Real game: max out the explosion value at the start!

Chapter 12 The second time, burst out with all your strength!

" exciting!"

Dashi, who was watching the fight, was stunned!

The fight between Ye Yun and Yue Wuying had lasted for nearly two minutes!

Dashi could only see a shadow of a gun!

And Yue Wuying was like a magic needle in the shadow of the gun! Unmovable as a mountain!

"Although Deputy Director Yue did not take out his own weapon, as a master of his generation..." Dashi swallowed his saliva.

"His bare-handed skills are far beyond ordinary people! So amazing, he actually completely resolved Ye Yun's gun skills."

Just as Dashi finished exclaiming, Yue Wuying took the initiative to attack!

In a flash, a palm slapped Ye Yun's body!


Ye Yun was beaten back two steps.

"Deputy Director Yue is really amazing, I am no match for him." Ye Yun shook his head helplessly.

Although he did not use his full strength, he also exerted his acquired strength to the extreme! Coupled with the first level of Yue's gun skills.

But he still had no way to deal with Yue Wuying!

The gap is bigger than he thought before. Yue Wuying with bare hands is also very strong!

"Is it just this level?" Yue Wuying looked at Ye Yun with interest.

"Ye Yun, I intend to recommend you to meet the chief curator! The chief curator is the world's first person...

In front of him, you can ask for a live beastman! If you really need a live beastman...

Show your real strength!"

Ye Yun's expression changed slightly.

Real strength?

How did Yue Wuying know that he still had some strength left?

"Oh?" Seeing Ye Yun's slight change in expression, Yue Wuying also confirmed his guess!

"Sure enough, this kid, during the school test, only the first punch did not hide his weakness."

Thinking of this, Yue Wuying continued to stimulate Ye Yun.

"Boy! If you continue to hide your weakness, I will not recommend you to meet the chief curator! This is the only chance!

Think about it yourself!"

Hearing Yue Wuying's words, Ye Yun took a deep breath and slowly stood up.

"Okay! Deputy Director Yue, today, I will burst out all my strength to show you! But...

Deputy Director, I recommend you to take out your own weapon, otherwise... I'm afraid you can't bear it!"

Ye Yun had a rough calculation in his mind. He normally used the power of a post-natal extreme warrior, plus the gun skills.

This level is stronger than ordinary post-natal extreme warriors.

And Yue Wuying with bare hands is stronger than himself in this state! But not much stronger.

Once I use all the power of my body, I will probably be able to easily defeat Yue Wuying with bare hands.

Therefore, without weapons, Yue Wuying may be a little dangerous!

"You kid." Dashi spoke at this time.

"Didn't I tell you? Deputy Director Yue is a master of gun skills!

If he takes out his own weapon, you don't have a chance! You should defeat the deputy director with bare hands first!"

Yue Wuying also stood there empty-handed, without using any weapons!

Obviously, he also felt that his bare hands were enough.

"Okay, I've reminded you..." Ye Yun took a deep breath.

If you don't want to take a weapon, then don't take it!

If you get hurt, you can't blame yourself!

"Hah!" Ye Yun burst out with all his strength instantly!

He stimulated the power of his body to the limit! This was the second time Ye Yun burst out with all his strength after the physical test!

"Hmm?" Yue Wuying narrowed his eyes slightly.

He clearly felt that Ye Yun's body now contained a powerful force!

At this moment, Ye Yun seemed to have turned into a prehistoric beast!

"Interesting, is this Ye Yun at full strength?"

As soon as this thought came to his mind, he saw Ye Yun shoot out!


The speed of the gun was like lightning!

"How could it be... so fast?" Yue Wuying exclaimed, and then hurriedly defended!



Dashi was stunned!

Because, in his eyes, Ye Yun burst out instantly, and the next second, he had rushed behind Yue Wuying!

The speed was so fast that he couldn't see clearly at all!

"How come the speed has increased so much?" Dashi rubbed his eyes, not believing what he had seen before.

"The increase in physical fitness is not only about strength, but also about speed." Ye Yun just whispered.


At this time, a drop of liquid fell on the floor.

"Yue...Yue..." Dashi suddenly discovered something.

"Deputy Director Yue, are injured?"

At this moment, Yue Wuying covered his right arm, and a wound suddenly appeared on his shoulder!

Blood kept flowing from the wound!

"Could it be...Ye Yun did it? This..." Dashi was completely shocked!

As a master of the generation, Yue Wuying is an absolute emperor in the acquired realm! Walking sideways!

How come today...he was actually beaten by a sophomore! ?

It's like the world boxing champion was defeated by an elementary school student, which is simply unacceptable!

"Good boy...I still underestimated you." Yue Wuying covered his shoulder, then turned to look at Ye Yun.

"I didn't expect that I would make the mistake of underestimating the enemy...

But, kid, you don't have to show mercy! Your shot could have penetrated my shoulder!

But you deliberately missed it by a few points at the end, so that I was only injured."

"Show mercy?!" Dashi was shocked again!

Deputy Director Yue's arm was injured, but Ye Yun showed mercy?


"Too crazy, this world." Dashi couldn't help whispering.

And Ye Yun just looked at Yue Wuying calmly.

"I didn't expect that when I changed my gun skills in the end, Deputy Director Yue could also find it. He is worthy of being a master of gun skills."

He was not surprised that he could injure Yue Wuying with his bare hands!

In terms of level, he felt that Yue Wuying with his bare hands should be elite! Moreover, he was a weaker elite.

With full burst and gun skills, he should be a very strong elite! It can even be said that he is not far from the super elite.

With such a big gap, it is normal for him to defeat Yue Wuying with one shot.

At the same time, Ye Yun glanced at Yue Wuying's panel.

Health bar: 96%!

The shot just now made Yue Wuying lose 4% of his blood!

"If the shoulder is penetrated, it may be about 10% of the health bar." Ye Yun muttered.

At the same time, Ye Yun also saw that there was an additional bleeding status in Yue Wuying's panel!

Bleeding: Yue Wuying's right shoulder is injured. If the battle continues, more blood will be lost!

"Huh." Yue Wuying breathed a sigh of relief.

"Good boy, come, let's fight again!"

"Hey, Deputy Director Yue, don't you bandage it first?" Ye Yun looked at Yue Wuying who was bleeding and reminded him.

"It doesn't matter!" Yue Wuying casually pointed at his shoulder!

In an instant, the blood from the wound stopped flowing.

At the same time, under Ye Yun's observation, the bleeding status also disappeared.

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