Real World Simulator

Chapter 395 Accident and Unexpected Joy

After Fang Yu got a little bit of survival cards, it was already noon.

The scorching sun was high above, baking the entire mountain forest.

Usually at this time, Fang Yu would find a cave or enjoy the shade of a tree.

Rest under the tree for a while, take a nap, and continue after the scorching sun passes.

And during this time, for some reason, the sun is getting more and more poisonous, even in the mountains and forests, there is a stuffy air.

Yesterday, Fang Yu suffered from heatstroke because he couldn't bear to live in this terrible steamer place.

And now Fang Yu, although he has completely mastered his body, this body is still weak and unable to resist such weather.

Fortunately, with yesterday's experience, Fang Yu knew that at this time, the further you went to the foot of the mountain, the cooler it would be, and you had to find a shady side.

Picking up the hatchet, Fang Yu hurriedly shuttled through the jungle.

When the straw sandals under his feet stepped on the sun-baked land, he felt that the originally soft clod was now as hard as a rock.

What's more, the sunlight is extraordinarily glaring in the jungle.

In order to reach the foot of the mountain as soon as possible, Fang Yu quickened his pace.

Because it was rare for Fang Yu to feel the flexibility and strength of this body again, when Fang Yu was going down the mountain, he was constantly training his reflexes through obstacles in the forest.

With the help of his body control ability, he is basically jumping and jumping, looking like parkour in the mountains.

This speed is fast, but sometimes, it is easy to step on something that should not be stepped on.

Just like now, Fang Yu jumped up and jumped towards the pile of dead leaves below.

At the moment when he jumped up in the air, Fang Yu's Shura heart suddenly became alarmed.

A strong sense of crisis went straight to Tianling Gai from the soles of his feet!

Fang Yu realized at this moment that her feet were in danger!

But when I looked at it just now, there was only a pile of dead leaves under my feet~


At the critical moment, Fang Yu suddenly thought of where her danger came from.

Is it a trap?

But this option was immediately ruled out by Fang Yu.

In the mountains and forests, hunters' traps are indispensable.

But as woodcutters, Fang Yu and the others already knew which roads were safe, and the hunter would not set traps on these roads unless he wanted to be hanged by the whole village.

As for his route down the mountain, he was sure it was safe, and he had traveled the path under his feet more than once or twice.

After getting rid of the trap, another possibility soon appeared in Fang Yu's mind.

Fang Yu's brain began to churn, his eyes narrowed slightly, and then he quickly observed the seemingly ordinary pile of fallen leaves under his feet for a few tenths of a second in the air.

Prompted by the sense of crisis, Fang Yu controlled his body to temporarily exert the strength that only adults can possess.

The price is that you will be weak for a period of time afterwards, but there will be no sequelae and damage.

At the moment when the power burst out, Fang Yu's spirit was highly concentrated, and he finally discovered the source of the sense of crisis.


Under Fang Yu's careful observation, he noticed that the color of the fallen leaves under his feet was not particularly harmonious.

If you look carefully, this disharmony will expand rapidly, and Fang Yu immediately recognizes it, what kind of fallen leaves are those!

It was clearly a big snake that seemed to be resting while circling in the pile of fallen leaves!

I saw that the snake's scales showed yellow-green markings, and the junction was dark brown, like a fishing net. The whole body resembled fallen dead leaves, hidden in the pile of dead leaves, and it was a perfect fusion.

If Fang Yu's Shura Heart hadn't sensed the snake's desire to attack in time, Fang Yu probably would have discovered the snake only when it landed.

By then, it was probably too late.

Because Fang Yu had already seen the snake's head.

This snake has a triangular head with a narrow and round snout end and prominent snout ribs.

"Soldering iron head"!

The animals in this world are basically the same as those in the real world, so Fang Yu easily compared the snake in the real world in his mind.

"Solder iron head" also has this nickname in the real world, but its correct scientific name is "Mangshan original spearhead viper". Before that, it was also called "Mangshan iron head", and it was also called "Little Qinglong" by the people. .

This kind of snake is very poisonous, its toxicity is comparable to Zhuyeqing, and after being bitten, the amount of venom injected can reach up to 300mg!

Even in modern society, if you are bitten by this snake, if you don't get timely medical treatment, you will be completely cold within ten minutes.

And in this day and age, there is no such thing as anti-venom serum, one bite is basically fatal!

Although Fang Yu can display the strength of an adult at this time, if he is bitten by it, even if he exerts his strength, it will not help.

Because his own physique has not changed.

If it was an ordinary poison, Fang Yu could also induce vomiting or force the blood out to make the poison less toxic.

But this is neurotoxin, even Huajin Grandmaster does not have this ability to expel neurotoxin!

At this time, this "soldering iron head" had already turned its head up, and issued a hissing warning sound to Fang Yu, and its scales stood up. Once Fang Yu landed, it would hit Fang Yu with lightning speed. Take a sip.

Faced with such a situation, Fang Yu had no time to think about it. He quickly pulled out the hatchet from his waist, then retracted his legs, and put the hatchet at the bottom.

After doing all these actions, the tip of the soldering iron has launched an attack.

