Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 10 - On The Way

These last few days before Hogwarts has been kind of stressful. I named my screech owl Shy because he never stays close, but if you look around at any given time you can probably find him lurking on a tree or high perch within view. The main cause of my stress has been the constant fighting between Shy and Sin, It seems like Shy can get a little jealous...

More of a side note but another cause of frustration is the fact Sin only eats raw meat, a good thing he doesn't need to eat often. I have just resorted to feeding him field mice, he seems happy about it, he seems to do a small shake when he gets fed, I wonder if that's his form of purring?

I decided to check my textbook, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, on what type of creature Sin is, it didn't take me long to find it. Turns out he is something called a 'Lethifold', an evil creature and the only known relative to the dementor. According to this, they are known to be extremely aggressive and unkillable in any capacity, but Sin doesn't seem aggressive... is it because of me? In big bold letters, it classifies them as XXXXX level beasts, the same rating as a dragon, that seems rather silly.

Below that it lists the reasons why

-Silent Movement


-Ability to Counterspells


-Only Attacks Sleeping Targets

-Can Change Form To Any Clothing or Fabric

Know Deterants

-Patronus Charm

Well known for devouring Muggles and Sleeping Wizards with a near 100% Kill rate.

'...Sin have you ever eaten a person?' Sin taps my shoulder lightly as if not wanting to admit it. I guess that's why he seems to love raw meat so much. I Shiver.

'Don't do that again please.' Sin taps my shoulder twice, I sigh at his confirmation.

After that, I search for that giant creature that was my Patronus of course scrolling through anything with the asterisk noting *Known Patronus*. After going through all of the known Patronus I go through the ones noted as *Possible? Patronus*. These were creatures Newt Salamander deemed as not truly evil and merely misunderstood.

There weren't many of these creatures so I found it fast, it turns out to be a 'Nundu', a beast from Africa, and possibly the most dangerous beast in the world. As Salamander noted, "They are incredibly territorial creatures, but once they accept you as kin they are like an overprotective mother." I wonder what kind of relationship he had with one to give them that assessment.


These few days I've also been managing the Dementors, the two oldest seem to be doing a great job but the youngest... is a bit stupid. Nearly everyone at Uncle Ted's work has started to suffer from depression. The stupid thing thought that staying outside his work waiting for him meant to just hover above the roof the entire day.

After that incident, I assigned him a specific spot to stand a few hundred feet away from his work in a clock tower. I also charmed the maintenance guy to stock the vending machine full of chocolate so they don't end up killing themselves. Good thing I live in a part wizard, part muggle community or else the ministry would be all over me.


The day has finally come, time to head to Hogwarts. I came walking downstairs carrying a giant trunk struggling to get it down myself even with my superior physique. Give me a break my body is like that of a freaking 11-year-old. As I get down I see Auntie and Uncle Ted are sitting at the table smiling at my struggling figure. Sis Dora is standing by the door just laughing at me.

"Auntie, tell me again why I can't just put all my stuff in my pouch?" I say nearly out of breath.

"It's tradition." I think her smile grew. Sis Dora seems to find it funny since she started laughing harder. I glare at her.

Seeing me look at her she tried to get herself together and coughs a few times. "Ahem," she walks up to me, kneels and hugs me. "Sorry I can't go to see you off Soren, Auror training doesn't let you take breaks."

I hug her back "It's fine sis, make sure you do well training I can't brag about having a sister who failed Auror training." I tease her.

She ruffles my hair and stands up, turning to Auntie and Uncle "Bye Mom, bye Dad see you later tonight." Then she turns back to me pulling out her wand "Bye Soren" She apparates away.

"What did I say about apparation inside the house! I need to scold that girl when she gets back.." Auntie says, obviously not that upset. Then she turns to me.

"Come on Soren we should leave now if we wanna get there before 11."

I don't know why but Auntie wanted to take Ted's muggle car to get to the train station.

The drive took a little over two and a half hours, auntie said there was a closer station but she wanted me to go to the one she went to, and the one sis went to, Kingscross Station. When we get into London I'm kind of overwhelmed, I grew up in a small town in my last life, and Appleby was the very definition of a village. How can people live in such a compact area? Maybe it's because it's next to a giant park but Black manor feels much more open than any of these streets.

We arrive at the train station, this is a first for me I've never been to a train station and this one is massive so I'm a bit intimidated. I grabbed a trolly to help carry my big trunk and Shy's cage, and yes, I did indeed called a cart a trolly, I'm being influenced. We walk in and there are rows of tracks with giant support columns listing the tracking number.

I look at auntie "Auntie the tracks are listed by flat numbers there is no nine and three-fourths track?"

She just smiles happily "Come, come you'll see something neat today." She walks fairly deep into the station stopping in front of the third pillar after nine and one pillar before ten.

"Come, Soren stand here." she grabs me by the shoulders and points at the pillar "Run straight at it with no hesitation." I look at her like she just told me to jump off a bridge.

I feel a hand pat my back. "Don't worry boy I was scared my first time too." I hear Uncle Ted say.

I nod my head and harden myself to hit that wall with everything I got. I take off at a little more than a jog pushing the trolly straight at the wall, I close my eye as I'm about to hit it. But against my expectations I hit nothing, I open my eyes and I'm in the same station just a lot smaller with only one platform. Everyone around is also carrying large trunks and owls, I guess this is the place, I look back at the wall I came through and wait for Auntie and Uncle.

After maybe a minute they came through the wall both of them laughing hysterically.

"What took you guys so long" I look kind of annoyed. They seem to laugh harder at my annoyance.

"Haha, honey you shouldn't trust me so blindly, your face when you were about to hit the pillar was absolute gold." She is laughing so hard she had to wipe a tear away.

My face flushes deep red exasperated by my paleness, I cross my arms "hump".

She looks at me apologetically and put her hand on my shoulder "Sorry honey, won't do it again" her words are unconvincing since she is still giggling.

"Alright, lets put your stuff in the storage cart and get you on the train." Ted chimes in

We put my stuff in storage and say our goodbyes, auntie wanted me to get on the train early and meet new people so there is still a few minutes before the train leaves. But me being the anti-social freak I've been in both my lives, I decided to just sit down in an empty cabin and watch the passing families.

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