"Without the Emperor of Water and Fire, you wouldn't have left your hometown, and many of our companions wouldn't have left their homes either!"

"Many companions?" Pi was obviously stunned, and then asked.

"Could it be that...many of our companions were forced to leave their homes by the Emperor of Water and Fire?"

"Yes, didn't you know?" The two orcs were a little surprised.

"Ah, haha, I have never been in contact with the universe, so I don't know." Pi scratched his head.

"It seems... the Emperor of Water and Fire did not just send down the inheritance in my hometown."

"Yes." Both beast clans responded.

"That Emperor of Water and Fire is extremely hateful! As long as it is a planet in the territory of the human race, once the spiritual energy is revived, he will pass down the inheritance to the human race!

Then, our orcs will be squeezed out... In recent years, our orcs have had less and less fresh blood..."

"Spread inheritance everywhere..." The corners of Pi's mouth twitched slightly.

This Water and Fire Emperor is really outrageous!

You have nothing to do, right?

"To be honest, this matter is quite annoying." An orc sighed.

“In those planets where the spiritual energy has been revived, there are also genius beasts... As a result, it’s because of the help of the Water and Fire Emperor.

Those humans will kill all the orcs, including the genius orcs... In recent years, there have been really fewer geniuses in our tribe. "

"Yeah..." Another orc also agreed.

"There are so many indigenous planets, maybe there is a future beast king among them! As a result, they didn't grow up and... died because of the Water and Fire Emperor."

"Who says it's not the case!" Pi couldn't help it at this time.

"In my hometown, our Beast King is extremely great! He has reached the terrifying realm of all things in less than fifty years of cultivation!

He is the well-deserved king in our hometown! Such a talented beast king... was killed by the human race.

I can only escape by chance..."

"In fifty years, will it be the realm of all things?" Both beast tribes couldn't help but bared their teeth...

This talent is indeed possible.

Among the beast tribe, it is considered very good.

"We, the beast race, really lost countless talents because of the Water and Fire Emperor!"

"Besides, there is one more important point!" Another orc added.

"Those natives of the human race have risen because of the inheritance of the Water and Fire Emperor... maybe some super geniuses will emerge!

The genius of our beast race was destroyed, while the genius of the human race grew... In this comparison, our beast race suffered a huge loss! "

"Yes, yes... I feel really sad for our orcs..." The two orcs looked sad.

"Why don't we, the top brass of the beast clan, do something?" Pi couldn't help but ask.

"What can we do?" The two beasts shook their heads.

"After all, this is the territory of the human race, and we orcs are just a vassal race...

Even if it's a remote area...it belongs to the human race. There is absolutely nothing wrong with what the Water and Fire Emperor does...

If we mess around and offend the higher-ups of the human race, it will be a disaster! "

"It's so miserable..." Pi could only sigh.

"I really hope that our beast tribe can also become stronger."

"It's something that can't be helped..."

Afterwards, the three beasts talked about other things.

Most of them are to introduce the basic situation of the beast clan to Pi, as well as some rules of the human clan...


Soon, their spaceship arrived and reached the planet where the orcs lived.

After getting off the spaceship.

"I'm going to meet the Beast King first, right?" Pi looked at the two beast clans.

"Yes, new arrivals must report to the Beast King." The two beasts responded.

"Okay, I'm coming over." Pi greeted him, and then rushed towards the Beast King's residence alone.

Among the orcs, the spleen belongs to the cheetah clan.

Therefore, what he wanted to see was the Leopard King.

Arriving at the Leopard Clan's territory, Pi successfully met the Leopard King.

"Leopard King." Pi greeted the Leopard King.

"Oh? Are you the new little guy?" The Leopard King nodded.

"Your talent is pretty good...you can get some resources first."

"Yes!" Spleen was slightly excited.

When I first came here, there were resources for cultivation, which was great.

"Then, I'm going to get the resources first?" Pi looked at the Leopard King carefully.

"Go down." Leopard King nodded.

Spleen went down to collect the resources by himself.

Watching Spleen go away, the Leopard King sighed.

"Thousands of years ago, several indigenous leopard tribes joined us every day...

This data has been declining since Operation Water and Fire Emperor.

From a few a day at the beginning, to one a day, then to one a month... and now, it has only taken a few years for an indigenous leopard tribe to join us.

Although... our Leopard clan is also constantly giving birth to new clan members.

However, those scattered Leopard tribes on countless indigenous planets...are the real core of the Leopard tribe!

After all, they are all strong men who came from the era of spiritual energy recovery. Regardless of their talent and character, they are not comparable to the ordinary Leopard clan!

Many of the new beast kings in our tribe are strong men who came out of the indigenous planets...

Now, the number of indigenous orcs is decreasing, and our orcs are really in danger.

The Water and Fire Emperor...can no longer sit idly by and ignore it! "

After thinking about this, the Leopard King also contacted other beast kings.

"Brothers, we have to talk about the Water and Fire Emperor..."

"Oh? Finally... I couldn't stand it anymore!"

"Yeah, our Eagle Clan hasn't had any geniuses join in the past hundred years... It really hurts!"

"The Water and Fire Emperor is extremely evil!"

"What do you mean? Do you want to kill him?"

"What are you thinking? He is the Eternal Realm of the Human Race... If he dies... there will definitely be a human leader investigating!

If the investigation is done by our Beast Clan... it will be terrible."

"Yes, we can't kill him. He is the Eternal Realm of the Human Race after all... We can't kill him."

"What should we do then?"

"Let him give up doing this... It's fine.

As long as he doesn't continue to spread the inheritance... the native geniuses of our Beast Clan will also More and more...

With more geniuses, our beast race has a root! The future is promising!"

"It may be difficult to get him to give up doing this! How to negotiate with him?"

"It is indeed difficult... He may not look down on the Eternal Realm in our tribe, and he won't even chat with us, let alone negotiate.

But if we send experts above the Kaiyuan Realm... it will alert the top leaders of the human race... Once discovered, it will also be a problem!"

"Yes, we can only send the Eternal Realm to meet him. Once it exceeds the Eternal Realm, it will be easily noticed by the top leaders of the human race."

"But again, he must look down on the Eternal Realm of our beast race..."

When all the beast kings were silent.

The opponent of the same level looks down on it, and the high-level ones are easy to alert the human race, which is really difficult!

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