I saw its body coiled up, leaning back to gather strength, and then the snake's head quickly bit towards Fang Yu's thigh like a spring.


Fang Yu activated the perseverance skill.

In a state of perseverance and full force, Fang Yu abandoned all emotional interference and completely focused on the swing of the snake's head.

Because of the full concentration of the mind, in Fang Yu's eyes, the movement of the snake's head became slower and slower. In mid-air, Fang Yu could even see traces of transparent liquid spraying out from the end of its fangs.

In this state, Fang Yu finally had a chance!

With the help of this strength, Fang Yu straightened up the hatchet, turned the knife face down, and slapped the snake's head with all his strength!

He dare not cut it.

This is because they are afraid that after the snakehead is separated, they will still be in contact with me.

Snake heads are also known to kill people.

Therefore, you can only pat it open with the knife face first.

The whole process seems to be slow, but in fact, it only takes two or three seconds.

Fang Yu's body curled up into a strange ball in the air, and then the hatchet in his hand slapped his ass.

This slap seemed to hit an empty space, but it wasn't until a loud sound sounded that the snake head could be seen falling forward quickly under this slap.

And Fang Yu happened to brush his ass with the snake's head, and then fell to the ground.

As soon as Fang Yu landed on the ground, he turned around quickly. As soon as he turned around, he saw the "soldering iron head" whose head had been flattened by his slapping was on the ground, and the snake body was writhing crazily.

Fang Yu, who still maintained his perseverance skills, saw the position of the snake head at a glance, and the hatchet in his hand couldn't help but let go, and the tip of the knife pointed at the position of the snake head and pierced it!


Under Fang Yu's power, the hatchet cut off the snake's head in its entirety, with the tip of the knife undiminished, and plunged straight into the soil with a dull sound.

After seeing the snake's head and body completely separated, Fang Yu's forcibly aroused strength disappeared, and then her legs softened, and she sat on the ground, holding the ground behind her with both hands, and sucked in heavily.

His body, which was still hot and dry, was already cold at this time, and he even broke out in a little cold sweat.

Fang Yu slowed down for a while, then stood up a little weakly, looking at the still writhing snake body with a look of fear.

too. too dangerous

Fang Yu didn't expect that the first crisis in her life would come so quickly.

Moreover, it was almost taken away at once.

Sure enough, no main task is as difficult as "living"!

I thought I could be invincible for a while, but a snake successfully broke my kung fu.

Fang Yu looked at the terrifying poisonous snake in front of him, which was still wriggling, with an extremely complicated expression on his face.

However, after calming down his emotions, Fang Yu looked at the writhing snake body in front of him, and his eyes began to glow red.

Meat! ! ! What a big lump of meat!

Fang Yu originally wanted to hunt in the mountains and forests, but because of lack of physical strength, he has always had more than enough energy.

He originally planned to make a few traps, just to test the waters, but he didn't expect that by accident, he got a snake!

Fang Yu stepped forward carefully and pulled out the machete.

The mouth of the snake head on the ground was still opening and closing, making it look extraordinarily intrusive.

Fang Yu dug a small hole with a hatchet, poked the snake's head in, and then filled it with soil. After stepping on it firmly, he picked up the snake's body from the ground.

Because of the previous explosion, although it didn't explode completely at once, the consumption was not small, and Fang Yu's bloody face turned khaki again.

Fortunately, he was tanned enough that he couldn't see it.

Wipe the broken blood with withered grass. Although he is a bit greedy for the nutrition of the blood, Fang Yu is not sure whether his iron stomach can hold the parasites, so he still dares not try.

I stuffed the snake body into the back basket, and when I picked it up, the snake tail was still circling continuously, as if it was still alive.

Feeling a little jittery, but the instinct of hunger restrained all psychological discomfort.

Until now, Fang Yu's body has recovered a little and is no longer limp, but it is impossible to imagine jumping around like before.

What's more, with the lesson learned this time, Fang Yu reckons that he should be quite honest when going up and down the mountain later.

Fang Yu quickened his pace, but he was obviously more cautious, and he would pay extra attention every time he stepped down.

Moreover, when Fang Yu went down the mountain this time, he would look left and right, and when he saw large leaves, he would stop, pick some and put them in the basket, until the leaves had piled up in a layer in the basket, and then stopped.

After a while, Fang Yu went down to the foot of the mountain. Fang Yu first came to his own pile of firewood, and after picking up a pile of firewood, he carried a basket on his back and came to a shady and hidden hillside.

Fang Yu put down the pannier first, then climbed up the hillside, looked around, and after confirming that there was no one there, returned to the place just now, and took out the things in the pannier.

Broad leaves, snake body, and firewood are placed separately.

Fang Yu took out a stick, sharpened it with a hatchet, and then used the stick as a shovel to dig a circular hole in the ground.

Then Fang Yu dug through the bottom of the hole obliquely at the side, and then dug the oblique opening.

In this way, an earthen stove came out.

Use a few thick enough twigs stuck in the stove mouth, as a support between the fire pit and the burner.

Then use wooden sticks to dig out two thin dirt paths at the upper stove mouth.

