"Just...just go to the next level?!" Su Huoyun and Guan Baiyu both stood there in a daze.

"Just passed like that? So easy!? We had such a hard time before..."

At this time, Xing Kai and Mo Hun also came with people to where they were!

As soon as they came in, they saw Ye Yun's figure disappear.

"What's the situation?" Xing Kai pointed excitedly to the place where Ye Yun disappeared.

"Su Huoyun, you came early, tell me quickly, what's the situation with Ye Yun? Did he enter the third level?"

"Yes." Su Huoyun nodded, still a little shocked! Not recovered!

"He has already gone to the third level."

Mo Hun: ? ? ?

He didn't understand why these guys were standing here in a daze! And didn't stop Ye Yun!

"Maybe...Ye Yun has a good relationship with the Su family, so they are embarrassed to stop Ye Yun." Mo Hun thought so.

"But it's still strange! Even if they don't stop... why don't they take action themselves?

Just watch Ye Yun enter the third floor and seize the initiative! And then they don't move?"

While thinking, Xing Kai couldn't help it!

"You all don't move! I'll do it!!! I want to enter the third floor earlier and grab the blood of transcendence!

Can't let go of the initiative!"

Instantly, Xing Kai rushed to the ring!

"Ah! I'll come too!" Seeing that he was lagging behind, Mo Hun couldn't help but want to rush.


A barrier appeared on the ring, isolating Mo Hun.

"Huh!? I can't get up?"

"This ring can only allow one person to go up." Su Huoyun explained.

"Since Xing Kai is challenging, you wait a while... Wait until he finishes the challenge, then you go."

"No, aren't you all in a hurry?" Mo Hun didn't understand.

"I'm about to enter the third floor, and the blood of transcendence is right in front of me... Why are you all standing here stupidly?"

"Do you think that puppet is so easy to defeat?" Guan Baiyu couldn't help but sneer!

"Ah? Is it difficult?" Mo Hun was stunned.

When he first came here, he saw Ye Yun defeat the puppet and then teleport away.

"Whether it is difficult or not, can't you see it yourself?" Guan Baiyu gestured.

"Oh..." Mo Hun looked at the ring.

I saw that on the ring, Xing Kai was suppressed by the puppet and had no power to fight back!

Relying on its own strength compared to Xing Kai, the puppet directly chose to fight desperately! No defense at all!

No matter how Xing Kai attacked, the puppet completely ignored it and then attacked Xing Kai fiercely!

Not long after, Xing Kai couldn't stand it.

"How the hell do I fight this?! I can't break his defense, and he's killing me!"

Xing Kai gave up the challenge and ran down.

"This puppet is too strong! There is no way to break the defense! It's also the limit of this ring! If I can use weapons...

With eternal weapons, I should be able to defeat the puppet."

"Nonsense!" Su Huoyun curled his lips.

"If I could use weapons, I would have defeated this puppet long ago. Why would I waste time with you?"

Xing Kai:...

Forget it, it doesn't matter.

Xing Kai spread his hands.

Anyway, he has already obtained a battle formation! It's an ultimate battle formation!

He can definitely go back and report! He is not in a hurry at all.

It would be best if no one gets the blood of transcendence, so that when they return to the God Realm...

It would be more impressive how awesome he is!

After all, he didn't get anything, but he was able to bring back an ultimate battle formation! That is definitely a great achievement!

"I'll try. Is it really that difficult?" Mo Hun was a little unconvinced.

"You guys are not lying to me, are you?"

Then, Mo Hun rushed to the ring.

After a moment, Mo Hun walked down from the ring with a dark face.

"I saw Ye Yun, it seems that he defeated him easily? Why..."

"He is strong." Su Huoyun shrugged.

"Don't forget, that's the one who killed Wang Bei! He's stronger than us."

"Damn..." Mo Hun clenched his fists.

"You have to practice! The gap doesn't seem that big... If you can break through temporarily, I think there's still a chance!"

"It's slim." Su Huoyun sighed.

"We also thought about practicing on the spot and breaking through slowly... After all, no one can beat it, so it doesn't matter if it's slow.

But now, Ye Yun has gone up! It's estimated that in a few days, he will be able to get the blood of transcendence!

A few days... It's too difficult to break through."

"It's difficult, but you have to try! If you don't try, there will be no chance." Gritting his teeth, Mo Hun started practicing on the spot!

"Are you really starting to practice?" Su Huoyun was stunned, and then thought about it.

"That's right, if you don't try, there will definitely be no chance... Try it."

Then, Su Huoyun also started practicing.

Guan Baiyu hesitated for a moment, and began to practice.

And Xing Kai, seeing that everyone was practicing, he also cooperated and sat on the spot, but...

He didn't practice, he just cursed in secret.

"You guys can't break through the curse, everyone returns empty-handed, and I am the only one who leads the battle array and makes contributions!



With the end of the teleportation array, Ye Yun's body landed on a plain.

"Is this the third floor? The place where the final treasure is stored." Ye Yun looked around.

"I don't know... what is the treasure that makes these gods so excited...

I hope I can tell it out."

At this moment, Ye Yun didn't know that the final treasure everyone was pursuing was the blood of transcendence.

Ye Yun stood on the plain, and seeing that there was nothing around, he moved.

"Let's explore it roughly..."

Ye Yun flew for a while and found a village.

There were still humans moving around in the village.

"People?! Why are there people in the Tianhuo Secret Realm?" Ye Yun was a little confused.

According to the information he had talked about with Su Huoyun before.

Although the interior of each Tianhuo Secret Realm is different, there is one thing in common, that is, there are no living people!

They are basically puppets, monsters, strange creatures and the like.

This is the first time that a Tianhuo Secret Realm with human life has appeared.

"Wait." Ye Yun, who was already a little confused, also discovered something new.

I saw that all the humans in the village seemed to be extremely powerful!

He could see that the seemingly elderly grandfather split a piece of wood with one punch! Just like using an axe to split firewood...

There were also a few children, running barefoot on the ground at a very fast speed!

Occasionally kicking a stone, the stone actually broke directly...

It was obvious that these people's physical fitness was terrible.

"What kind of village is this...Is it the characteristic of the third layer? Everyone's physical fitness is very strong?" Ye Yun couldn't help but guess.

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