Real game: max out the explosion value at the start!

Chapter 220: Perfect Law and Origin World

At this moment, Ye Yun...

He only felt dizzy for a while, and then he stood in a white space!

Everything around is white...

"Is this here? Didn't I meet an assassin?" Ye Yun was stunned, and then became a little annoyed!

"I thought I could deal with it... I didn't expect... that assassin would strike so quickly."

Suddenly, Ye Yun's expression changed slightly.

Because there are some more memories in his mind.

"!" Ye Yun was stunned.

These memories are about the original world and the perfect laws.

The original world is a huge world.

Just like the universe that Ye Yun and the others live in now is called the original world.

All people living in the universe are natives of this original world!

And in countless time and space, there are also countless original worlds!

Some original worlds are one universe, such as the universe where Ye Yun lives.

Some original worlds are formed by the superposition of countless continents.

For example, the Cultivation Continent ascended to the Immortal Continent, and then to the God Realm Continent.

From cultivation to the God Realm Continent, these three continents are also a whole original world!

Generally speaking, the origin world is extremely solid, and it is impossible for natives to leave their origin world...

Outsiders cannot enter either.

Only in the realm of transcendence can one transcend the original world and travel through multiple original worlds.

This is also the meaning of detachment, detachment from the original world.

"Why...Master never mentioned this concept?" Ye Yun was a little confused.

His master was also transcendent, but he never told him this...

Later, Ye Yun absorbed the second part of the memory, the perfect law!

When you are eternally promoted to the open realm... there are two promotion methods.

One is to simply create an ordinary law of your own.

One is to create your own perfect rule!

The so-called perfect law is perfect, omnipotent, and inclusive of everything.

For example, Ye Yun’s Five Elements Law! Metal, wood, water, fire and earth include everything in the world...

In the Eternal Realm stage, if you comprehend the power of enough laws, you will have the opportunity to absorb the advantages of multiple laws...

In this way, perfect rules are developed!

Of course, understanding the power of enough laws is not a blind understanding!

For example, understand the Law of Fire, the Law of Flame, the Law of Explosion, the Law of Explosion, and the Law of Burning.

These laws are all biased towards flames and explosions. No matter how much you understand, the laws you develop... can only be related to flames!

There is no way to develop a perfect law!

Only, like Ye Yun, can master the laws of multiple attributes that are different and very balanced...

Only then can we find out the most perfect rules and develop them!

And once the perfect law is developed, as long as the state of transcendence is reached, it will be the state of perfect transcendence!

At this time, you can refine the entire original world and become the master of the world!

When the original world has a world lord, the ordinary realm of transcendence in it can transcend this world.

Without the Lord of the World, the transcendent state in the original world cannot leave this world!

In fact, the transcendent realms in these worlds don’t even know the concept of the original world!

"Huh?" Ye Yun understood when he saw this.

No wonder the Lord of the Temple never told him about the concept of the original world...

Is it because there is no Lord of the World in their world, so the Lord of the Temple doesn't know about it either?

"Wait!" Suddenly, Ye Yun's pupils vibrated.

He realized something!

"The Tu'an people are crazy about assassinating geniuses who understand the power of many things...

Those who understand the power of many things have a probability of understanding many laws. Those who understand many laws have a probability of developing perfect laws.

And those who develop perfect laws will have the opportunity to become the master of the world!

This means... the Tuan clan is not assassinating these geniuses, but the future Lord of the World! ? "

Thinking of this, Ye Yun frowned again.

“Although I understand why the Tuan people are so crazy and assassinate all the geniuses of the three major races.

They just want to kill the future Lord of the World...

but why? Their reason for doing this? "

Ye Yun fell into deep thought. He didn't understand. After all, the birth of the Lord of the original world was a good thing for all life in the world!

There will be more cultivation resources and more cultivation paths...

After thinking for a long time, Ye Yun could only guess.

"It should be that the Tu'an tribe wants their own people to become the masters of the world, and they don't want the three major ethnic groups to become the masters of the world!"

How did Ye Yun know that the Tu'an tribe came from other origin worlds...

Once the local world lord is born, the world lord will immediately know that they are outsiders and moths!

They will be cleared away in an instant...

In order to survive, they will madly prevent the birth of the Lord of the World.

"Obviously, none of the three major ethnic groups know about the Lord of the World..." Ye Yun rubbed his chin.

"After all, if the three major ethnic groups know about this, they will attach great importance to these geniuses...

If the Tuan people want to assassinate him again, it will definitely not be that easy. "

Ye Yun knew very well that the current three major ethnic groups also valued geniuses like them who understood the power of many things!

But this emphasis is more on genius.

They never thought that these geniuses could become the Lord of the World... and lead their tribes to rise directly!

For example, if the Lord of the Holy Hall really knew the concept of the Lord of the World, he would probably give up all his affairs...

He would directly protect Ye Yun and would never let this happen.

"Speaking of which, the three major tribes don't know these things... How did the Tuan tribe know?"

Ye Yun hesitated for a moment, and suddenly thought of something.

"Wait, where is this white world? Am I going to be trapped here forever?"


At this moment, in the outside world, Lin Miaoqing and Huan Youyou, both looked at Ye Yun worriedly.

Lin Miaoqing, the Lord of the Holy Hall saw Ye Yun in danger, and deliberately opened a portal to bring him here.

"Ye Yun's current situation is very critical!" The Lord of the Holy Hall looked at the unconscious Ye Yun.

"He seems to have been poisoned, so he is sleeping and can't wake up..."

"Lord of the Holy Hall..." Lin Miaoqing couldn't help but say at this time.

"You are the leader of the human race, and even you can't do anything?"

"It's hard to say... This poison has not been recorded in the history of our human race yet." The Lord of the Temple frowned.

"Wait a moment."

At this time, the Lord of the Temple contacted the leaders of the demon race and the spirit race.

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