Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 15 - Classes 1

I woke up early that morning and went to breakfast. If I didn't have a lot of memories from Sirius about this maze they call a staircase I guarantee I would have gotten lost.

In the Great Hall, I found Hermione was already there eating while reading. So I decided to say hi seeing as she is the only person I recognized.

I walk up behind her and pat her shoulder "Good Morning, what are you reading?"

She turns looking surprised "Oh, I'm studying for History of Magic since it's our first class."

I give a confused look "But we haven't even met the teacher yet, how do you even know what to study?"

"I just study everything, since I'm 'muggleborn' I have a lower starting point than everyone here so I have to work twice as hard."

"I get it, I also lived as a muggle up until a few months ago as well. Getting used to magic has been quite the ride," especially for me.

"Yeah I know, I read about you in a piece by Rita Skeeter. It wasn't really anything good it was basically a hit piece. It talked about how you were too talented in magic for someone who lived as a muggle for 10 years, how you came from an elitist pureblood family and couldn't be trusted." She looked at me with eyes of sympathy.

'How did this, Rita Skeeter, learn I was talented in magic?' I am really confused, I always checked for souls before I used any larger form of magic.

Noticing my silence she continues "You shouldn't worry about the rumors, I have only known you for a day I can already tell you are a nice guy."

I give a smile "Thank you for that."

After that, I actually eat breakfast, I had some beans and eggs with a side of toast. As an ex-American having beans for breakfast was a little odd but was great anyway.

After I got done eating Hermione and I head to our first class, History of Magic. It was taught by Professor Binns who apparently a few hundred years ago fell asleep in his office when it caught fire. He woke up from his nap to teach and found out he had become a ghost, not the brightest professor I reckon.

The class was honestly really boring but it was helped by the fact that Hermoine and Neville sat on my sides while Harry and Ron sat in front of me. I wonder how those two became friends so fast, is it because they are both pretty average in every respect? Not that being average is bad but let me be honest, nothing really stands out about either of them.

After the class was over there was a 30 minute break period which Harry and Ron used to goof off and Hermione used to study for the upcoming charms class. While I had to help Neville find that damned frog of his, I swear I have to teach this boy a tracking spell before he drives me crazy.

Next was charms with Professor Flitwick a short man about the size of a goblin but without the ugly features of a goblin, like the ugly nose or long fingers. He had piles of books on his desk stacked so high that if he were to sit in his seat you wouldn't be able to find him.

The first thing he did was take role-call as soon as all of us were in our seats. When he called my name he gave a very noticeable lingering glare.

'Why does everyone glare at me, it's like they think I'm Sirius." I think feeling wronged.

However, when he called Harry's name he seemed absolutely overjoyed to have the savior in his class. The obvious favoritism threw me off but it's fine since it's over Harry so I can't really complain.

The class went by quick since he only gave an introduction to what charms are and what we would be going through in the course. After the class was over it was lunch time, probably one of my favorite times of the day.

I love food but I can't match Ron, I don't know what that boy does with it You would never know that he came from a poor family with the way he eats. I also make sure to take my time secretly giving Sin a few turkey legs in between bites, he seems to enjoy them since he usually doesn't tend to eat non-raw meat.

Hermoine AGAIN is studying for transfiguration before we even go to class. I guess that is a good call since transfiguration does seem a bit dangerous as compared to the other subjects. Of course, that doesn't include defense against the dark arts which is dangerous by nature.

The very moment we all sit in McGonagall's class she begins to lecture us.

"Transfiguration is some of the most complex and dangerous magic you will learn at Hogwarts," she said. "Anyone messing around in my class will leave and not come back. You have been warned."

She has a stern look on her face as she says this and I notice her eyes linger on me.

'Man what do these professors have against kids?'

There was a stark difference in her class compared to the others. While in history we went over a basic overview of the course and in charms we went over what charms actually are and what they can. In Transfiguration, we started off by taking difficult to follow notes, not that she was a bad teacher just that it was a complex subject.

I had a huge advantage since I had taken muggle high school and was able to understand what made things and how different materials were comprised of a different number of protons and neutrons. Not only that I had the memories of Sirius and read plenty of books on a similar subject in Sid's room.

Our first task was to turn a match into a needle, it only took me around 20 minutes to figure out, which is longer than I thought it would honestly. After I figured it out I turned to help both Hermoine and Neville, with my help Hermione easily made it, she is very intelligent for an 11-year-old. While Neville on the other hand even with my instruction couldn't even change the color of it.

Hearing me talking McGonagall walked up to me with a very displeased scowl "You had better have a good reason for talking... Mr. Black." She looked like she struggled to get out my name.

"I've already turned it into a needle so I was helping Miss. Granger and Longbottom since I want them to succeed as well." I reply with my best smile showing her the needle I made, Hermoine showed her's as well confirming my story.

McGonagall looks at me not even smirking then looks at Hermoine with a small smile she speaks "5 Points to each of you for Gryffindor."

The class cheers and some even get up to congratulate Hermione and me. McGonagall looks at me with her smile gone replaced with her usual scowl and walks away.

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