The summer test is divided into three parts!

The first is the test of punching power! Use your strongest power to hit the punching power tester! Test your strength!

The second is the speed test. Run 100 meters at the fastest speed! Test your speed!

The third is the test of cultivation momentum! Used to test the realm of cultivation!

Soon, the first student completed the test!

Punch power test: slightly stronger than the average acquired first level!

Speed ​​test: weaker than the average acquired first level!

Momentum test: normal acquired first level cultivation!

Obviously, this is a student who pursues strength but is slightly slower in speed.

"This student, I hope you can practice long-distance running more during the summer vacation, and don't be biased in one subject anymore!" Qian Yibian gave advice.

"Yes! Teacher! I will practice well!" The student responded.

Then, Qian Yibian nodded, indicating that he could go down.


So, the first student who finished the test immediately jumped up excitedly!

"Oh, it's vacation time! I can finally play games happily!"

Qian Yibian:...

Forget it, just pretend I didn't hear it.

Just like that, one test after another, soon!

It's Luo Leming's turn to take the test!

"It's Brother Luo!"

"It's Brother Luo's turn to take the test! Look!"

"This is one of the three kings in our class!"

"Yes, in addition to Brother Luo, there is Brother Ye Yun and another one. The three of them have reached the second heaven realm!"

"Looking forward to Brother Luo's performance!"

The students in Class A-3 basically held their breath! It all depends on Luo Leming's test results!

"Hehe!" Luo Leming was secretly proud.

"When you see my test results, I hope you won't be too surprised! I broke through to the third realm! Hahaha!"

Thinking of this, Luo Leming shook his clothes.

"Today, I must pretend to be awesome!"

"What are you doing standing here? Why don't you take the test quickly?!" Qian Yibian looked at Luo Leming who was standing there, shaking his head, and couldn't help saying.

"You're wasting all of our time! Standing here, wasting one minute means that everyone's time added up is 40 minutes!

Hurry up and test!"

"Oh oh." Luo Leming shrank his neck.

Teacher Qian Yibian, as a post-natal limit warrior, he must also respect him!

Even in his father's company, there are only a few post-natal limit warriors, and they are all in high positions.

No matter where a post-natal limit warrior is, his status is very high.

"Ye Yun may reach the fourth level... He must be dragged to my company!"

With this thought, Luo Leming wanted to show his absolute strength to prove the ability of his company!


A punch hit the punching force tester!

The punching tester showed a number!

Punch force: equal to that of an ordinary post-natal third level warrior!

"Oh my God!" At this moment, everyone was excited!

"What did we see?!"

"Oh my god! Oh my god! The post-natal third level warriors are even?! Could it be that... Brother Luo has reached the post-natal third level?"

"Brother Luo has broken through?"

"Then he is the first master in our Class A-3 to break through the second level mirror?!"

"Oh my god, now the era of the three giants in our class is over! Only Brother Luo is left to lead the way!"

"Yeah... Who would have thought that Brother Luo actually broke through!"

Qian Yibian was also a little surprised.

"Luo Leming actually broke through to the post-natal third level? It's incredible. It should be that the family gave him the elixir, right?

Although he took the elixir, he was also in the post-natal third level, which is very good."

Although taking a large amount of elixir will affect one's future... But taking some occasionally basically has no side effects.

"Very good, one of my students is actually in the post-natal third level in the sophomore year, which is very good!"

Qian Yibian's mouth was also slightly raised with joy.

At this time, Luo Leming also snorted and said.

"Everyone! I have indeed broken through to the third level of the acquired realm!

And, I took the family's elixir! As you all know, my father runs a warrior company!

If you need it, you can also join my family's company after graduation!

We are all classmates, and I am willing to give you the same elixir that I take! Help you break through to the third level of the acquired realm as soon as possible!

How about it!?"

When Luo Leming finished speaking, all the classmates were excited!


"We can also take the same elixir as Brother Luo? Doesn't that mean that we can also reach the third level of the acquired realm?"

"Sure! Brother Luo is really good to his classmates!"


This time, many classmates are willing to join Luo Leming's company after graduation!


"Ye Yun, this kid, still has no reaction?" Luo Leming glanced at Ye Yun.

What he cares about most is Ye Yun! If Ye Yun can be called over, it will definitely be a great help!

"I've already made a breakthrough, but he doesn't have any sense of urgency? Well, let's continue the test!"

Luo Leming started the next step, the speed test!

The result of the speed test was that he was weaker than an average post-natal third-level warrior!

Luo Leming didn't care about this, after all, speed was not his forte!

Then the aura test confirmed that Luo Leming's cultivation had indeed reached the third level of the acquired realm!

After all, aura cannot be faked.

"Very good, Luo Leming, don't slack off during the summer vacation." Qian Yibian's tone softened a lot!

Obviously, he was very satisfied with Luo Leming's breakthrough!

"Yes! Teacher!" Luo Leming nodded and went down.

Then, he stood aside and looked at Ye Yun.

"Ye Yun, let me see the results of your cultivation!"

After that, it was the test of several classmates, and finally...

"Next, Ye Yun!" Qian Yibian called Ye Yun!

"Here it comes." Ye Yun responded and walked to the front of the fist tester.

"Finally, it's your turn." Luo Leming widened his eyes on the side!

"It's Brother Ye!" The other classmates also greeted him.

"I wonder what Brother Ye's grades are!"

"Looking forward to it..."

"I guess Brother Ye will be left behind by Luo Leming..."

"Well, after all, Brother Ye's family is average, so he can't eat pills like Brother Luo..."

"I hope Brother Ye can create a miracle..."

Many classmates still like Ye Yun more!

Because Ye Yun is similar to them, born in a poor family! The only difference is that Ye Yun works harder!

"Brother Ye has worked so hard, if he is still left behind by Brother can only mean that hard work is nothing in front of money!"

Everyone looked at Ye Yun expectantly.

And Ye Yun also slowly accumulated strength.

"This time, burst out with all my strength!" Ye Yun directly used all his strength!


A punch! Hit the punch tester!

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