Once we made our way across the grounds we found sort of run-down wooden shack on the edge of the forbidden forest. Outside the door were big mud boots and a crossbow.

'Wonder what the bow is for?'

As Harry knocks on the door we hear Hagrid's voice inside "Down Fang, back up."

The door opens and we see Hagrid in the doorway holding a big black dog by the collar. "Come on in boys." He holds the door open for Ron and Harry but starts to close it as I am walking in. I grab the door as he is closing it and shove it open knocking Hagrid back a little.

"Ah, sorry dint' see ye' ther' Mr. Black," he says with an insincere smile. I just ignore it and walk inside. The room is pretty small, only the size of a large room. There is an open fireplace on one wall with a copper kettle in it, a large bed on one side.

"Make yer' selves at home" Hagrid let go of Fang who just lept at Ron and started l.i.c.k.i.n.g his face covering it in slobber. Hagrid walked over to the kettle and started to prepare tea for all of us.

"This is Ron." he pointed at the slobber covered Ron, "And this is Soren." I gave a silent nod.

"Another Weasley aye. I was fond of yer' brother Charlie, talented with animals that one. Spent most of me life chasin' him away from the forest that one."

They were all talking about Filch, apparently, Harry and Ron had gotten in trouble with him on the very first day.

"Filch's cat Mrs. Norris is the real annoyin' on ye hear' she'll give you a good follo' for hours if she thinks yer' up to no good. In my opinion, I ought tah introduce her tah, Fang"

I cut Hagrid off from his rant "Hagrid why do you dislike me?"

Hagrid freezes "Boy, ya' know yer' father?"

I nod "Indeed I know him quite well, I also know you quite well."

Hagrid looks surprised "Well yer' father and I aren't on the best of terms,"

I get a little angry "Hagrid it's "weren't" now, my father has passed away and also YOU better than anyone know that you shouldn't trust the ministry to get the right man for the crime. Voldemort had a lot more control over the ministry than you would think."

Both Harry and Ron seem surprised that I used You-Know-Whos real name.

"Do you think it mere coincidence that he offered his memories at the risk of brain damage and was declined?"

Hagrid looked a little ashamed "I'm sorry for yer loss. But ther' is no way yer' father is innocent considering he was the only one who knew, the truth bearer on."

"What if I told you Peter Pettigrew was the true secret bearer and Sirius was just the decoy? That is why Sirius tried to kill Pettigrew, muggles got in between them and died as a result."

Hagrid looked shocked. While both Ron and Harry looked really confused as what we were talking about. We are talking about the fact Sirius was falsely imprisoned for giving the Potter whereabouts to Voldemort when it actuality It was Pettigrew who betrayed them. He faked his own death and hid in his animagus for these 10 years.

"What do ya mean tried? He slaughtered him! Only left a finger behind."

"Do you know of any spells that would leave a finger left. Any spell that would kill someone like that would destroy everything not leave behind a finger."

Hagrid seemed to fall into thought, rare for the oaf. "I need tah talk tah Dumbledore about this. If what yer' sayin is true… I'm sure Dumbledore will become very busy."

We both had not mentioned the Potter's as to not tip off Harry. When we were done basically yelling at each other Harry interjected.

"I forgot Hermione mentioned it on the train as well, what was your father locked up for?" at this question Ron's ears visibly perked up.

"He was imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit, they said he killed 13 muggles and his friend with only a single curse. Although he was talented I can assure the number of people capable of killing that many with only one spell can be counted on one hand and he wasn't on that list... since he was only 21 at the time."

I turn to Hagrid "He's not the only one who knows what it is like to be framed for something he didn't do."

"Hagrid?" Ron and Harry said at the same time.

"It's not somethin' I am proud of, I don' wanna talk about it, sorry boys." he honestly looks like he would cry if he continued.

Ron and Harry seem to get it and only nod. After that Ron notices the newspaper


Investigations continue into the break-in at Gringotts on 31 July, widely believed to be the work of Dark wizards or witches unknown.

Gringotts goblins today insisted that nothing had been taken. The vault that was searched had in fact been emptied the same day.

"Hagrid this break-in happened the day we went, it must have been happening while we were there!"

Hagrid looked really skittish at the mention of the break-in, he obviously knew more than he was saying but we didn't push it.

As we were leaving Hagrid didn't look that good, his face was pale. 'Maybe I was a bit too hard on him?' I felt kind of bad, I knew Hagrid was a really nice guy and was only mad for James and Lily's sakes. But the fact that Sirius was so hated for the sacrifice he made that no one knew about just made me so angry.

As we were walking back I confronted Harry about what had happened between him and Neville in potions.

"I was zoning out, I was thinking about what I said to Snape. How it made me seem no better than Dudley, making fun of Snape for his childhood struggles." Harry looked conflicted saying this.

I put my hand on his shoulder. "Just be sure to apologize to Neville when he gets out of the infirmary."

Harry just nods while looking down in thought.

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