In some sects, when they encounter some difficulties, their disciples rush to run away...

Xiaohuo Sect is good! Everyone is united, wishing they could live and die together with the sect.

"I admire, I really admire, the Xiaohuo Sect's level of unity..."

Da An sighed in a low voice.

Among the elite disciples trapped in the field, one of them looked towards Da An.

"Hey, brother, let's make a deal? Let me go out to fight against the orcs."

"Huh?" The other disciples were stunned for a moment, but then they also reacted.

It is impossible for Elder Li to release them, but... what if this great darkness can communicate?

So, everyone greeted Da An.

"Hey! That handsome guy, can you let us out?"

"Yes, yes, we also want to fight against the beasts."

"I have some private money here, three pieces of silver. Here it is. Can you let us out?"

"I have a cousin who is eighteen years old..."

Da An:...

These little bastards.

"Save it all!" Da An waved his hand.


Da An once again strengthened the domain, and then led everyone to fly towards the Huanglong Empire.

"You should also use your brains. Your talents are so good. If you practice hard, you can kill more orcs in the future!

Why give away people's lives in vain at this time? "


Da An led everyone to draw a rainbow light in the sky at an extremely fast speed.


Within the Xiaohuo Sect, the disciples, elders, including the sect leader, are all urgently strengthening the formation to protect the sect!


Suddenly, there was a violent shaking sound in the distance.

"Huh?" The sect master looked up.

I saw...a group of orcs rushing in from afar! Just like a huge wave...

The momentum is huge!

"The tide of coming!"

"Everyone! Attention! The beast tide is coming!" The sect leader shouted directly.

"So... such a big momentum!" Some disciples were startled.

"Is this the beast tide? It feels... endless!"

"Yes." Some disciples lowered their heads and looked at their feet.

The ground has been shaking and it hasn't stopped!

"How many orcs...can it have such an effect? ​​It goes on and on!"

"Are you scared?" At this time, an elder came over.

"This is a genuine beast tide."

"Yes, the real thing..." All the disciples swallowed.

Before, they had only read about it in books, and probably knew that the beast tide would devour everything...

But only when you really stand in front of the beast tide can you feel the oppression brought by the beast tide!

"There is a deep sense of powerlessness! It's so terrifying... I don't know how to win against this endless tide of beasts..."


"What? Are you scared now?" the elder joked from the side.

"Weren't you quite fearless before?"

"Hey, elder, let's just say this." A group of disciples were gearing up.

"This tide of beasts is indeed scary, but we are not afraid!"

"That's right, we're not afraid."

"Okay, I know." The elder waved his hand.

Among the disciples who can stay, who doesn’t have the consciousness of death?

"Get ready, the beast tide is coming, and we have to fight the first wave of battle."

"Okay!" All the disciples are also excited!

"Speaking of which, elder, what will our first wave of battle be like?"

"Long-range...bombing!" The elder smiled confidently.

"Long-range bombing?" The disciples were stunned.


At this moment, the sect leader led a group of elders and directly activated the sect-protecting formation!


Huge energy is also constantly gathering above the sect!

"While the beast tide is still far away from us... let's bomb them in advance!"

"No problem! Sect Master, blow them up!"


"Haha, here we come!" Seeing the gathering energy getting bigger and bigger, the sect leader also waved his hand!


Huge energy bursts out directly!

The target is the approaching beast tide!


The energy exploded in the beast tide! Cause huge noise and impact.

Everyone in the Xiaohuo Sect can clearly feel the aftermath!

"What a fierce energy!"

"I'm going to blow up those orcs this time, right?"

"Hahaha, that's it? Still want to attack our Xiaohuo Sect?"

Suddenly, everyone’s fighting spirit was high!



The ground shook again!

"No way...this shaking feeling is the same as the previous shaking feeling when the orcs advanced..."

"Probably not. With such a violent energy explosion, the orcs would have to lose some...

How could a damaged beast wave cause such a level of shock again? "

"Yeah, I think it's the energy explosion that caused the shock... Don't think blindly, the beast tide must have been damaged."

"That's right..."

While everyone was discussing, the smoke slowly dissipated...

I saw that the dark beast tide continued to move towards Xiaohuo Sect as if it had not diminished!

"Ah?" This time, it was the disciples' turn to be confused.

"No reduction? Are you kidding me? Such a strong explosion..."

"Yeah, why does it look like the beast tide hasn't decreased???"

"No, look carefully!" A disciple pointed out.

"Look carefully, the area we bombed, the orcs over there..."

"What's wrong?" All the disciples looked.


In an instant, everyone gasped!

I saw that the feet of the orcs in that area were covered in blood, and some of the orcs even had some mutilated parts of their kind in their mouths.

It's only in that area, not the orcs in other areas.

"Obviously, our energy bombs did kill many orcs... It's just that there were too many orcs in the beast tide!

As soon as he was killed by the explosion, he was replenished by the orcs behind him!

What they stepped on was the same kind of energy that was blasted to death, and what they ate... was the same. "

"It's too cruel, these beasts..."

"What an exaggeration..."

Once again, these disciples were frightened by the beast tide!


It was at this time that the second energy bomb was released!

Once again, the beasts exploded in the center!

Countless orcs were blown up to the sky!

"Oh oh oh! The second method explodes!" The disciples who were a little scared at first shouted out one after another.

"I almost forgot! Hahaha, we can bomb multiple times!"

"Yes, yes!" Other disciples also agreed.

"One bombing won't work, so what?! No matter how many beasts there are, can they have as many energy bombs as we do?

This energy comes from between heaven and earth! Inexhaustible! "

"Yes! They can eat and sleep one shot, two shots, how can they eat and live ten shots!? In this battle, our Xiaohuo Sect will definitely have the advantage!"

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