"So... it's like these questions are tailor-made for me." Ye Yun narrowed his eyes.

"It was Su Hong who brought me here, or even... it was Su Hong's father, the Lord of the Origin World.

In other words, this Heavenly Fire Secret Realm also has their intention?

What are they guiding me to do?"

Although he had many doubts in his heart, Ye Yun had no way now.

"Forget it, let's see what the final treasure is first." Ye Yun continued to move forward.

After completing a few more Blue Star questions, finally...

He came to the end, where there was a stone door and a treasure chest.

There was also a passage engraved on it.

[Being able to answer these questions correctly in succession means that you came from another Origin World.

In your world, there is also a Heavenly Fire Secret Realm, but... it has never been truly opened! Moreover, that Tianwu Secret Realm is the most core.

Now, I will give you the key to open the Heavenly Fire Secret Realm, and you can open it.

The things there are far rarer than this Heavenly Fire Secret Realm. 】

Then there are the words on the stone door.

[Go through the stone door and return to the Prisoner's Domain. 】

"Prisoner's Domain? Return to Prisoner's Domain?" Ye Yun frowned slightly, but said nothing.

He looked at the key in the treasure box.

[Name: Key to Secret Realm No. 1

Note: Can open Secret Realm No. 1 of Heavenly Fire]

"Open the Heavenly Fire Secret Realm of our universe, is this the treasure here?" Ye Yun put it into the warehouse.

"No hurry, wait until I get out of this Heavenly Fire Secret Realm, then talk about other things.

After all, the core treasure in this Heavenly Fire Secret Realm has not been obtained yet."

Then, Ye Yun looked at the stone door.

"Return to Prisoner's Domain, this return..."

Ye Yun pushed the door open and entered.


In an instant, the sky spun.

When Ye Yun came to his senses, he saw in front of him.

It was Su Huoyun and Guan Baiyu, as well as Mo Hun and Xing Kai.

They all took their own sects' forces to rest and recuperate.

"Ye Yun?" Su Huoyun was the first to discover Ye Yun.

"Why are you here just now? Didn't you cross the bridge a long time ago?"

"Hmm..." Ye Yun glanced behind him and found that the long bridge was behind him.

It seems that this is the other side of the bridge.

"I took a wrong path and didn't expect to end up here." Ye Yun said.

"This should be the first of the three upper levels. Do you know what this level is called?"

"We haven't explored this level yet. We are all resting." Su Huoyun patted his clothes.

"I have almost recovered and am just about to explore."

"Me too." Guan Baiyu also stood up at this time.

And Xing Kai and Mo Hun are still resting. After all... they came here slowly.

"You haven't explored it? Then I tell you, this level may be called the Prisoner's Domain. Is there any record in your family?" Ye Yun asked.

"Uh, no." Su Huoyun was silent for a moment and shook his head.

"In our family, there are records of many areas in the Sky Fire Secret Realm, but there is no such Prisoner's Domain."

"Our family doesn't have it either." Guan Baiyu also shook his head.

"This is normal. After all, every time we explore a new Tianhuo Secret Realm, there will always be some unrecorded areas."

"Yeah." Su Huoyun also nodded.

"In this case, everyone can only explore slowly." Ye Yun said.

"Explore on their own." Su Huoyun also suggested.

"Starting from this level, everyone is expected to get the final treasure... Everyone can't act together."

"Well, various explorations and what kind of treasures you get depend on your ability." Guan Baiyu took over.

"If I meet you when fighting for treasures, I will not show mercy!"

"Me too." Su Huoyun rubbed his hands.

"Then everyone explore on their own." Ye Yun greeted.

"I'll go first."

Then, Ye Yun chose a direction, accelerated directly, and flew out.

"Let's move too, and see what's on this level...."

The Su family and the Guan family also acted together.

And Xing Kai and Mo Hun accelerated their adjustments.

"Damn it, they've all taken action! We can't fall behind! Hurry up and recover!!!"


Ye Yun looked around while flying.

"Since the name is Prisoner's Domain, there should be something like a prison here, right?"

After watching for a while, Ye Yun didn't find anything.

"With my speed and field of vision, I didn't find any special places?"

This thought just came up.


Ye Yun felt that he rushed into a pool of water, and there was a sticky feeling!

"Huh? Water flow?" Ye Yun looked around, and there was still nothing.

However, his body could feel the stickiness.

"Could it be... an invisible thing? Let's see..."

Ye Yun continued to move forward, and the further he went, the stickier he felt...

Finally, with a bang!

Ye Yun rushed in, and there was no more sticky feeling.

And Ye Yun also saw the real full picture.

At this moment, in front of him was a corridor, and on the wall of the corridor, there were some prison iron doors.

Behind him is a broken wooden door.

"I can see it now." Ye Yun turned his head and looked at the wooden door.

"I just rushed in through this wooden door.

Sure enough, it was something invisible. I couldn't see it outside, but after I came in... I saw it. "

Later, Ye Yun looked at the prison again.

"The Prison Realm... This should be the so-called prison. I don't know what is being held inside."

Ye Yun looked forward and found that the iron prison doors on the wall were all broken open.

"See if there is anyone alive..."

Ye Yun continued to move forward. After probably walking for a long time, he saw an iron door that could not be broken open.

Ye Yun stood outside the iron gate and looked inside.

Then he discovered that there was only a pair of withered bones in this prison.

"Bones? Are you imprisoned here until you die of old age?"

Ye Yun shook his head and was about to leave.

"Huh?" Ye Yun discovered that there was a treasure box placed under the withered bones.

"This box is the same as the treasure box obtained after defeating the monster formed by the flames.

Could it be that the concept of this prison realm is the same as that of those fire monsters?

As long as you defeat the guy in the prison, you can get a treasure? "

Thinking of this, Ye Yun put his hand on the iron door.

"Broken!" Using energy, Ye Yun blasted directly against the iron door.


The energy was transmitted, but the iron door remained motionless!

"It's quite tough. It doesn't work without a little strength."

Ye Yun clenched his fist and directly inspired the original code of life!

"One punch with all your body strength should be enough!"

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