"Oh oh oh! The competition between the last two is really fierce!" The elder who activated the illusion also stopped in time.

"Unexpectedly, at the last moment, the two fell down almost at the same time!

Congratulations! Ye Yun won the first place with the advantage of being unconscious half a second later!"

Ye Yun pretended to be unconscious:...

Unexpectedly, I wanted to get the second place.

The moment I pretended to fall, the other party couldn't hold on...

This is really.

"Cool!!!" Li Dayun excitedly waved his fist below!

"Too cool! We are the first! Hahaha! Xiaohuo Sect hasn't won the first place for a long time!

Ye Yun, your state of mind is really amazing!"

At this moment, the genius who was just one step away from getting the first place punched the ground in frustration!

"Why can't I hold on a little longer!? As long as I can hold on for a moment, I can be the first!

Damn it! Damn it! Just one step away! Ah!!!"

The next day, he was full of unwillingness!

But soon, he adjusted himself, and he looked at Ye Yun with fighting spirit!

"You are amazing. I heard that you are two years younger than me... I rarely admire others, but you are one of them!

Just wait, I will definitely surpass you in the next round of tests!

Also, if there is a next time, I will not lose the state of mind test again!!!"

Ye Yun:..

"Okay." Ye Yun smiled kindly at the other party.

After all, he was just a child, so he would not say anything.

"Congratulations, congratulations." In the special area, everyone congratulated the leader of Xiaohuo Sect again.

"Haha, it really surprised me." The leader of Xiaohuo Sect was naturally happy.

"Looking at Ye Yun's reaction, I thought he was the second! Unexpectedly... the other party couldn't hold on!

Just a little bit short, Ye Yun got the first place! Good! Really good!

I hope Ye Yun can also take the lead in the second round of the test of perseverance! Hahaha!"

"Perseverance is not something you can have just because you are talented." The elder who had been jealous of Ye Yun before muttered at this time.

"Ye Yun from your Xiaohuo Sect probably hasn't suffered any hardship, right?

Spoiled, you win if you can enter the top 30!"

"Tsk tsk." The leader of the Xiaohuo Sect looked at the other party.

"Elder Liu, why are you still jealous in the second round? Can't you admit that my disciples of the Xiaohuo Sect are excellent?"

Elder Liu snorted and said nothing more.

"Elder Liu, that's enough..." The other elders also persuaded.

"Is it difficult to admit that others are excellent?"

Elder Liu:...

Just wait and see!

Anyway, I don't believe that a spoiled genius can have any perseverance.

And soon, the second round of perseverance competition began.

I saw an elder fly into the air, wave his hand, and throw out an ink painting.

After the ink painting flew into the air, it emitted golden light.

"Landscape world." At this time, the elder spoke.

"This round of tests is to test your perseverance!

You can put down your guard and enter the world of mountains and rivers...

At that time, each of you will have the same body!

Same height, same physical fitness, in short...the same body at any level!

After you enter, use this body to compete!"

"Use the power of the mind to enter the world of mountains and rivers, and then control an ordinary body?" Ye Yun muttered in his heart.

"This thing feels similar to the virtual world over there."

At this time, there are already geniuses who use the power of the mind to enter the world of mountains and rivers.

"I'll go in and take a look." Ye Yun relaxed his mind and also entered the world of mountains and rivers...

At this moment, Li Dayun clenched his fists while watching from the side.

"Perseverance test! Ye Yun...come on!"

"Hey!" At this time, Li Tianyang's voice came.

"Am I late? Look at me...Brother Ye Yun, I forgot such a big thing!"

It was Li Tianyang, who squeezed through the crowd and walked over.

Li Dayun:...

"You kid, you still remember to come?"

"Shame on you, shame on you, I'm addicted to making couplets, I almost forgot about this important matter!" Li Tianyang shook his head.

"You kid!" Li Dayun was so angry that he wanted to punch Li Tianyang, but he finally held back.

"Okay, cheer for Ye Yun."

"Oh, okay." Li Tianyang coughed lightly and looked at the ring.

"Huh? It's the second round already? Is this the perseverance test?

Or is it the same as before, just a group of people climbing mountains in the world of mountains and rivers?

Don't you have any innovation?"

Li Dayun looked at Li Tianyang sinisterly.

"If you keep talking nonsense, I'll burn all your books for you."

Li Tianyang was silent...

At this moment, in the world of mountains and rivers, Ye Yun just put in a trace of mind.

He found that he was indeed controlling the body of a mortal...

This mortal's body was very ordinary, without any characteristics!

Similarly, beside him, there were many geniuses who were also amazingly controlling human bodies.

"Hey! Interesting! This is my first time controlling someone else's body!"

"It's really fun... but it's too weak, right? Is this what it feels like to be a mortal?"

"Being a mortal is boring!"


"It's too weak. This body can't even pull out a tree... let alone bend a piece of iron with bare hands... I guess I can't even do it."


"It takes all my energy to control such a weak body? How boring!"

"That's right... I don't even dare to get distracted! I have to concentrate wholeheartedly... to control this body perfectly."

"Me too."

All geniuses are the same. They must devote all their body and mind to fully control this body.

Only Ye Yun, because the power of the mind is particularly powerful, he can perfectly control this body with just a tiny bit of it.

"With such a body, each of them can only control one..." Ye Yun rubbed his chin.

"I estimate that with the power of my mind, if I was allowed to control them with all my strength, I could probably control thousands of bodies.

However, the test in this round is perseverance, not strength of mind.

How is this test of perseverance conducted? "

Just when Ye Yun was confused, the surroundings suddenly started to shake!


A huge mountain rises from the ground!

At the same time, the elder's voice came.

"You start climbing the mountain in this body! When climbing the mountain, your vision will be blocked by the smoke and you will not be able to see other people clearly...

So you have no idea how high others have climbed!

And all you have to do is try your best to see how high you can climb! "

"Oh? So this is the so-called test of perseverance?" Ye Yun suddenly realized.

“This round, it’s a competition to see who can climb higher! But because the view is blocked, I can’t see how high others have climbed.

Therefore, when climbing a mountain, you can only grit your teeth and climb up by yourself, reaching the highest point as much as possible.

It does really exercise people’s perseverance, but..."

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