Real Empress from a Noble Family

Vol 3 Chapter 39: I'm not here to see you flirting!

Biquge, the latest chapter after the latest update!

Deng Yi was shocked, and looked at Qiu Qilan with complex eyes: "Sure enough, you ..." Although he did not like women at all, even if Qiu Qilan was his fiancee and he was peerless, but there was always a relationship between the two. With a marriage contract. This time Jiang Yashuang would actually appear in Qiu Qilan's room. Seeing his silent appearance apparently familiar with the road ... Deng Yi still felt unhappy for a while.

"You really treat me as a dead man!" Deng Yi Leng snorted, mockingly, "I said before that I would marry another woman to set you free, and didn't want me to find someone yet. Can you wait to find it? "

Such a degree of ridicule is nothing to Qiu Qilan at all. She's calm and calm: "How can I allow you to like young and fair-looking handsome men, but not me?"

"You!" Deng Yi jumped on his forehead!

Jiang Yashuang, who was about to speak for his sweetheart, was in a good mood, and laughed, "Did you always think that I was fair and handsome?"

"This is natural." Qiu Qilan proudly said, "Am I going to look at crooked dates?"

Jiang Yashuang laughed: "Who said it was not rare before me? Now I mean it ..."

"I'm not here to see you flirting!" Deng Yiren patted the table inexorably, whispering angrily, "Would you like to be serious ?!"

Jiang Yashuang then looked at him and said, "Is n’t I just saying serious things? As long as you are willing to dissolve the marriage contract, the conditions are good. Ask someone to give someone money or money ... despite the price!"

He looks like Deng Yi with a wealth of money. It is not pleasing to the eye because of his scoring. Why he has been studying hard for many years, in order to find a chance to go to the test, he must go all out to find a way, and the same age as him Can Jiang Yashuang put down the tyrant's style lightly?

With envy and jealousy, Deng Yi said lightly: "You can also agree to the conditions for the Queen Mother to return to the harem and return the Queen Mother?"

Jiang Yashuang smiled: "You don't want to talk about it." The smile was cold.

Deng Yi was not afraid of him. This is Xihe Palace, or Qiu Qilan's house. He came to visit today to cross the Ming Road. If Jiang Yashuang shots at him here, Qiu Qilan will definitely be known for his reputation. The county master and the gang husband are colluding to murder the fiancé. This accusation should not be too angry or too angry!

This will detect his killing intentions, and Deng Yi still sneers: "Talk well? How to talk? I grew up in the Guangyang King's Mansion, and the blood of the Gu family shed on my body. If I trust in your Jiang family, how can the Gu family let me go? ? And you Jiang family will protect me with all your heart? At the very least, I will ensure that the meeting ends-after that, the Gu family can send a house slave to kill me! "

"It's as if our Jiang family doesn't have a slave!" Jiang Yashuang did not hide his murderous heart.

Deng Yi said coldly, "If your slaves want to fight against me, you have to go through the Gu family's level first. The Gu family won't fall in this life, it's all the same! Can your Jiang family protect me for a lifetime?"

Jiang Yashuang is tit-for-tat: "Gu Gu is willing to protect you for a lifetime? Will Gu Lu hold you in his arms to protect your law? Your experience like this is replaced by our Jiang family. Who dares to treat his cousins ​​like this, my grandfather is sure Will kill people by themselves! "

"That's your cousin!" Deng Yi's face paled for a moment, he clenched his fists and said, "But I'm not your cousin!"

Qiu Qilan frowned: "Don't make a noise!" She asked Deng Yi, "You came here today to persuade me to marry you? Wouldn't you think that with empty mouth and white teeth, I would agree? What about it? Take it out, don't waste your time! "

Deng Yi snorted and glanced at Jiang Yashuang with a hint: "It has something to do with Ruan Qingyan, do you really want him to listen here?"

Qiu Qilan's face changed, and she immediately said, "Nineteen, you go back first."

Jiang Yashuang frowned: "Brother Ruan has trouble? I think I should be able to help."

