Sakura Island, the general manager of Sakura is contacting the person in charge of Nanxia Base City.

"Hey, hey, hey, Shu Shang Niao Renjun, please reply if you hear me!"

He contacted many times, but found that no one answered at all!

At this, the general manager's expression became serious.

"Shu Shang Niao Renjun, Ye Gou Ichiro, Jingbian Dalangjun, all lost contact, could it be that the whole army was destroyed?"

After hesitating for a moment, he decided to report this matter to Hailuo Beast King!

[Lord Beast King, I'm afraid our plan to deal with Ye Yun can't be carried out! The pawns of Nanxia Base City are all destroyed! ]

After sending the message, he waited for a while, and Hailuo Beast King replied.

[Why are you so useless? I give you the last five days to investigate the cause of death of Xiaogoutou, otherwise... I will destroy you! ]

After receiving the reply, the general manager of Sakura changed his expression again and again!

"What should I do? If I don't carry out the mission, I will die..."

After hesitating for a long time, the general manager gritted his teeth!

"We can only send experts at the fourth level of Xiantian! There are only two Xiantian masters in my Sakura Island...

To prevent any more accidents..."

The general manager took out a mini metal.

"Let him always carry a recorder with him, so that even if he dies, we will know how he died."

So, the general manager sent a message to the Xiantian master.

[Tanaka-kun, it's time to dedicate yourself to my Sakura Island!

Nanxia Base City, our information network has been destroyed, and this operation can only rely on you alone!

The primary target is the captain of the team at that time, Ye Yun! 】


And at Xinghe Martial Arts Hall, Ye Yun and Xing Yiwen finished their sparring.

Xing Yiwen had a strange expression, and Ye Yun could not hide his excitement.

"Really amazing." Xing Yiwen suddenly muttered.

"It's just a sparring, it's all a sparring." Ye Yun coughed lightly.

"Director Xing, thank you."

"You kid..." Xing Yiwen shook his head and sighed.

"I can still afford to lose."

The sparring between the two ended with Ye Yun overpowering Xing Yiwen!

In terms of physical fitness, Ye Yun is much stronger than Xing Yiwen!

In terms of cultivation, one is the fourth level of innateness and the other is the third level of innateness, not much difference.

In terms of martial arts realm, they are both at the Grandmaster level! Not much difference!

In this way, it is natural that Ye Yun suppressed Xing Yiwen with his strength.

"How come you practice so fast, kid? Every time I see you, you improve so much?" Xing Yiwen couldn't help but mutter.

"Maybe I have better talent." Ye Yun laughed.

"You are indeed talented. Anyway, your talent is the first in the human race, and others are not as good as you." Xing Yiwen sighed.

"Talent does not equal strength. Director Xing has said it. I'm going home first." Ye Yun waved his hand.

So, just run away.

"This kid..." Xing Yiwen rubbed his chin.

"The improvement is so fast. Could it be that Director Lin gave him some resources?

Forget it, I am too lazy to ask. Let's wait until Director Lin comes out of retreat."

Lin Tianzhi is still in retreat to refine the Heaven and Earth Pill!


Ye Yun returned home and fought with mosquitoes again.

As a congenital master, a little attribute improvement is really nothing.

The reason why he killed mosquitoes was because he wanted to stack Soul Devouring Strike!

"If I stack a few thousand layers, it may become my ultimate move in the future!"

So, one day later.

On this day, Ye Yun was still stacking Soul Devouring Strike in the backyard!

He has already stacked hundreds of Soul Devouring Strike!

"The main limitation is that the CD of this skill is a bit long." Ye Yun was a little regretful.

If there is no CD, his stacking speed can be improved a lot.

"Perhaps, the complete version of Soul Devouring Strike can be CD-free?"

Thinking of this, Ye Yun was also a little excited!

"Find some time to fight that Desert Reaper and see if you can kill him!"

Afterwards, Ye Yun waited until the Soul Devouring Strike CD was restored, and immediately swung the wooden stick in his hand, adding the Soul Devouring Strike at the same time.


Slap the mosquito to death!

Because Soul Devouring Strike is an enchanted attack, any weapon can be used, so Ye Yun just picked a wooden stick at random.

After knocking the mosquito to death, Ye Yun's cell phone rang.

"Huh? Is it Captain Hu calling?" Ye Yun took the phone.

"Ye Yun, tonight at 8 o'clock, Yishui Hotel, let's eat meat and drink together?" Hu Dandan asked.

"Hahaha." Ye Yun laughed immediately.

This was what they had discussed before, eating meat and drinking after returning, cool!

"Okay! See you in the evening, Captain Hu."


So, in the evening.

Hu Dandan, Li Yifan and the other four people met Ye Yun at the door of Yishui Hotel.

"Shame, I didn't expect you to come so early." Ye Yun coughed lightly.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting."

"We are brothers in life and death, why be polite." Li Yifan laughed.

"Besides, we came first because we needed to book a private room, otherwise, who would come so early?"

"What are you talking about at the door of someone else's hotel?" Hu Dandan was helpless.

"Let's go in first and talk in the private room?"

"Okay, let's go in first!" Ye Yun nodded.

In this way, the five of them entered the hotel together and walked towards the private room.

When the lobby manager saw this, he hurried over!

"Ms. Hu, the guest you are waiting for is here? Come on, I'll lead the way!"

He knew very well that this Hu Dandan was a so-called Xiantian realm warrior!

Li Yifan and others beside her were also acquired extreme warriors!

That was not something that ordinary people could afford to offend!

"Thank you very much." Hu Dandan smiled slightly.

"You're welcome, you're welcome." The lobby manager waved his hand quickly.

Then, he couldn't help but sneak a peek at Ye Yun.

Is this the guest of the Xiantian warrior? Is he also a Xiantian warrior?

If he is Xiantian, he feels too young, right?

Then, the lobby manager immediately retracted his gaze to avoid offending the guest.

"This way, this way." The lobby manager greeted while passing the message on the intercom.

"Go ahead and open the door of Room 1. The guests are coming!"


On the other side, in a small room, a middle-aged man stared at the computer in front of him.

Suddenly! A message appeared on the computer.

"Huh? Hu Dandan, Li Yifan and others booked a room?" The middle-aged man narrowed his eyes.

"I remember, they know Ye Yun? Very good! After I catch them, I will force them to tell me Ye Yun's information!

In this way... I can catch Ye Yun!"

Although the method is a bit stupid, the middle-aged man is also a bit helpless!

All the intelligence networks on his side have been destroyed, and he can only hack into the network and investigate Ye Yun and others by hacking.

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