Several eternal realms gathered together, and one of the eternal realms took out a token.

As soon as it was activated, a figure appeared on the token, it was Ye Yun.

"Oh! It's really a person! It's a person! It's the person assigned by the Lord of the Temple!"

"This is the disciple of the Lord of the Temple...We can't get involved..."

"Well, let's just exclude him. The master's inheritance cannot be given to him."

"However, didn't the Lord of the Holy Temple explain it at the beginning? If he is in the Heaven Realm, give him some tests.

If it’s the eternal realm, we don’t have to worry about it at all…”

"Yes, he is in the eternal realm now. According to what the Lord of the Temple said, we do not need to give him any test."

"Well, if we let him reach the fifth level, we will complete the mission."

"Okay, excluding this guy, is there anything else worth noting?"

"Look, this kid is only three thousand years old...does he have potential?"

"Well, not bad...there is indeed a chance to get the master's inheritance..."

Several Eternal Realms discussed...


And Ye Yun, sensing the energy around him, quickly probed!

Soon, he discovered a cave.

"Huh? There seems to be special energy in this cave?" Ye Yun landed directly.


At this time, another rainbow light flew from the sky!

It was obvious that this person had also detected special energy.


"Huh?! Ye Yun!?" As soon as the man saw Ye Yun, he immediately waved his hand.

"Brother Ye Yun, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I didn't know you chose this place, I'm leaving now.

I'm leaving, I'm really leaving! "

After saying that, he flew away immediately, for fear that Ye Yun would catch up with him.

Ye Yun:...

never mind.

Ye Yun looked deep into the cave and saw darkness.

"Go in and have a look."

Ye Yun dodged and rushed into the cave.

At the end of the cave, Ye Yun discovered a monster in the Heaven Realm.

And on the monster's waist is a token.

"Sure enough, it's the token sent to the second level." Ye Yun could see the name of the token through the panel.

"Roar!!!" At this time, the monster from the Heaven Realm roared at Ye Yun.

As if to demonstrate his ability.

Ye Yun waved his hand.


The law of fire has arrived! The monster was crushed directly and died.

The token appeared in front of him.

"Now that you have it, you can go to the second floor."

Inspire tokens! Buzz, Ye Yun's figure was teleported directly.


The second floor of Qiluo Castle.

The way to the third floor: collect ten bunches of seven water flowers and give them to the gatekeeper to go to the third floor.

The structure of this second layer is in the plain, with some more mountains and flowing water, and the terrain is more complex.

"The gatekeeper, located in the middle of the second level, is also a lifeless puppet."

Ye Yun glanced around roughly, and with his eyesight, he could already see a bunch of seven water flowers.


On the seventh floor of Qiluo Castle, several eternal realms were still discussing.

"Look at Ye Yun, he has already entered the second level! It's so fast... He is worthy of being the one favored by the Lord of the Temple..."

"It's really fast. This batch of them is the ninth batch today, right? Others are still looking for tokens on the first level, and Ye Yun has already entered the second level."

"Qi, what are you so excited about? Isn't it because he is so fast because he is in the eternal realm?

Our test here is not difficult for the Eternal Realm..."

"That's what I say, but starting from the second level, the difficulty of the Eternal Realm will be higher."

"Yes, in the Heavenly Realm, you are looking for three bouquets of flowers, while in the Eternal Realm, you are looking for ten bouquets...there is still a difference."

"Even if you are looking for a hundred bunches, it will be easy for the Eternal Realm..."

"You old guy, ugh."


In the second floor, Ye Yun had already found six bunches of seven water flowers.

"This flower is quite conspicuous. It has a data panel and can be found quickly." Ye Yun searched again.

Not far away, he saw a bunch.

"Ha, that's only three bundles left."

Ye Yun ducked and came to the front of Qishuihua, and was about to pick it.


A ray of light came over.

"Huh?" Ye Yun waved his hand, and the light was directly dispersed.

"Who attacked me?"

Not far away, a strong man walked out slowly.

"This flower belongs to me, you can get out."

"Oh?" Ye Yun looked at the other person and realized that he didn't recognize him.

"They didn't come in the same group as me."

Qiluo Castle, today, up to Ye Yun's batch, a total of nine batches came in.

Each batch consists of twelve people.

Everyone in Ye Yun's group knows that Ye Yun is not easy to mess with, and no one dares to provoke him.

As for the previous batches, they didn't know Ye Yun's strength because they came in early.

Naturally, I won’t be afraid.

This is the case for this strong man.

"What are you looking at? If you look at it again, your eyes will gouge out..." The strong man hadn't finished speaking.


Ye Yun's body burst out with an aura of eternity.


The strong man knelt down directly.

"Senior, what a misunderstanding. I didn't recognize the real thing. These are the seven water flowers I collected. If you need them, I'll give them to you!"

The strong man took out five bundles of seven water flowers.

"I hope you can let me go...I didn't recognize the real thing."

Ye Yun:...

This guy is decisive.

"Don't let me see you again." Ye Yun took the seven water flowers and flew away directly.

The strong man also knelt on the spot and breathed a sigh of relief.

"What kind of luck do I have...I didn't expect that someone I saw was actually in the Eternal Realm?

I'm really impressed...The seven water flowers I collected for so long are gone! When can I exchange for a treasure suitable for myself..."

At the gatekeeper's place, you can exchange treasures with seven water flowers.


Ye Yun brought twelve bundles of seven water flowers to the center of the second floor, and he also saw the puppet in the center.

Beside the puppet, there were four or five Tianyu Realm, from various ethnic groups, of course, there was no Tuan tribe.

"Whether it's exchanging treasures or exchanging the teleportation tokens for the next level, everyone proceed in an orderly manner!" the puppet shouted.

"Can you also exchange treasures?" Ye Yun was a little surprised.

Because there was no such information in the information he got.

"Let's go and see what treasures can be exchanged."

Ye Yun walked forward.

And these Tianyu Realm were originally surrounding the puppet.

Realizing that someone was coming, they also looked at Ye Yun.

Even one Tianyu Realm took the initiative to greet Ye Yun.

"Hey, man, are you from the human race? What are you exchanging here?"

"Mainly to exchange teleportation tokens, and by the way, see what treasures there are." Ye Yun said.

"Oh?" At this time, a trace of surprise flashed across the faces of several Tianyu Realm!

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