Real game: max out the explosion value at the start!

Chapter 215: Do we need to compare this, too?

The young woman didn't understand, but the Holy Mother sounded pretty powerful. Could she really do it?

"No one in this world is more suitable to be a Holy Mother than you." Ye Yun patted the other party's shoulder.

"Go ahead and remember the route I told you."

"Oh...Okay." The young woman nodded in understanding. She decided to go to the Blue Star first!

After all, I am going to be a virgin, which sounds awesome!

Before leaving, she also gave a few words of advice.

"Remember, give up hatred! Don't be blinded by hatred! Be kind to others..."


"I'm not deceived. If I can't avenge my mother... I'm a woman in vain!"

Huan Youyou has the appearance of a great emperor and is determined, so naturally she will not be easily influenced.

"Let's go shopping some more." Ye Yun continued to move forward.

"Yes!" Huan Youyou followed behind Ye Yun happily.

Lord Baiyu and the others didn't say anything, they just followed Ye Yun.

At the same time, the leader of the White Jade Kingdom was distracted and glanced at the virtual world.

"Oh? It seems that most of the senior executives are here... Are there one or two left? I guess it will be almost done by the time Ye Yun finishes shopping..."


In the territory of the Tu'an tribe, the king sat on the throne.

"Report to the king!" A guard came over excitedly.

"According to our informants... Ye Yun is now on the White Jade Star! The Lord of the White Jade Kingdom seems to be holding a banquet...

Many high-level officials from the White Jade Kingdom were specially gathered together, and they should be introduced to Ye Yun! "

"Oh? He's in White Jade Star?" Wang nodded.

"We are on White Jade Star. Are there any powerful assassins?"

"That's not true...but." The guard looked at the king.

"We have several high-level family members in White Jade we need them to take action?"

After hearing this, the king pondered for a moment.

"No need." Wang said slowly.

"They don't need to take action, don't alert the enemy...don't do anything to harm Ye Yun before our real killer arrives.

But... we can let those family members provoke Ye Yun, so that we can collect Ye Yun's combat information.

What we know so far is that the real trump cards, such as illusion, strong physique, and Five Elements Battle Formation, need to be understood. "

"Yes!" the guard responded.

Then he went down.


In the human territory, Su Hong stood in the void.

He looked down at the communication device in his hand.

"Oh? The Tu'an tribe is starting to prepare to assassinate Ye Yun... I also have to prepare things.

Don't let Ye Yun really die by then. "

Then, Su Hong took a deep breath and sent a message.

[Father, I’m going to start too. Ye Yun’s soul will go to your original world at any time... Please pay attention! 】

A moment later, Su Hong also received a reply.

[I'm ready, and I've also prepared a big gift for this guy! The great gift prepared by the Lord of the Temple is like a younger brother compared to me! 】

Seeing the message sent by his father, Su Hong couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Is this still a comparison? Forget it... let's get down to business."

Su Hong looked at Bai Yuxing from afar...


On the White Jade Star, Ye Yun and his party had just finished shopping at the street stalls.

"The harvest this time is not bad." Ye Yun was quite satisfied.

Later, he picked up another venom.

It's very terrifying, enough venom to hurt the eternal realm!

"Sure enough, with my destiny, I should be able to go shopping at street stalls or something."

"Just right." Lord Baiyu looked at Ye Yun.

"It seems that our senior officials are almost gathered here. Ye Yun and we can go to the White Star Hall."

White Star Hall?

Huan Youyou blinked. Isn't that the place where the Lord of the White Jade Kingdom entertains guests?

If you want to go to that place, you can only invite the White Jade King...

Oh my god, is Brother Ye Yun’s identity so powerful?

Although she had speculated before that Ye Yun seemed to have a powerful identity, she didn't dare to think about it...

Ye Yun was able to get acquainted with the legendary White Jade King who controlled countless star fields!

"Our Luofeng world is actually a planet... belonging to the Nine Realms Star Alliance!

Within the Nine Realms Star Alliance, there are countless planets similar to the Luofeng world...

And the White Jade Kingdom has thousands of Star Alliances...Thousands of Star Alliances and countless planets, all of which are controlled by the Lord of the White Jade Kingdom!

With such an identity and status... Brother Ye Yun can recognize him! It’s really awesome! "

"Okay, Lord, please lead the way." Ye Yun nodded and responded to Lord Baiyu.

"Ah?" Upon hearing Ye Yun's words, Huan Youyou was stunned again.

What does it mean to lead the way, right?

In the White Jade Kingdom... there is only one king...

Huan Youyou looked at the White Jade King in disbelief.

"Could he be the legendary Lord of the White Jade Kingdom? But that's not right... I have seen the portrait of the Lord of the White Jade Kingdom before...

He doesn't look like this, does he? "

Thinking of this, Huan Youyou couldn't help but shake her head.

"Am I crazy? I actually think this uncle is the Lord of Baiyu... Although Brother Ye Yun is of extraordinary status, it is impossible for the Lord of Baiyu to lead him, right?

Alas... I am just daydreaming!"

At this time, the Lord of Baiyu nodded.

"Okay, wait for me, I will remove the disguise." The Lord of Baiyu waved his hand and restored his true body.

When he was shopping at the street stalls before, he was afraid that others would recognize him and cause a commotion, so he deliberately changed his appearance.

Huan Youyou: !!!

Seeing the Lord of Baiyu at this moment, Huan Youyou's eyes widened.

She recognized him! She really recognized him! This person is very similar to the Lord of Baiyu in the portrait!

Especially similar!

Especially that touch of charm...It's just the same person.

"You...are you really the Lord of Baiyu?" Huan Youyou couldn't help swallowing.

For her, the Lord of Baiyu is too noble.

"Hahaha, I didn't introduce you to you little girl!" The Lord of Baiyu couldn't help laughing.

"Let me introduce you. I am, as you can see, the Lord of Baiyu!

And your elder brother Ye Yun, do you know the Holy Temple of Space and Time?"

"Yes, I know." Huan Youyou nodded repeatedly.

Although she didn't have a virtual ring, who didn't know the Holy Temple of Space and Time?

It is one of the two strongest forces of the human race!

All the rulers of the human race must obey the Holy Temple of Space and Time!

The Holy Temple of Space and Time manages the entire human race! Especially the Lord of the Holy Temple, who is one of the strongest in the human race!

A powerful person in the Transcendent Realm!

This kind of existence, as long as he blows, their hometown Luofeng World will be shattered hundreds of thousands of times!

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