"Haha, I'm your driver, Brother Ye!" Dashi laughed.

"If you need a car in the future, just contact me directly!"

"Oh?" Ye Yun nodded.

He could see that Dashi was serious and determined to serve him!

He wanted to hug his thighs tightly.

"Then let's go, let me see the exploration team of Xinghe Martial Arts School." Ye Yun got in the car.

"Okay!" Dashi laughed and closed the car door.

Then, he drove and took Ye Yun out of the community...

As they left, curious people in the community came out.

"Why is the car from Xinghe Martial Arts School coming again? Has some big shot appeared in our community?"

"Hmm? Don't you know yet? Why is the news so blocked?"

"Know what?"

"Old Deng has spread it all! He said that it was Old Ye from our community, and his child had reached the limit of the day after tomorrow."

"That Ye Yun?"


"Is it true? When I was a child, I took him to that..."

"It should be true. I heard that Old Ye is so leisurely now! He recuperates at home every day! He does nothing. I envy him..."

"Alas! What's the use of envying others? I'm going to move bricks and support a family!"

"Well, I'm going to move more too. I hope my child can be half as hardworking as Ye Yun..."


Xinghe Martial Arts School, Dashi brought Ye Yun to the door.

"We're here."

"Well." Ye Yun got off the car and walked towards the martial arts school.

Soon, Ye Yun and Yue Wuying met.

"Ye Yun, are you sure you want to join the exploration team?" Yue Wuying couldn't help asking as soon as they met.

"Yes, I want to hone my skills." Ye Yun responded.

"That's not just an ordinary training. If you're not careful, you'll die." Yue Wuying shook his head and sighed.

"Forget it, since you've made up your mind, there's no need for me to persuade you!

Are you here to go out of the base city to explore in the near future?"

"Yes." Ye Yun didn't hide it.

"Okay, I'll show you if there are any teams that are leaving recently!" Yue Wuying took out his tablet and searched for it.

"Oh, I found it... This afternoon, there's a team going out to explore!

You can definitely apply to join!"

"This afternoon? OK!" Ye Yun also took out his mobile phone.

On his mobile phone, there is the exclusive software of Xinghe Martial Arts Hall.

Soon, he found the team that Yue Wuying mentioned from the software.

"Apply!" Ye Yun clicked.

Soon, the application was approved.

"The next step is to check your gathering point." Yue Wuying reminded.

"I know." Ye Yun nodded and clicked to view the gathering point.

Ye Yun found that this gathering point was at the Xinghe Martial Arts Hall!

"It's set at the Xinghe Martial Arts Hall."

"Well, many exploration teams will set the gathering point inside the martial arts hall." Yue Wuying was not surprised.

"After the members are confirmed, everyone will go to the edge of the base city."

"What I have to do now is to wait for the other members to arrive? Right?" Ye Yun asked.

"Yes, you don't need to do anything, just wait." Yue Wuying replied.

"Okay." Ye Yun nodded and waited....

It was around noon when Ye Yun's exploration team was fully staffed!

First, it was the only innate warrior in the team, used to protect the acquired members.

[Name: Hu Dandan

HP bar: 100%

Level: Innate First Level

Grade: Ordinary

Note: An innate practitioner. Gender: Female. ]

After that, it was the other three acquired practitioners.

[Name: Li Yifan

HP: 100%

Level: Acquired 4th level

Rank: Elite

Note: An elite acquired practitioner]

[Name: Li Fengshun

HP: 100%

Level: Acquired 4th level

Rank: Ordinary

Note: An ordinary acquired practitioner]

[Name: Daniu

HP: 100%

Level: Acquired 4th level

Rank: Elite

Note: Another elite acquired practitioner]

In the team, except for the captain of the innate practitioner, all others are male.

Li Yifan and Li Fengshun are obviously brothers.

"Amazing! There is only one ordinary acquired 4th level in the whole team." Ye Yun couldn't help but sigh.

As expected of a team that often goes out to explore, everyone's strength is stronger than the ordinary acquired 4th level!

In fact, this team can have so many elite warriors.

The most important thing is that they have been practicing for a long time!

Including the captain of Xiantian, these three post-natal warriors have basically practiced for nearly a hundred years!

After a hundred years, they naturally have some means. It is normal that they are stronger than ordinary post-natal practitioners.

"Deputy Director Yue, long time no see!" The three post-natal warriors greeted Yue Wuying enthusiastically when they saw him.

No one dared to neglect this martial arts master!

They knew very well that although Yue Wuying was a post-natal extreme warrior like them, he was much stronger than them!

Even Daniu couldn't help sighing.

It would be great if Deputy Director Yue could join our exploration team! The safety of the entire team can be greatly improved!

But he also knew...he was dreaming!

Deputy Director Yue was strong and had a high status. How could he go to the base city to gamble his life like them?

"Deputy Director Yue, we meet again." The team leader, the only innate master, Hu Dandan also came over.

"You are still as charming as ever!"

Even though Hu Dandan was innate, she was very respectful to Yue Wuying!

As a master of the acquired realm, the gap between Yue Wuying and Hu Dandan was very small!

And once Yue Wuying broke through to the innate realm, Hu Dandan would have to look up to him!

So, Hu Dandan didn't dare to put on airs in front of Yue Wuying.

"You're welcome." Yue Wuying was very calm, and just patted Ye Yun beside him.

"This is your new member! The warrior of the acquired limit, Ye Yun!"

"Oh?" Hu Dandan only noticed Ye Yun beside him!

Because Ye Yun was too young, she thought Ye Yun was a descendant of Yue Wuying's family at first.

"So young, not yet thirty?" Hu Dandan couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Ahem, just twenty." Ye Yun coughed lightly.

Hu Dandan:...

Li Yifan:...

Li Fengshun:...


Just twenty?

You are not the genius who broke through in school a few days ago and created a record of acquired cultivation, right?


After a few days of fermentation, Ye Yun's reputation has also spread a lot!


"Genius does not equal strength..."

"Yes, the acquired limit that has just been broken through and the acquired limit that has been cultivated for a hundred years, who is stronger and who is weaker, it is self-evident!"


Several people hesitated!

It was extremely dangerous for them to enter the wilderness area to explore.

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