On the dirt road, Fang Yu covered the leaves and sprinkled a thin layer of soil to cover them.

This is doing smoke-free treatment.

Because what Fang Yu is going to make this time is a one-time clay stove, so he doesn't do it very carefully, as long as it is enough.

After the stove is ready, it's time to start processing the ingredients.

Fang Yu spread the snake's body on the firewood to separate the ground, and then used a hatchet to cut off the snake's skin from the almost immobile snake's body, and took out the snow-white snake meat inside.

It's a pity that it's summer now, and this snake doesn't have much fat, otherwise, it could have more oil and water.

After Fang Yu peeled off the snake's skin, he chopped the snake's meat and skin into sections.

Then Fang Yu wrapped the snake meat, including the snake skin, with grass leaves.

It's a pity that there are no plantains in Jiaoling now, otherwise plantain leaves would be the most suitable ones. The grass leaves that Fang Yu picked were the leaves of weeds. Although they were wide, they were too tender. Tie it up with twigs.

Next, Fang Yu piled up the loess that had just been dug out, took out the bamboo tube that was taken up the mountain in the morning, opened the bamboo tube, drank a few sips himself, and then poured out half of the water into the loess.

But after looking at the water and loess, Fang Yu found that the water was obviously not enough, but it was too wasteful to pour all the water, and he might have to drink it later.

Finally, Fang Yu thought of a way. After thinking of this way, Fang Yu also weighed it for a while, and then stood up with fixed eyes.

Then unbutton the waistband.

It's okay, it's okay, it's just mud and mud, it's all my own, and I often played with it when I was a child, besides, it's not dirty at all, and I have to drink it when I have to!

Fang Yu comforted herself while turning on the water.

After the water is drained, this water is enough.

Then, Fang Yu squatted down with a little resistance, and finally gritted his teeth, stretched out his hand and began to mix the mud.

Hey, if it weren't for the fact that the snake meat would be easily scorched by direct fire, and he was afraid that some places would not be cooked properly, or the smell would be too strong, which would attract some uninvited guests who shouldn't come, how could he do this?

While Fang Yu kept comforting herself, she wiped the reconciled mud on the wrapped straw bales.

After the straw bale is completely wrapped into a dirt bale.

Fang Yu sprinkled another layer of fine soil on the surface, put the smelly beggar snake on the ground, and started a fire.

Fumbling, Fang Yu took out a fire pocket from his pocket.

Fang Yu slipped this out when he was in the kitchen in the morning, and it came in handy now!

Blowing on the fire, Fang Yu lit the fire, and then began to stuff wood into the stove.

After the fire was hot, Fang Yu put the original beggar flower snake into the mouth of the stove, and then blocked the mouth of the stove with some specially reserved soil, leaving only two flues connected to the belly of the stove.

Fang Yu first burned the fire for ten to twenty minutes to make sure that the soil layer was dry, and then started to burn it with fierce fire.

The smoke from the fire escapes along the two flues.

But because the flue is too long, and it is covered with leaves and soil, when the smoke comes out, it has already become a curling smoke, and it will disappear completely when the wind blows, and it will not be seen here at all. Traces of fire.

In addition, the snake meat is wrapped in soil and roasted, so there will not be a trace of meat smell coming out, let alone being smelled by others.

But even so, Fang Yu would still go up the hill to take a look from time to time.

There is no way, for Fang Yu now, food is the most important thing.

Fang Yu didn't even take this snake meat home for her aunt and uncle to taste.

The fact that Fang Yu didn't take it back was because, now, the snake meat had an immediate effect on him.

Fang Sanduo and the others ate, at most it was only temporarily full.

But after Fang Yu ate this meat, his iron stomach would make his body stronger, and the power of his hole cards would become stronger.

Therefore, Fang Yu finally decided to eat it by himself.

Even so, he felt a little uncomfortable.

After all, Huang Mei and the others gave him the only egg.

But considering the following things, Fang Yu had no choice but to make this choice.

Therefore, Fang Yu naturally does not allow other people to contaminate it when his uncle and aunt have no chance to taste it.

Now every household does not have enough food, this snake weighing seven or eight catties can be described as a great temptation.

However, Fang Yu's physical condition is limited now.

Not to mention being able to fight, even if he could, Fang Yu was unwilling to waste precious energy fighting.

When he was digging the hole just now, he was using the breathing method to control his body, so as not to let himself expend a little more energy.

Time passed slowly as Fang Yu kept adding firewood.

And Fang Yu didn't find any sign of other people approaching.

Fang Yu burned for almost two hours, and the firewood was all gone. Fang Yu moved another pile, which was enough.

It wasn't until Fang Yu smelled a scent that could not be called meaty that he slowly extinguished the stove fire.

Then wait until the earthen stove cools down.

The long-lost thank you session is here~

Thank you Huang Huang for the 400 reward! ! !

Thanks to Nanke Kongyimeng for the 100 tip! ! !

Thank you Liugui Liugui for the 300 reward! ! !

Thanks to book friend 20210301104144233278 for the 100 reward! ! !

Above all, Dayan thank you for your support! ! ! grateful! !

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