Realms In The Firmament

Vol 2 Chapter 1760: Yu Pei's mystery

There is a small black-eyed eyeball in the size of a small room. The whole body is round and round. There is always a hazy mist on it. It continues to be soft and white. Occasionally, it will show some inexplicable special patterns in the overflow of white light. It seems to be flying out of the air...

Even if the two eyes are thrown away from the divine effects of the two goods, they are still two rare treasures!

The moon frost and cold eyes are straight. (8) (1) Chinese Network Ww』W. 81.Zw. COM

Such a beautiful thing is a woman can not resist.

Ye Xiaohaha smiled and said: "Like?"

The two women nodded fiercely.

"This thing can not give you two, this thing seems magnificent, but the size is too large, the decoration is really a waste, and the effect of this thing is mainly used in the quenching and repairing the soul, as long as the repair of the black dragon The soul of the soul is damaged, you can use it to repair ... but I have other good things for you, to ensure that you like it!" Ye Xiaohe laughed.

The moon frost is cold and the words are overjoyed.

"This is the essence of the dragon's keel essence concise, one person to play!" Ye Xiao immediately threw two bright colors, Rui Cai's fascinating things.

The moon frost and the cold will connect the keel to the hand, and the face will be full of joy.

The essence of the keel of the second cargo is not only radiant, but also magnificent, and it has a stable mind, and gathers the magical effect of the heaven and earth aura, and is more active and small. If you make it into a necklace, it will be a reward at any time. It is really a good gift...

The two women in the frosty cold were happy, and Ye Xiao immediately made it to the side of Xuanbing: "Binger, you also have a share, this stuff is worn with you, beautiful and practical, good guys..."

If the good thing is to give the girl a wife, it is a proper way to find a dead, although Ye Xiao believes that Xuan Bing will not be so stingy, but psychological discomfort is inevitable, since I know, then I must do the prevention work!

The glacial cold three women have good things to start with, the two kings can not be treated badly, that night, Ye Xiao held a roast pork dinner!

"As the saying goes, the dragon in the sky, the meat in the ground." Ye Xiaomei flying dance: "The meat is often eaten, the dragon meat... Everyone has eaten the dragon meat before, but after all, it is not the dragon in the sky; come here, everyone You are welcome, enjoy the dragon meat of this day... I have wine here."

The poisonous king's weak hand raised: "I also have wine here." I touched my space ring.

Kao looked at the poisonous king with contempt and said: "You don't think... others will drink your bar? Poison King!"

The poisonous king boarded the black line of the brain.

Among the dragon meats, full of aura, eating this big meal, can be compared to retreat in a reiki place for half a year! So after eating the dragon meat, the poison king and the flower king immediately went to the place to adjust the interest rate.

Full of satiated food, the middle of the night, the moon frost and the moon cold wrapped around Ye Xiao and Xuan Bing, said a night.

Ye Xiao looked at Xuan Bing, and his heart was helpless.

Since I was on the verge of red dust, I have been very disciplined, that is, a Taoist school of abstinence; but today I found Xuan Bing, thinking that it can be justified and justified.

As a result, the first night was so ruinous!

The monthly frost and the coldness of the moon directly did not give yourself any chance to become a beast...

I don’t want to live this kind of animal!

Xuanbing’s face was red, and she really couldn’t look at Ye Xiao’s eyes.

That kind of aggression is too strong...

It’s the same as a wolf!


"You haven't reunited for a long time to talk, I'm going to sort things out." Ye Xiaodao.

No way, you can only see, the more you look at the more uncomfortable, it is better to go out and leave the space to the three women.

Ye Xiao said, his feet are not moving, watching the moon frost and cold; if these two hoes suddenly become sensible now... take the initiative to retreat... How good?

But Ye Xiao’s plan was completely lost.

Moon frost and cold will simply ignore him, and he will take a chat with Xuan Bing, and chat with him. Even Xuan Bing is just a sigh.

Watching the two hoes squeezed into their bed, the strong occupying their position, Ye Xiao can only sigh and go out.

It’s a good thing to have a sister’s dependence, but if the younger sister doesn’t have the eyesight to see it, then the taste...but it’s too sour and so sweet!

Ye Xiao will sink his heart into the space, but see two goods are screaming.

It seems that this time the disposal of Black Dragon is a great improvement for the second goods, which should be the result of digesting this war.

Ye Xiaoxin’s mind was turned between the two, and the two pieces of jade were given out.

These rare things are still the most reassuring in the study of endless space!

"What is the mystery of this stuff? How can we have to have such a god-like condition to come out and give it away?" Ye Xiaoxin was full of curiosity about it.

Ye Xiao picked up one of the jade cards and placed them on the palm of his hand for a closer look.

But there is no trace information on it, and another piece is changed. There is also no such thing.

It seems that it is just two ordinary jade, there is nothing surprising at all.

Ye Xiao repeatedly looked over and over again, and even used God to read all aspects of the sneak, still did not find any abnormalities.

Ye Xiao can't help but wonder. What is the situation?

Is it only for the 180,000 years that I have to give it to me now, just two ordinary jade?

I don’t believe in evil, but I don’t give up. Ye Xiao simply uses the mental power of Qi Zi’s mysterious force to carefully examine it. After a long and long period of time, this is finally a clue, or something that is not right.

It seems that... there is an enormous force hidden in the jade, sealing the two jade!

This force is attached to the jade, which is difficult for the non-party to detect and cannot be destroyed. It is even more inaccessible.

Ye Xiao added the purple mysterious force to the spiritual paper, and looked at the gap that could be entered very carefully.

Since the two supremes have left Yu Pei to themselves, there is no possibility that there will be no way to enter.

After a long, long time, nothing to gain Ye Xiao’s is about to give up today’s exploration and withdraw his spiritual strength slowly...

Suddenly, a special force chased after the direction of Ye Xiao’s spiritual strength, and Ye Xiao couldn’t help but be surprised, but he was very curious and his spirit was extremely recovered, but the specific power of the sudden movement was in the shadow, regardless of the leaf. The strength of the laughter retracement is fast, and the power is always in the doldrums. Ye Xiao can’t get rid of it completely. It’s just that Ye Xiao’s spiritual power has completely withdrawn from the jade field, and the strange power is like a huge wave. Cover up Ye Xiao’s mental power completely!

Ye Xiaoxiao snorted, is about to break into the space and think of ways, endless space, mysterious mystery, this sudden strength is tyrannical, but it is arrogant to confront yourself, but there is no end to space...

Unexpectedly, I saw that the tyrannical force suddenly stopped before his own mental power; it gradually transformed into a palace-like building.

On the left and the right, each line shows a line of words, but this line of words is not complete.

"Overturning the rain () () ()"


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