Realistic Game

Chapter 278: Space crack attack

  Chapter 279 Space Crack Attack


  Lu Bin looked at the space box in front of him, lost in thought.

  He is testing the signs of the constant spell model bit by bit, trying to reduce the range of the constant spell model, trying to make the internal space bigger, and taking a compromise value in it.

  And as Mo Lan said, after Lu Bin learned a little about the technique of reducing the spell model, he quickly compressed the volume of the space box to the size of an ordinary medium suitcase, and has officially entered the field of portable.

  However, it will be more difficult to develop in a small direction next, and it will take a long time to study, so Mo Lan shifted his goal to another direction.

  Try to break through the expansion limit of the same volume of space.

  It was in this direction that Lu Bin had some gains in his heart.

   "Boom boom boom!"

  A knock on the door sounded.


   "Lu Hui, the president asked me to inform you that you are about to open the fire element realm channel. If you want to study, you can go there in advance."

   "Oh, well, I'll pass now."

  Lu Bin was overjoyed. He just wanted to verify the guess in his heart. This is a chance.

  After a while, Lu Bin quietly looked at the big gold-patterned black steel ball, revealing a trace of intricate patterns on the surface, in which there was a constant space-based six-ring summoning spell. The specific name should be called the sixth-order fire element summoning.

  However, Mo Lan thinks that it is more reasonable to call Tier 6 igneous rock summoning spell, and it should be classified as resource summoning.

   "President, I am driving."

  Lu Bin turned his head to look at Mo Lan and nodded. Then Lu Bin thought. The space elements poured into the gold-patterned black steel sphere, instantly activating spell nodes, space flowing between nodes, and spell fluctuations gradually increased.

  A white light flew from the gold-patterned black steel and fell into the void in front of Lu Bin.

The spatial fluctuations increased, and the cracks slowly appeared. Lu Bin watched this scene intently, while his mental power was densely covered in this area. One by one tool spells were released, observing every detail of the opening of the cracks in the space, and recording them. With every data.

  The scene was extremely quiet. Everyone was waiting for Lu Bin and waiting for the end of his experiment. No one made a sound that might disturb Lu Bin at all.

  After a long time, Lu Bin stopped confirming on the notebook, he seemed to see a corner of the space.

  The space membrane is in the depths of the space. If the force cannot be transmitted to the depths of the space, no matter how great the strength is, it is impossible to touch the space, let alone tear the space.

  If you want to tear the space, there may be two ways.

  One, think of a way to transmit the force to the depths of the space, so as to tear the space membrane.

Second, thicken the space membrane. Since the force cannot penetrate into the space, let the space membrane come to the shallow space, just like a piece of paper at a deeper level. If it can’t reach the deeper level, then use one sheet after another to put it on top. Glue them together. When the space film is thick enough, it can naturally be torn apart when only the deep space of the space film comes to the surface.

  Tear of the space film also means the appearance of space cracks.

  Lu Bin thought about these two points quietly, and finally had a working direction in his mind for studying space spells.

  Mo Lan, seeing Lu Bin recover from his thoughts, pointed to the space crack and asked.

  "Lu Bin, ask you a question, if I put something in a place where the space crack opens, wouldn’t it be torn to pieces immediately?

  I put this spell on this enemy, isn't he about to be torn apart by space in an instant? With the sharpness of space, what defense can withstand?

  If no one can stand it, isn’t this spell the single most harmful spell? Also use one time to send one resource. "

  Lu Bin was silent.

  "Guild Master, this is just a summoning spell. You can use it as a resource summoning spell. You can still use it as a summoning spell. You can use it as a space channel.

  But now you want to use it as an attack spell, which is too much. "

  Mo Lan shrugged.

   "It can be used as long as it can be used. What about it, and who has set the classification of spells? I am the first mage, and I am the pioneer of the mage.

  If this spell can be used to attack, I will immediately classify it as a summoning spell/single attack spell. "

  "It may be a little moving to deal with immobile or bulky opponents. After all, this is a summoning spell. The space crack does not have the function of finding enemies. It is completely locked by itself, and the casting speed is slow, and the hit rate is worrying.

  As for the damage, although it is a spatial crack, it is actually the same. "

Xu Zong News Yan next to    said strangely.

   "Huh? Why, is there anything that can stop the cutting of the space crack?"

  Faced with Xu Zongxin’s question, Lu Bin asked rhetorically after thinking for a while.

  "Zongxin, what do you think space is?"

   Xu Zongxin was questioned, and after thinking about it for a long time, he guessed.


   "Almost, let me make an analogy, so I'll be more specific.

  Suppose the space is a piece of paper, a blank piece of paper. "

  Lu Bin picked up a piece of paper, held it in his hand, and immediately took a leaf.

   "Assume that this leaf is an object in space."

  Lu Bin put the leaves on the paper.

   "The space is broken now."

  Lu Bin tore the white paper apart, and asked that the leaves on it were torn along with it.

   "Look, this should be what you think, and you want to use the space crack as the reason for the attack spell.

  But this is actually just one aspect, let’s look at another aspect. "

  Lu Bin took out another piece of paper, and took out a small strip of gold-grained black steel and placed it on the paper, tearing the paper forcefully.

   And this time, even though Lu Bin had torn the paper to shred the gold-grained black steel, there was not even a scratch.

  Lu Bin and Xu Zongxin thoughtfully.

  "Understand now? What can be shredded by a space crack does not depend on the space crack but depends on the amount of effort you spend to tear the space apart.

  If this force can tear this item to pieces, so can space cracks.

  And if your strength can't tear the object to pieces, then you can't tear it up in the space where it is, because the hardness of the space will be superimposed on the hardness of the object. "

  Lu Bin showed the paper behind the gold-grained black steel strip, which is still intact.

  "Of course, if it is the collapse of space, it is another matter to increase the intensity of space collapse. It is like water in a tsunami. It cannot be generalized. There are countless variables in this space, and I am talking about just one of them.

  And even what I said is not a complete guarantee. It can only be said that it is my guess based on the current findings, and there is no relevant experimental proof. It should be skeptical. "

  Lu Bin said softly, and Mo Lan and Xu Zongxin nodded.

   "So to tear up the space before attacking the enemy is enough to eat? The original attack can kill, then the space crack can, if the original can't, then the space crack can't. It's a superfluous act?"

   "At least this is the case when there is no specific use of space skills."

  (End of this chapter)

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