"It's only you who can help him. Trouble!" Deng Yi sneered at Qiu Qilan and said, "Now you should understand what I mean? Even if we terminate the engagement, you will marry him-really don't care Ruan Qingyan ?! "

Being reminded by him, Qiu Qilan suddenly thought: "Since the queen mother knows her brother's identity, if I marry nineteen, in their eyes, the Jiang family will also become the brother's backer ... how could they allow it ?!"

This is tantamount to forcing the queen mother party dog ​​to jump over the wall, and spare no effort to kill Qiu Jinglan!

Qiu Qilan's face was iron blue, and he gritted his teeth and said, "You are so hard!"

Deng Yi sneered, "I'm just a messenger. I have a debt and a lord. Don't come at me!"

Jiang Yashuang asked blankly: "Lan Lan, what's the matter, can you tell me?"

"No!" Qiu Qilan rubbed his forehead, whispered to him, and continued to ask Deng Yi, "So, am I married to you?"

Deng Yi said: "Unless you completely ignore Ruan Qingyan, but I know it is impossible, isn't it?"

Jiang Yashuang heard the words and immediately looked at Qiu Lan.

The latter was silent for a long time before saying: "The marriage contract can be terminated for the time being, but don't mention it during the marriage period."

Deng Yidao: "Do you think I can make the decision? To tell you the truth, I am so broke for my hometown test and meeting test that I have to mention the word 'marriage contract' for myself and save me time!"

Jiang Yashuang was really intolerable, and it was not easy to get angry at Qiu Qilan. This would yin and yell: "You don't care about your marriage when you die!"

"I'm dead, Ruan Qingyan don't even think about living!" Deng Yi smiled suddenly and got up. "Ning Yi, think about it!"

Ignore them after speaking, just walk away!

Jiang Yashuang looked sharply, but hesitated for a moment. He didn't say nothing, but looked at Qiu Qilan, whose expression was uncertain. "What does he mean just now? Why did he die? Also touched? Did Brother Ruan fall into their hands? "

"No." Qiu Qilan bit her lip and said for a while. "I promised my cousin that he wouldn't say it. You go back. I have to think about it ..."

"What the **** is it ?!" Jiang Yashuang took a deep breath and tried to make his tone as gentle and normal as possible. "You have always been clever. If it is not extremely difficult, how can you be like this? We are a family in the future, why do you Seeing out? "

Qiu Qilan was upset and said, "Well, you go first anyway!"

Jiang Yashuang watched her for a while before she said in a deep voice: "Okay, I'll go!"

He heard the anger in his words, but Qiu Qilan was so anxious to die now that she had no mood to control him. After sending him away, she began to think about how to break the situation-the problem is that the Queen Mother is holding Qiu Jinglan's life- You must know that even if Qiu Jinglan is holding "The End of the World", the Queen Mother will be forced to openly, and he will definitely die!

Otherwise why should Qiu Jinglan hide her name? !!

"My brother can't die, I don't want to marry-hey, it seems that the queen mother can only die. The question is, how is she going to die ?!" For several days, Qiu Qilan frowned.

The past few days in Beijing have been calm. On the other side of the Ruan's house, people send inquiries every day and say that everything is normal.

It was Su He who occasionally asked Jiang Yashuang as if he hadn't been here for a few days. Qiu Qilan only noticed the abnormality of these days, but she thought about it and still didn't go to him-it was hard to explain when she met. Hang it first ... As for whether things will come to light, the future lives of your siblings are all hanging out. Where can you take care of it?

Qiu Qilan chose the cold treatment irresponsibly, but she did not know that Jiang Yashuang had gone negatively, and she had been waiting for her to take the initiative to coax. As a result, there were no figures on the left and no figures on the right, but Jiang Yadan came. Laughed: "I said that there are ten out of ten small county masters. Nine are people behind you, most of them Ruan Qingyan, you still don't believe it!"

Jiang Yashuang said with a somber face: "We are just arguing, my brother, don't talk nonsense!"

