Real Name God

Chapter 150: Joan John

(The chapter name is wrong, it should be chapter 149. The title of the starting vip cannot be modified by itself...)

When Commons noticed someone approaching behind him, he had no time to conceal his actions. The only thing he had time to do was interrupt the communication.

Magic communication is not omnipotent. It can be stolen at close range by certain wizards who are good at spells. He certainly knows this common sense.

But how is this possible...?

The cold sweat on the man's back was gushing.

He is a knight of the master rank. Although the style of swordsmanship he uses is not good at fighting enemy aircraft, after the training phase of (肉rou) (身shēn), the human body (body shēn) is more effective against the outside world. The level of sensitivity has surpassed any known beasts in nature. Not only can they play more than 70% of their combat effectiveness by relying on their instincts when they are unconscious (situation), and they can't escape the wind and grass within tens of meters. Perception, not to mention that there is a big living person approaching...

Those who can narrow this distance silently can completely insert weapons into their hearts.

This means that if Commons Morningstar can't draw the sword from the front, he will have no resistance behind him in front of the approaching person.

Could it be an assassin from the "Big Snow Mountain"?

However, from the opponent (body shēn), Commons did not smell "hostility" or "murder", so there is no life-threatening danger for the time being, so he cares about another thing

Was seen?

Being able to suppress his own perception ability indicates that the other party is very good at this aspect. Will he hear the content of the communication?

As long as the fact that he and Rasputin have communicated with each other through a secret channel is exposed, Commons will immediately be ruined. The most important thing is...

He has no chance to approach and save the goddess in his heart.

At that moment, Commons, who has always been proud of the virtues of knights, even had the idea of ​​killing people.

But when he turned his head and saw the other person's face, the thought suddenly disappeared.

Standing behind him was a smiling young man.

He is tall (body shēn), but his limbs and physique are not as strong as an ordinary knight, but he has a slender feeling like an actress in a theater.

The young man's hair curled slightly, and the smile on his face was dazzling.

When he was standing under the sun, even the light from the top of his head (日ri) seemed to be taken away by him; if he stood in a dimly lit place, it might make the dark room glow.

Some people just show up in front of them, without saying anything, they feel ashamed...just like Queen Mary, who once had a glimpse at Commons, just like this person in front of them.

It can only be described as "noble" or "gorgeous". (身shēn) As a member of the elves who claim to know "art" and "beauty" in the world, he has a feeling of being unable to raise his head...

The young man (body shēn) wears a bright red vest, inside is a rider suit with (body shēn), and outside is a travel cloak that protects from wind and dust; there are two golden round nails and silver chains on the edge of the cloak. It dangled down from above, all the way to the scabbard on the side of the vest.

The saber around his waist is equally impressive: in appearance it is a thin sword, the scabbard is inlaid with precious stones, and the hilt is a simple silver cross. It is more like an artwork displayed in a noble's home than a weapon used to kill.

"Mr. Morningstar, what are you doing here?"


Commons took a deep breath, barely remained calm, smiled respectfully, and shook the barrel in his hand.

"I'm here for a drink."

The young man nodded slightly.

"That's it."

The young man stretched out his hand and pointed to the sign above the tavern. Commons glanced and noticed that his palms were long and white, as elegant as a pianist.

"This pub is indeed very famous locally."

"Part of the caravans from the southwestern province of the empire will settle here and bring all kinds of rare things to the capital. This includes moon wine, which is very popular in the upper class. The barkeepers here have access and will come to the door. The distinguished guests here offer this kind of drink."

"Mr. Morning Star, have you ever heard of Moon Wine? I have heard people describe it. It is transparent, colorless, fennel-scented and sweet and mellow. It tastes like someone who has been walking in the desert for a long time and is thirsty. When there is a clear spring in front of me, I can’t wait to pounce on it and take a big sip. The cool spring water feels like my throat..."

"Unfortunately, because it was brewed by infidels and used to be used as sacrificial items for gods in the past, it was banned from selling in the Holy Alliance territory. Ordinary people could not drink it at all, and nobles could only Secretly buy through black market transactions."

"I...I didn't buy this kind of wine. Lord John."

Commons swallowed, feeling that his throat was dry and bitter like a traveler who had travelled a long distance in the desert. But he still forced himself to speak out.

The other party laughed.

"You're misunderstood, Mr. Morningstar. Even if it's a wine brewed by a heretic, wine is still good. Don't take it too seriously. I just remind you that there are special sales channels in such places. You may not be able to find them. ..."

"Okay, hurry up and prepare. Also, don't call me ‘John’, I’m not yet ready to inherit the name of the saint. Just call my name."

The other party glanced at him, smiled slightly, and then turned (shēn) to leave.


The youngest cardinal in the history of the Holy See, the legendary knight, the honorary head of the holy (temple diàn) knights, and Joan John, who heads the internal affairs of the Great Sanctuary

It wasn't until his back disappeared into the distance that Commons couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The pressure this big man put on himself is too great.

Moreover, John... No, Master Qiong An should have noticed that I am communicating with others.

If you want to ask about the content, he doesn't even have the right to refuse. After all, he is a member of the holy (temple diàn) Knights, and the opponent is his immediate superior.

After being selected to join the three knights, no one can quit by his own will. Even after death, this (body shēn) must be written on the tombstone, unless he is removed from the headquarters.

Of course, the main members come from the holy (temple diàn) Knights of the Rhine Kingdom, and there is no strict requirement that those who join must end (body shēn) to serve the Knights. They can go to various places to find lords worthy of allegiance, like ordinary knights. Only after that, the corresponding positions in the regiment no longer exist, just like Commons.

The retired holy (temple diàn) knights are among the nobles are very sought-after guard candidates.

However, the retired holy (temple diàn) knight still could not refuse the request of the commander, even if it might harm the interests of the loyalists.

......Do you care? Or do you plan to follow the vines from your own (body shēn), so you don't plan to behave?

His eyes fell unconsciously to a carriage in the caravan parked next to the haystack.

Under the cover of the rain cloth, a seal symbolizing the Wang family was engraved on the outside of the wooden bulkhead.

"Queen Mary..."

The elf knight muttered to himself, with poetic melancholy in his pupils.

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