Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 104 - The Hog's Head Inn

Once we get into town professor Aurora stands in front of the carriages.

"Follow me everyone, no wandering around. You can move freely once you have all gotten your rooms situated." She says shepherding the kids towards the main road, not far from the train station.

Getting into Hogsmeade we pass various small shops and houses where the villagers live. Stepping in front of the Hog's Head is surreal, it is exactly as Sirius remembers. The dingy sign still seems to be holding on by a thread, with a small chunk of wood missing from the bottom right of it.

The building itself isn't awfully poor but it does appear to have not been maintained in quite a while. I can tell by the look on the trio's faces they aren't as thrilled about staying here anymore.

"It's hard to imagine 'this' is the place that was once used as the headquarters during the Goblin Rebellion…" She says with an odd expression examining the rickety door.

Feeling the tension among the student's Aurora speaks up "Now kids it is not the cleanest but is the best we could do on short notice. It is not as bad inside."

I already know what awaits so I step in first pushing open the door it creaks open revealing a dark, torch-lit room with dirt-covered stone floors. There are wooden tables lining an open inn-style main room, with a bar currently hosting three older wizards. From the looks of their glasses, they aren't drinking water this early.

My eyes narrow immediately as I hold back my distaste for alcoholics and turn around. "You were wrong Professor Aurora, it's worse inside."

She looks a bit fl.u.s.tered as she scratches her cheek "I don't drink so I've never actually been here."

The group of students have expressions varying from disgust to dismay. "Professor, if we put up the capital ourselves, may we stay at the Three Broomsticks?" Draco asks with disgust lingering on his face as he looks inside.

The professor looks conflicted but quickly relents looking back inside "I suppose that would be fine… but you would need a teacher with you as well…"

This time Hagrid speaks up to her relief "Ye can go with em. I know the Hog's Head like the back of me hand, I can watch the kids here juss fine." He says with a grin.

She nods "Then I will have to thank you Hagrid. If you are staying at the Three Broomsticks, follow me now." She turns around heading back down the street as Draco and his lackeys follow behind her along with a few of the older students.

I shrug at the trio who all look a bit annoyed while Hagrid walks in past me. "Mornin' Aberforth." He says with a hearty smile.

For a second I'm completely taken aback by the name. I had completely forgotten that Dumbledore's brother was the owner of this Inn. No wonder he was able to get us rooms within a few hours of finding the chamber.

Aberforth looks at the students with a rather miffed expression as he steps out from behind the bar. "Hagrid, I see you have brought the children…"

"Aye, I'll be in charge of em." He says with a slightly proud expression.

Aberforth meets my eyes for a second before looking away "I see… Well follow me, I'll show you to your rooms."

With a groan from some of the kids, Ron included, we follow behind him and Hagrid. "It's a good thing I learned a cleaning charm from Flitwick at the tournament," I whisper to the trio as I fall back to them.

Hermione looks relieved "I was about to head to Tomes and Scrolls to find one if you did not know one." she whispers back.

He gestures to the right "This is the lounge, feel free to use it… don't make a mess though."

As the person closest to the front, I step forward and peek inside. The room is fairly clean with a few chairs around a table with a couch across from a fireplace. My eyes widen as my eyes move to the painting above the fireplace.

"Ariana?" I unconsciously mutter to myself as I look into the eyes of the young girl in the portrait. I feel a bit odd as the painted girl gives me a smile.

From my left, I hear the slightly cold voice of Aberforth "How do you know that name?"

My eyes glance up at him standing close to me "Where do you think?" I say giving him my classic smile.

He gives me a befuddled look "Dumbledore told you about her?"

Hagrid speaks up for me "Young Soren is his favorite student."

I give Hagrid a toothy grin "Second favorite," I give Harry a quick glance before looking back at Aberforth.

Aberforth nods "He must trust you a great deal… He does not let ANYONE know his thoughts." He sounds a bit bitter as he speaks of his brother.

I shrug "He didn't have a choice at the time… Anyway, shall we continue? I can marvel at the portrait later. "

Aberforth merely continues down the hall gesturing into rooms "The girls' rooms are on the end and the boys' rooms are the first four on the left and right. Choose your own rooms." Finishing his words he walks away but not before giving me a glance.

Each room only had two beds each with off-yellow sheets and brown wool blankets. I wouldn't be surprised if the beds were infested by bed bugs.

Ron and Harry who both followed me into the first room look disgusted at the sheets. "So who is rooming with who? If you two want to stay together I'm fine with one of the older students as a roommate."

They look at each other for a second before shrugging "I don't mind either way." Harry says, Ron nods in agreement.

"I'll take the room on the other side of the wall then. Ah, let me clean your room before you unpack. " I pull out my wand drawing an S in the air "Scourgify." A light mist springs off the walls, floors, beds, and tables covering them. After a few moments, you can see the sheets are now white and the blankets are more of a caramel color.

Ron turns to me with wide eyes "Bloody hell, you need to teach me that for when I go home. Mum always nags me for not cleaning my room."

I shrug "Sure if you actually try to learn, I don't mind."

"Me as well." Harry chimes in.

"Of course," I wave goodbye as I head into my room to unpack some things.

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