"Come to coax me?" Jiang Yadan sneered. "If there is a quarrel, it must be because someone is outside her? Otherwise, if you make a profit, you will already run away to pay for your sins! Can you still read in the house all day long ?! "

When Jiang Yashuang saw him pierce, he had to sigh: "It has something to do with Ruan Qingyan, but I don't think it's because they have anything else ... otherwise she won't have no cover in front of me. She should have this cleverness Right? "

"In the art of war, the truth is the truth, the truth is the truth, who knows if it is to keep you from doubting, or if you have doubts, there are reasons to justify it?" Jiang Yadan advised, "In my opinion, why do you torture like this? What about yourself? Women, but that's the same thing ... you just haven't succeeded yet, it's not unusual to wait!

"I won't tell you anymore!" Jiang Yashuang also began to doubt Qiu Lan's relationship with Ruan Qingyan in his heart—and he was deeply skeptical. He talked to Jiang Yadan. I expected this brother to deny it and make him feel better. Jiang Yadan was afraid he didn't doubt it! Now I became more and more depressed, and I wanted to get angry. I simply pushed down the desk and strode out the door. "I'll go to Bicheng for consultation!"

Jiang Yadanha said: "You can relax, that kid is more powerful than a chicken without hands, and he has a limited power ... If you are upset, you want to find someone who is out of breath, but you can also find someone who is stronger, better than me. Order it! Otherwise don't get him into trouble! You must know that he will go back to the north to take the township test at the latest in July! "

But he was worried for Obi City in vain. Jiang Yashuang rushed to the European government aggressively and asked about the location of Obi City, but he couldn't come up with a word of "discussion" when he arrived at the place-because a young girl in a red suit rushed to him first. He put forward a test request: "Brother, he is so utterly wasteful. He only took me a dozen tricks and said he wouldn't fight! Exactly nineteen you came, let's compare?"

This girl is only fifteen or sixteen years old. She has a beautiful skin and beautiful skin. She has a pair of phoenix eyes under her curved eyebrows. Her dark blue silk is not stingy, but she forms a pony tail behind her head. She is wearing a fiery red jacket with a waist around her. Gold silk soft whip, black boots with black boots, can be described as heroic and charming-it is Ou Bicheng's younger sister Ou Qinglan.

She and Jiang Yashuang have also known each other since they were young. The two did not fight each other for the first time, but Jiang Yashuang did not agree this time: "You are back? I have something to do with your brother, look back and compare." Where is he now? Thinking of a test? It wouldn't matter if Obi City was a boy since childhood and occasionally had a chat with each other, but Ou Qinglan ... Although he is also an acquaintance, it is always a girl. In case he really loses his hand when he really does, Miss missed, what the **** is going to happen?

Obi City, who had been abused for a long time by his younger sister, could not wait to leave to heal his heartache, relieved, and gave him a grateful look: "Let's talk in the study!"

"What's the matter?" Ou Qinglan asked curiously, "Yes, I heard that you have a sweetheart, so you live next door to your house, and it looks like a beauty? Take me to see if you can? Aunt Zhuang also told me to take a look for her! Let me talk first, if the person is not good, I will not help you to say good things in front of Aunt Zhuang! "

If she usually asks about Qiu Qilan, Jiang Yashuang will show off proudly. After all, Qiu Qilan doesn't say anything about beauty, there is absolutely nothing to be faulty about. but now? Ou Qinglan's remark was tantamount to stabbing him at the pain point. Jiang Yashuang didn't lose his temper easily, and only said lightly, "Let's talk again, I'm going to talk to your brother now."

Ou Qinglan was very disappointed. When Jiang Yashuang and Ou Bicheng left, her daughter-in-law came up: "Are you afraid you won't have the chance to see the county master? How come you can't touch it during the Spring Festival?"

"That's right!" Ou Qinglan's eyes brightened, and she clapped her hands and smiled, "I hope she's a good ... Aunt Zhuang has told me again and again, if the person is not good, partial 19 and obsessed with persuasion, use me casually Whatever it takes to break them up! "

It's not easy to answer this girl, but I have to take care of others: "The son and nineteen sons are gone. Do you still practice swords?"

"No, go back and order a little jewelry. The rush to come back this time is not enough to bring things up." Ou Qinglan shook her head. "The Qianqiu Festival may be right with the sweetheart of Nineteen. Think about this dress so as not to face She was compared to the previous station, and she was weak! "

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