Hagrid brought us up a hill that led to a courtyard with a large gate surrounded by walls, the layout was open and basically, nothing was fully enclosed. It was more like a university campus than it was a traditional castle, didn't look great for defense but beautiful none the less. The doors we were walking to were massive, how I would image a grand cathedral.

When we get to the doors they swing open without Hagrid touching them, inside was just as big as you would imagine with stone brick laid throughout, torches lining the halls. There is a woman standing just inside, she looks pretty, maybe a bit old. She is maybe 50, sharp features, dark black hair, sporting emerald green robes that matched her eyes.

'She must have been a stunner in her younger days' I think to myself.

Hagrid nods to her "Gotcha' the firs' years her' Professor McGonagall."

"Thank you Hagrid, I can take them from here" Hagrid nods again and walks away.

She gestured for us to follow, she leads us deeper into the castle and finally stops at the top of a flight of stairs, The stairs diverge and continue up and also lead to massive doors that are currently closed, but you can hear loud chatter behind them.

She turns around and begins "Welcome to Hog-" she is cut off by a toad croaking not even a foot in front of her.

"TREVOR" I hear Neville yell from right next to me as he runs up to grab his toad. As he picks up Trevor he slowly looks up to see Professor McGonagall giving his a death stare, he slowly backs away sinking into the crowd.

She starts again "As I was saying, Welcome to Hogwarts!" she paused to look around I could notice her eyes lingering on Harry. "Soon you all will be joining the start-of-year feast however before you sit you will be sorted into your houses. The four houses are called Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin.

Each house has their own proud and noble history of great witches and wizards. You will be in these houses all seven years you are attending. Your triumphs will earn you points for your house, while any rulebreaking or demerits will cause your house to be stripped of points. At the end of each year, the points and the house with the most points will have the honor of winning the house cup."

Once she is finished a man who looks like he has seen better days opens the big doors behind her. "They are ready for them Professor."

She nods to him "Thank you Mr. Filch"

She turns to us "You all had best make yourselves presentable, the entire school will be watching. Now come, follow me." She opened the big doors fully and we followed.

The Hall was enormous with 4 tables nearly 20 meters long lined with students who clapped and yelled as we walked in. One table at the back ran horizontally as opped to the others, there were older people sitting at it, I could see Quirrell next to Snape near the end not far from Hagrid. At the center of the table was the current most powerful wizard alive, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Order of Merlin First Class.

As I looked around I noticed that there were candles floating above our heads to give light and that instead of a ceiling there was a night sky instead.

As if noticing me staring at the ceiling Hermoine whispers to me "It's bewitched to look like a night sky, I read about it in Hogwarts, A history." She says without hiding the smugness in her voice.

'When did she get behind me?' I think a bit terrified.

As we get to the front of the Hall and stand in front of the Professors, McGonagall brings forward a small stool and a dirty old hat. The hat is tall, pointy and faded grey, but it looks like it used to be a dark brown, it has a few stitch marks in it as well.

The hat begins to sing through a small cut near the rim "Oh, you may not think I'm pretty,

But don't judge on what you see,

I'll eat myself if you can find A smarter hat than me.

You can keep your bowl-"

My focus changes when I notice some changes with Quirrell. I didn't notice at first glance but he looks like a completely different person… not that I could "see" him well the first time. But now he looks even more cowardly than before, keeping his arms close to his c.h.e.s.t as if waiting to be attacked. He is also wearing a turban now, it honestly looks kind of dumb on him.

My thoughts are cut short by a roaring clap and some whistling… 'The hats song must've been good.'

Professor McGonagall stepped forward carrying a long scroll "When I call your name, you will be sorted." she cleared her throat "Abbott, Hannah!"

A girl with blonde hair put into pigtails was the first to walk up slowly and sat on the seat. McGonagall put the hat on the girl and after a brief moment, the hat spoke.


The kids sitting at the table to my immediate right cheered loudly and clapped, the pigtailed girl went and sat with them happily.

McGonagall spoke again "Black, Soren" the whole Hall fell silent and then whispering started, I even noticed some of the teachers began glaring at me… Hagrid among them.

When I stepped forward to sit on the stool I could feel everyone's eyes following me, most of the looks I'm certain were not friendly. When I sat on the stool McGonagall gave me a nod as she placed the hat on my head.

Immediately I hear the hat. "Hmmmmm, this young and already talented in Occlumency… a dangerous young one indeed, your ancestors would be proud. Hmm, you may be able to hide your memories and thoughts but no one can hide their emotions. A lot of darkness but your small light is as bright as a sun… You would do well in both Hufflepuff or Slytherin, what are your thoughts?"

"Oh, I get a choice in this?" I say confused

"Not normally but not everyone has your talent."

"Isn't that unfair?"

"Life isn't fair, now speak what do you want?"

"I want to be in Gryffindor," I say with confidence

"Oh, and why is that?"

"I want to be in the house that Lily and James were in, the one my father was in."

"Hmmmm" The hat seems to go back into thought. "GRYFFINDOR" the hat yells.

I hear some cheering coming from the Gryffindor table but I notice most of the older students aren't cheering some are even looking in dismay that I'm in Gryffindor. As I get to the table and sit in an empty spot there are students greeting me, mostly the younger ones, but also Fred and George.

Soon the cheering stops and the sorting resumes. "Bones, Susan!" Yells McGonagall.


"Boot, Terry!"



"Granger, Hermione!"

"GRYFFINDOR!" She sat on my right, getting a much warmer reception than me… I was a little jealous. But I clapped and congratulated her anyway.

"Longbottom, Neville!" As Neville walked up McGonagall had a noticeable scowl.

"GRYFFINDOR!" the hat yelled having barely touched his head. Again the Gryffindor table broke out in cheers Neville sit on my left and received a warm greeting as well.


"Potter, Harry!" Everyone stared at him as well, but none of the stares were malicious like mine. I also notice McGonagall has a small smile, unlike literally everyone so far it was either a blank look or a scowl.

'Does she have a thing for kids' I think shivering a bit.

Once the hat is on his head it takes its time talking none of us can hear their conversation but after a bit, it finally yells.

"GRYFFINDOR!" With that word the entire Gryffindor table gets up to clap, it's to be expected for the savior. He sits on my right between Hermoine and I greeting everyone who comes up to shake his hand.


"Weasley, Ronald!" Ron looks so nervous he's about to trip, luckily he doesn't.

The hat takes a while but after a few seconds, it finally yells "GRYFFINDOR!"

Again cheers ring out and he is greeted by his older brothers even one that I haven't met before, I assume it's Percy the current Prefect.

As soon as the sorting ends Dumbledore gets up and steps to a podium. "Welcome, to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. Here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!" he turns around and goes back to his seat.

Harry turns to Percy "Is he a bit… mad?" hearing the question I also turn to Percy with a questioning look.

Percy smiles at Harry's question "Mad? Maybe? He is a genius, Harry! The best wizard in the world!" he then turns to me "Potatoes?"

"What?" I ask, he just points at the roasted potatoes in front of him.

"Sure" as we eat the food never seems to run out the food just keeps reappearing.

It was a grand feast, almost made me forget the glares everyone gave me.

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