Gu Bing was even more miserable than he thought.

After just a few minutes of persistence, all psychological defenses collapsed.


The dead body just scratched and pulled on him a few times, made a few cuts, and cut off a few pieces of flesh and blood.

There was absolutely no chance to show off more talent.

But their terrifying appearance and abhorrent aura have already brought Gu Bing to the edge of mental collapse.

He shouted at the top of his lungs.

What do you want to know? I'll tell you everything.

Zhu Zheng said lightly: Misty.

Gu Bing's expression changed and his tone became hesitant.

I actually don't know much about the fog.

Zhu Zheng didn't waste any time and took a step back.

Advanced talent.

Gu Bing said hurriedly: No, I will tell you everything, as long as you keep those damn monsters away from me.

In order to survive and not suffer from An Xipu again, Gu Bing didn't hide anything and told everything.

In the face of life, gang interests are not worth mentioning.

He continued: Actually, the matter about the mist started when the group of men in black came to talk to me.

In Gu Bing's intermittent narration, Zhu Zheng learned the inside story hidden in it.

In fact, before the fog came, some people had already predicted the occurrence of the fog.

This is a church organization called The Mist.

The Church of Mist is very mysterious. All members wear black priest uniforms with hoods covering their heads, making it impossible to see their faces.

The only symbol is the hexagonal Mist Medal worn on his chest.

Gu Bing said: Members of the Church of the Mist told my cousin that a disaster sweeping the world is about to come. This is a horrific disaster that will destroy the world. Whoever punishes human beings for greed, no one can be spared.

But as long as we cooperate with the Mist Church, they will give us a hundred indulgences, which can temporarily avoid disaster.

“And the moment before the disaster completely breaks out, it will take us away so that we can live eternally in the kingdom of God.”

It's the same old trick again, nothing new at all.

Zhu Zheng asked: Do you believe this kind of deceptive nonsense?

Gu Bing said with a sad face: My cousin naturally doesn't believe it, but the opponent is too strong. Several brothers were tortured and killed, so we had no choice but to surrender.

What did those people from the Church of the Mist ask you to do?

They gave us some beads and told us to take them around the town within a set time, and the time was very strict.

A bead is equivalent to a container for storing mist.

Gu Bing participated in this operation.

It was late at night.

He waited in a park in the town with the beads.

When the appointed time came, he witnessed the beads explode and a wisp of mist emerge from them.

Almost at the same time.

Hundreds of fogs rose at the same time, blending over the town, and eventually became one large area.

Wait, you said the mist emerged from the town?

Zhu Zheng was keenly aware of the doubts.

Because the current fog is blocked at the edge of the town, which is inconsistent with Gu Bing's story.

Yes, the fog enveloped the entire town at first. I could see the terrifying monsters coming out of the fog and wreaking havoc in the town. Many people died as a result.

The fog monster didn't attack you?

Because I was wearing an indulgence, the fog monsters didn't attack me.

Gu Bing handed over the indulgence note honestly.

This is an iron card, about the size of an ordinary business card.

On the front is an eye pupil covered by fog, and on the back is a line of text.

[The world will eventually be destroyed, and I will live forever in the mist. 】

However, at this time, there was a deep crack on the surface of the indulgence and it had lost its effect.

This may also be the reason why Gu Bing cooperated with the handover.

Gu Bing continued: The fog had swallowed up the town, but a strong wind came from nowhere and blew the fog out of the town. I also asked people from the Church of Mist, and they just said they knew, and then didn't Give us more answers.”

This is all Gu Bing knows.

As for what the Hongxing Gang did after that, they were completely the fruits of evil that bloomed on the soil created by the Church of Mist.

[Indulgences] are what Gu Wu and others rely on to commit evil.

After the birth of Mist, all the people in Mist Church disappeared, and only Gu Wu could contact them unilaterally.

After squeezing out all the information Gu Bing knew.

Zhu Zheng picked up the pistol he dropped on the ground.

No, please don't kill me. I can do a lot for you. I can help you contact me.

Sorry, I don't need a scumbag as my subordinate, but for your cooperation, I can give you a pleasure.

Zhu Zheng pulled the trigger.

The look in Gu Bing's eyes disappeared instantly, and his whole body fell heavily to the ground.

He casually lowered his pistol and planned to continue harvesting the rest of the gang, but suddenly he felt something.

Take the Thousand-Faced Pocket from your inventory.

The surface of the pocket began to undulate violently, as if a kitten was begging for food and was stamping on its milk crazily.

At the same time, he sensed a craving for food.

Zhu Zhengqi said: Do you want to eat this?

The human skin pocket bulged, indicating an affirmative answer.

Okay, he's yours.

Zhu Zheng let go and watched curiously, wondering how the human skin bag completed eating.

The human skin pocket automatically floats in the air.

The pocket was open, and a puff of smoke enveloped Gu Bing on the ground.

The sounds of chewing and cutting flesh could be vaguely heard in the smoke.

After about a few minutes, the smoke dissipated, leaving only a shriveled corpse on the ground with the facial skin completely cut off.

Great, I'm totally sure where the human skin mask came from.

Zhu Zheng muttered to himself.

He was certain that in the [card pool] of Qianmian Pocket, there must be an extra card of Gu Bing's.

However, this guy is so weak that he definitely cannot meet the one-star standard. At best, he is just the material for upgrading the human skin mask.

Next, Zhu Zheng captured several more senior cadres and verified their confessions through cross-questioning.

After confirming that the information provided by Gu Bing was accurate, he started the killing tonight.

Due to tonight's [Team Building], he killed all the senior cadres of the Hongxing Gang and no one escaped.

But Gu Wu was not present.

Because he didn't like this format, he left early after selecting two women.

The other women at the banquet, who had been given drugs in advance, had fallen asleep and did not notice the killing at all.

This will make it easier for me to move. Leave these people here for now. I will notify Yan San to send someone to deal with them later.

There are many ways to convey information.

For example, find a homeless man on the street, give him a sum of money, and ask him to tell Yan San the information here.

Another example is sneaking in late at night and quietly leaving a branch beside his pillow.

After thinking briefly, he walked out of the room and went straight to the floor where Gu Wu was.

Gu Wu, I hope you know more information.

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