Reaper can become stronger

Hang Up Death Can Be Stronger Chapter 70

"Sorry, not yet." Jiang Han apologized.

Lin Lichuan was slightly disappointed when he heard the words, but didn't say much, and asked casually: "Has anything happened in Linyang City recently?"

"There is one." Jiang Han said, "Yege and Qianzhong are in full-scale war. Now the two sides are fighting close to the border between the southern and eastern parts of the Federation. Even Linyang has people from both sides."

Lin Lichuan thought of Meng Xiaotong and Zheng Lei and others.

Jiang Han continued: "Last week Yege's Dark Nightcrawler came to us. I hope we can help her search for Qianzhong's trace."


Jiang Han explained: "Nightcrawler is the name given to the core members of the night song's apostle team. It is said that each one has at least the strength of Silver Peak."

"Then you agreed to each other?"

"Although the Wangchuan Gang is an independent gang organization, it is still located on the site of Yege. We dare not refuse to agree to Yege's request."

Lin Lichuan nodded slightly, but didn't care too much. The more intense Qianzhong and Yege played, the better, so that the pressure on him would be reduced a lot.

If there is a chance, he doesn't even mind giving Qian Zhong a fall, it's best to let it be destroyed directly.

Chapter 74 There should be no problem now, right

Before hanging up the phone, Lin Lichuan suddenly had a thought in his mind. After thinking about it, he directly asked, "Where did you get the meteorite stone before?"

"I got it from a black market merchant." Jiang Han didn't even conceal what he said, and replied frankly.

This is not a secret in extraordinary circles.

"The federal government strictly controls meteorites and prohibits the circulation of meteorites among the people. Therefore, there is no way to buy meteorites on the market. If a gang like us wants meteorites, they can only trade on the black market. Large and extraordinary forces like Yege and Qianzhong have special channels to obtain meteorites."

That's it.

Suddenly, Lin Lichuan asked curiously: "What is the current price of meteorite in the black market?"

"About 16,000 white crown coins per gram."

Lin Lichuan felt dumb upon hearing this.

Although it has long been known that meteorite is extremely expensive, but I did not expect it to be so expensive, the price has far exceeded the same weight of gold.

It's ridiculous that he can't even afford a gram of meteorite with all his current possessions.

Involuntarily, Lin Lichuan remembered the fist-sized meteorite he had obtained from the Black Spider Gang. He vaguely remembered that the meteorite was at least a catty or so, which is 500 grams, which would be 8 million white crown coins.

In the end, only 12 spars were transformed from the meteorite.

In other words, 1 spar is approximately equivalent to six or seven hundred thousand white crown coins, and upgrading to VIP3 requires 100 spars...

Lin Lichuan couldn't help but confuse the numbers that he estimated in his mind.

On the other side of the phone, Jiang Han didn’t notice his surprise at all, and continued: “Even so, meteorites are priceless. Basically, they will be bought immediately when they appear in the black market. In most cases, Sellers of meteorite stones are more willing to barter or treat them as rewards for certain tasks."

"Task reward?" Lin Lichuan's heart moved.

"Well, there are often people posting tasks in the black market. Most of them are things that require extraordinary power to solve. The rewards are usually very generous. Among them, meteorites are the most popular."

It sounds like an adventure guild-like function.

Lin Lichuan couldn't help but eager to try.

You don't need to think about spending money to buy meteorites. He doesn't have so many white crown coins, but it is also a way to get them through task rewards.

On the other hand, passively waiting for the meteorite to appear is not a solution. The efficiency is too low. If possible, he wants to master at least one way to obtain the meteorite.

While thinking about it, Lin Lichuan quickly made a decision and asked neatly: "Can you recommend me? I want to go to the black market."

"This is no problem. There happens to be a station of the Black Flag Chamber of Commerce in Linyang. My dad will definitely be happy to be your referral."

"Okay, thank you, then I will call you again tomorrow night."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Lichuan breathed a sigh of relief, stood still and meditated for a while, then turned and left.

If this trip to the black market can go smoothly, perhaps he will be able to have one more channel to obtain meteorites.

Back home, Lin Lichuan turned on the surveillance light screen.

The dim picture popped up instantly, and it was vaguely visible that it was in a small, narrow, darkly lit room.

In the center of the picture, Lu Gang, who was deliberately let off by Lin Lichuan, was lying motionless on the bed, looking at the ceiling with a dull expression.

Bandages were wrapped in many places on his body, and his expression was exhausted, his eyes were sunken, and he looked exhausted.

All his companions died, but he was let alone by the attacker. The uncertainty in his heart, as well as the worry about the organization or punishment after the mission failed, made him very tortured, but in just a few days, the spirit was relaxed. Haggard a lot.

Lin Lichuan watched for a while before turning off the surveillance light screen.

The reason why he left Lu Gang was to put a long line to catch a big fish.

According to the estimated time, that Mr. Pei should arrive in Linyang City in five or six days.



The sound of fingertips tapping the desktop suddenly sounded.

The sound was not loud, but the heart of the deputy, who was standing at the desk, was trembling fiercely, and dense sweat immediately burst out of his forehead.

"One was severely allergic to food, died of suffocation and shock, one fell into the sea and drowned, and two 13th-level transcendents died so ridiculously?"

Mu Gang slowly raised his head, his eyes cold as if he were about to freeze people.

"The same thing has happened twice, and you still can't find out the reason, and still tell me it's an accident? Do you think I'm so stupid to believe this conclusion?"

The deputy stammered and replied: "But, sir, the people below have investigated many times and have not found any signs of other extraordinary people intervening. The cube 5 and the plum blossom 6 were indeed killed by accident... "

Mu Gang coldly interrupted him: "Who is in charge of the investigation?"

"Yes, it's Guo Sheng."

"Release all his duties and throw him into the clown's laboratory."


The words Clown Lab seemed to have some terrifying magic power, making the deputy's face pale a little instantly, and a look of extreme horror flashed on his face.

"Continue to send people to investigate."

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