders, answer my question if you want to go through here."

Now is the time, now is the time to answer. Converting the heat of the flames that dwell in my eyes into energy, I turned my attention to the letters that came up on the door.

[Q2: Answer the ministers of Nobunaga Oda, the warring kingdom, and the four ministers called Shiteno Oda]

I don't know, motherfucker! What is this maniacal problem!

"It's Katsuya Shibata, Nagayu Tanyu, Ichigo Takikawa, Akechi Mitsui."

'... pass but good'

...... Aoi, can history go too?

Me and Mr. Mop and Mr. Snow Princess stare at Mr. Aoi with respect, while proceeding to the back of the door.

And again,

"Intruder, this is the time, this is the time I'm gonna let you turn back here."

Something's getting tense. Heavenly voice.

[Q3: Answer the next English word in Japanese. A.obduracy B.apostates C.profligacy]

So I don't know! Is this a message from an operation called Study Mochi, not just a game? You're too honest to argue.

"Stubborn, treacherous, wasted."

"... go through"

Uh, this is an instant answer, too. Aoi looks cheaper to me.

All right, next. Next.

"Yes, this is the graveyard of the Lord. Bye!

That's a character blur. Hey.

[Q4: 5 +5 +5 +5 = 555 Complete the correct formula by adding a single line to this formula]

Aoi-san, you're changing direction with the countermeasures, you son of a bitch! What is this problem? Because I have no idea. Does Aoi feel the same way about that face as I do? Damn, you're more humble than I thought, you watchman.

"Add a line to the leftmost '+' to make it '4', right?

"... yeah"

Snow princess instant answer!? How do I know that problem in an instant? I thought I was completely frozen. Hey, Keeper, you're totally out of shape. Hey.

"Mr. Snow Princess, you're amazing."

"Pfft, I'm good at these kinds of problems."

After that, we almost arrived at the last door after Aoi and, occasionally, Snow Princess answered the question, quenching the tense and challenging watchman's intentions.

'Gu, gu... this is the last door. What you seek is behind this. But it's not going to be easy. Now it's time, now it's time to distort that face in confusion Wow.'

Hear the voice of heaven now? I don't have any idea, but let's just remember.

[Q10: Answer the official name of Bangkok, the capital of Thailand]

... Wasn't that the official name? Did Mr. Mop know? No, that face, apparently one of mine. Mr. Snow Princess has a face - you've heard it before, but you forgot it.

If this happens, Mr. Aoi will do the favor. I'm sorry I didn't count on you.

But the words that came out of her mouth were diagonal to my imagination.

"Kruntape Pramahana Korn Amorn Rattana Korsin Mahintar Uttaya Mahardy Rock Pop Knopparat Larchattany Bree Rom Udmler Chani Wate Maher Saturn Amorn Pimmern Awa Turn Satit Sakkatattiya Wisanukam Plasit......"

Give it to me! You were never going to let me get this right. How can you remember such a thing, Aoi?

"Let it be, you're right."

We raise our voice of joy to the words of the heavenly voice, which answers without power.

"Yay, Lou, that's awesome"

"Awesome, Mr. Blue, really."

"Blue sister...... cool"

"Oh, thank you"

Blue replies with a grin to praise from the three. And at the end of the day, you and I, we met.

"Thanks Blue, thanks to Blue"

"Heh!? No, that, I'm glad to be of service, is. But we're going to."

"Well, that's where we're from."

When we shared our joy with her and everyone who said that in embarrassment, we once again took a serious look at the door.

'... it's not as easy as this for me. Coming through but good, you fools. But you will regret it. You've dived through my trials and moved on.'

I don't know what you meant by that. But there is no better option than to turn back here. Just do it, and get Canon's smile back.

We let each one of us roll the flames of determination and open the last door.

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