Realms In The Firmament

Vol 2 Chapter 1796: Who is rebellious?

Ye Xiaoyan saw a fist and a knife together, a faint smile, the upper body does not move, the lower body does not move, just a sword light!

At the same time, the left hand is also gently raised, and then, with the soft wind to ease the willows of the palm of the hand. ┡(8)(一)中文文网Ww%W. 81.Zw. COM

Ye Xiao should be recruited for a moment. No matter whether it is Ye Jiajun or Joe, the five or two people are all stunned. There is a sword in front of him. The people on both sides are highly rated on Ye Xiao, but the two Saints are from both sides. In the attack, a strong savage and fierce sinister, each with style, you Ye Xiao so light fluttering back is what a ghost?

This is a battle of war and war, not a playful stage, looking for death? !

However, in the eyes of the public, the Star Sword, greet the mouth of the sterilized lancet; and Ye Xiao's left palm, greeted the first shot of the first singer. One heart and two use, one sword and one palm, splitting two people who attacked!



The sounds of the two seemingly similar sounds almost in succession.

First, a fist and a palm touched together, the person who punched the box was condescending, occupied the geographical advantage, the body was more steadily rushing forward, this punch, can be said to be no return, full of momentum!

However, when his fist hit the palm of his hand, his fist burst and shattered.

The situation is like a small car hitting a white cotton wrapped inside, but inside is a wall completely cast by Xuan Jin!

However, things are far from over, because his body still maintains a forward momentum.

Ever since, his arm has been broken; then the arms, shoulders, and chest, with the bang of the "bang", the whole body is in the forefront of the state.

Or it should be said that it was fragmented by Ye Xiaoyi!

On the other side, the lancet is also in frontal contact with the Star Sword, but with a bang, the lancet has no room for tempering, and the Star Sword rushes into the man without any stagnation. Right hand, right arm, shoulder, heart...

With the same slamming, the knife is also broken.

One stroke double kill, two opponents are killed at the same time, the death method is also the same as the difference, the veritable powder body broken bones, the dead body died!

Everyone is shocked!

This is the true strength of Ye Xiao?

Clearly distracted, used to open the bow, different weapons, different tricks, different martial arts, but two powerful enemies, at the same time kill!

The other party’s fist was completely devoid of leaving a little space for Ye Xiao to make a room for it. Only a hard fight was made; and Ye Xiao’s fist and sword also covered all the positions.

You don't give me the way, I won't leave you alive!

Tianli Zhaozhang, the end of the road!

At this time, the mid-air is full of blood and rain, but it is a smile on the face of a white dress, spotless.

Ye Xiao raised his head, his cold eyes staring at more than a hundred people across the street, faintly said: "Who else wants to die?"

Although this tone is indifferent, it is full of condescending, killing and domineering!

Zhao Yi had the heart to say something, to inspire morale, and to brew the next wave of offensive, but in the end it was just a dry cough, even if he, Ye Yunduan's four guards, was also shocked by Ye Xiao's fist!

If you then incite the killing order, let’s not say whether you can pose a threat to Ye Xiao. Anyway, you will definitely provoke yourself to death. One enemy who wants to kill himself will be the target of killing. Zhao is here. Is playing such a role!

"Ye Jun, this is our own thing for the leaves of the sky! If you do this, you will be guilty of blasphemy. Now the monarch and the army are the forces of the chaotic city. They have always lived in peace, and the life and death hall has been saved." The medical doctor’s benevolence is based on the fact that the army will let the monarchy continue to be in the chaotic city exhibition, but it is not that the army is incapable of expelling the monarchy, and it is not afraid to expel the life and death hall. Can this leaf monarch understand? I hereby advise you, I hope that you will not be idle!"

Zhao Yili said: "You should understand your weight. It is better to know what family we are in the sky! We are recovering from rebellion. You are so arbitrarily inserted, it is the enemy of the position and the leaves of the sky! If you are today Leave early, I am guaranteed by Zhao Yi, I can't be born as anything, otherwise, Ye Jun is not far from regretting the day!"

If you only say from the superficial words, Zhao Yi’s words are reasonable, and all of them are considered for Ye Xiao, and the affairs are even more generous. Even more than a dozen lives killed in Ye Xiao’s hands have been said. It is indeed a very rich condition, and there are Ye Jiajun and the leaves of the sky. After a close double force and coercion, Ye Xiao’s face is in the face. It is wise to let go of it in public and private!

However, Ye Xiaoxin had only one thought. This son is really drunk. What kind of ghost is this person saying? Is there a saying in the words he said? Can you have a half sentence? Ye Jiajun has nothing to do with the monarchy?

It is indeed safe and sound, but the basis of this peace of mind is that the tree castle built in the Church of Life and Death is unbreakable and unbreakable. Does Ye Jiajun have no ability to break it? But if there is a way, Ye Jiajun has long been dying for the monarchy, and there are...

Although the life and death hall is a place to cure diseases and save people, all the victims need to pay extremely expensive. If they are not high-powered and have no use value, even if they are pitiful, life and death will not be helpful. The person in front of me is simply squinting and talking, it is really difficult for this person to be a serious nonsense, and to say that the righteous words are well-organized, the talents!

Ye Xiaocai sneered, and when he was waiting for his lips, he heard a roar of someone behind him: "Zhao Yi, you are despicable and shameless, and you are chasing the rebellious? Who is rebellious? You are ungrateful and ruthless. The despicable little talent that is devastating is the Ye family rebellious!"

Zhao Yizhen has not changed his look, his eyes gaze at Ye Xiao, Shen Sheng: "Ye Jun, we two are in the chaos of the city, do not make river water, my son is also very hopeful, can always maintain a harmonious relationship with Ye Jun!"

Ye Xiaoying smiled: "Ye Yunduan wants to maintain a harmonious relationship with this son? Well water does not make river water? And don't say that you are not good at using your son. Anyway, I can't do this! I am in this well. If the water does not commit you to the river, how can the monarchy expand the power? You just said your hope, I will tell you the hope of this son. As long as you withdraw from the chaotic city, everyone will be harmonious and there will be no chaos! ”

Ye Xiao squinted and smiled: "If you see me every time afterwards, I will automatically evade the house, then I can guarantee that the rapport between us will be kept in the old days."

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