Realms In The Firmament

Vol 2 Chapter 1098: Strong!

In the face of the Qionghua Yuegong who had to see the whisper before, they will never shrink again!

Death will not!

The dead bird is in the sky, except for death, there is no big deal, and it is humble and knee-high, but generous!

No matter how high you are in the past, but we are not retiring anyway!

All of them stood together, and they stood up in the same breath, and at the same time they stood up in their chests. In the eyes of everyone, these Ye family members are a complete whole at this moment!


Kill a person, kill all!

A piece of iron plate!

On the one hand, I have been watching the excitement, and I am eagerly awaiting the other family members who have been squandered by the blood of the chickens and ducks. When they saw this scene, they suddenly disappeared collectively. Eight ◆ one ▲?? Chinese network▼

A feeling of awe-inspiring rises from the bottom of my heart, no restraint!

The same is the end of the world, the family in the shrine area, and which one has not been oppressed by the big forces of the Tianyu, the same state of mind with Ye Jialei is not lacking at any time, perhaps the only difference is that Ye Jia will always exist for them. In the bottom of my heart, I never dare to declare the words of the mouth, just say it in front of me!

That's it!

Everyone here is asking himself: If now, the huge pressure on the Qionghua Moon Palace is in the family, how many people will be like the Ye family in front?

Do you say these words without hesitation?

No matter what!

Including taking us to death! The owner can say a word!

This is a kind of timidity and spirit. ★ Bayi ★ ■ Chinese? Network ■

The face of nine people in Qionghua Yuegong has changed at this moment!

Not only anger, but also strange.

When did the leafy family who was timid in the past become so ruined?

The face of the fairy became more and more cold, and the murder slowly rose. Her eyes were extremely cold, and she looked at Ye Nantian who stood up in front of her. She looked at all the leaves of the family, and he hesitated. For a long time, but with a little bit of cold, it finally turned into a naked kill!

She slowly raised her right hand, faint, without a trace of feelings and said: "If the words are like the wind, regret is too late, Ye family goes against it, and offends the majesty of the palace, the sin is not sin!"

"The order of the moon palace -"

The sound of Cheng Xianzi was slightly paused here, and finally he finally got a word from his teeth: "Kill!"

This word is in the air, like a drop of ice on the jade plate!

It seems that everything is fixed because of this word!

Everyone is following this word, and my mind suddenly shakes it.

"Get it!"

Eight white women at the same time clearly agreed, "brush", nine handles like a long sword, and at the same time!

"Who dares to do it?!"

Ye Xiao calmed his face and smothered his eyes like the eagle eagle waiting to eat in the sky, mixed with endless cruel cold blood, if it was a loud voice. Eight? One Chinese?? Network

The opposite of the fairy fairy heard the words, slowly turned his head, looked at Ye Xiao, his eyes full of disdain and indifference, and a kind of pleasure that you finally fell into my hands.

At the beginning of the year, Ye Xiao was very puzzled by the pleasure of this stock. The two of them only met for the first time today. It is reasonable to say that there should be such a big hatred; but he immediately understood: This woman must be the same as Qionghua Yuegong. The biggest opponent of his mother's fight for the Virgin!

Now, I must have achieved the position of the Virgin.

In this way, everything is going smoothly, because her hatred of the moon palace snow is bound to be inconsistent. So that the man and son who loved the moon in the last month, the impulse to destroy in her heart has already overflowed.

The Ye Family has been careful and obedient, or there are other reasons why she could not find a reason to start, but nowadays, there are plenty of excuses.


Cheng Xianzi's heart is extremely happy, but the face is still cold, and once again a command full of cruel pleasure.

In an instant, an atmosphere of unprecedented chilling suddenly enveloped the entire venue.

Everyone is full of cold.

If the former owners or the timidity of Ye’s family are moving, then now there is only a trepidation and chilling, a moment of arrogance, or an instant pleasure, but the consequences?

The consequence is that, as it is currently, Ye Nantian is even more powerful in the past many years, and his enchanting son who can sweep the geniuses of various families, but this strength, in front of Qionghua Tiangong, what is it? ?

In Qingyun Tianyu, it is always a big fist, it is a big reason, there is not enough strength for the embarrassment, a moment of anger, only disasters and disasters, for yourself, for the family, for the family, to provoke a murder, once overturned!

The annihilation of Ye Jiazhi today is the reference for all futures!

Positive annoyed Qionghua Tiangong, the destruction of Ye Family, is a foregone conclusion!

However, at this time, a cold drink was reproduced -

"Who dares to do it?"

This cold drink, suddenly came from the sky.

Full of majesty!

The sky reappears a group of white women, just like a fairy flying in the sky, falling from the sky.

Although the same as snow white, but a group of white women in the white robe neckline and cuffs, embroidered a few clouds, but already shows their identity.

Gone with the Cloud Palace!

For the person "call" is falling in front of the fairy, and between her and Ye Nantian.

Everyone has a feeling: when this person falls, it is like a copper wall, separating two people!

Cheng Xianzi sees a little eyebrows: "Li Yunhao, you are floating in the clouds, what does this mean?"

The person who floats in the Yungong Temple will go straight into the Qionghua Tiangong and the Yejia conflict center, and the meaning of intervening will be revealed. If it is not the fairy who does not want to conflict with the floating Yungong, or it should be said that it is in the Yungong Power, already attacked in the first time!

Obviously, the first iron of Qingyun Tianyu, the big fist is the reason, the same applies to the level of power!

The people of Qionghua Tiangong can regard all local forces in the Shenque area as nothing, and insult them, and take them away, but once they have more powerful strengths, they must also have taboos and fears!

Even if Li Yunzhen is not the object of the real fear of the fairy, Li Yunzhen’s meaning here is enough!

Li Yunxiao is a middle-aged woman with a dignified face and a cold tone. "Ye is the most important ally of my dying Yungong Palace; the Yejia family is our triumphant guest! Is Rongde so rude?"

This sentence is a general export, even if it is a fairy that is full of killing and unstoppable, it is also an eye-opening moment.

Unbelievable and unbelievable, looking at the Yungong doorman Li Yunxiao.

Not only him, but also a dozen of his family members who watched him around, and at the same time slammed his eyes all at once. At this moment, everyone’s eyes almost all came out of the box and ejected.


The most important ally? Ye Jiajia is the honored guest of Jinyun Palace! ?

Is there a problem with my ear?


&1t; These days, diarrhea is about to be pulled out... Infusion for three days, finally in this afternoon. The whole person lost three laps; at night, habitually took a book into the toilet, and after a long period of hard work, he didn’t respond until he thought about it: Hey, I’m already ok... Then I put on my pants and came out... Then I always felt that something was missing. I finally remembered it in the chair for a long time: rely on! I forgot to wipe my ass...>

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