Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 19 - The Duel

In those hours I was only able to get Harry to successfully cast Stupefy… once. However, considering that Harry knew virtually nothing about offensive magic to being with I can consider it good progress.

The time finally came and we were about to leave Hermione showed up in the common room with a bright pink bathrobe on.

"I'm coming with you" She demanded

"No, you're not." Ron shot back.

I just look at him 'Why does this boy feel like he is the leader?'

I turn to Hermione "He's right, you aren't coming… not in those bright pink robes, they stand out too much."

Her smile gets wide and she takes off her bathrobes showing she had her real robes under the entire time. I can hear a loud groan come out from Ron, making him unhappy is a bit fun.

'This girl is really too smart' Seeing she had robes already on I also sighed a bit.

"Do you think it's a good idea to bring another?" Harry asks.

I give a shrug "I don't think she would take no for an answer anyway."

We took our time sneaking to the trophy room on the third floor. When we got there Malfoy wasn't there yet so I decided to show Harry the Trophy his father had won. The crystal case glistened in the moonlight full of cups, shields, plates, and statues of silver and gold.

"Harry come here." I gestured to the case.

One of the trophies in front made of wood had some bronze badges on it. The center one read "JAMES POTTER 1971 SEEKER" I pointed it out to Harry.

"Woh," Harry said taken aback "My dad was a seeker?"

"Yup the best in his years at Hogwarts, so it's pretty fitting that you got placed as a seeker as well."

Harry was looking at the trophy with awe and his hands on the glass. But all of a sudden I heard a meow come from the outer corridor.

"Don't Worry Mrs. Norris we'll catch those kids if they are out of bed." I heard filch say.

"Guys it's a trap, Filch is coming. Let's get out of here." I say in a loud whisper.

As we are stepping silently out the opposite corridor I see Mrs. Norris look at me and meow loudly. "Run!" We all break into a sprint down the corridor, as an opening comes up on our right I here Harry speak.

"This way." He turns into the doorway and runs right into the backside of a painting. He tears right through it and falls through then Ron on top of him then Hermione on top of them both. I check behind us to see Mrs. Norris way down the hallway, luckily she isn't looking this way.

After they got up we continued down the corridor at a much less rushed pace, it let out at the end of the hallway next to our charms class. Seeing how far we were from Filch we calmed down a bit.

"I guess it's not a loss, now Harry knows how to defend himself and we didn't actually get caught," I say trying to lift the mood.

"Malfoy ratted us out" Hermione pointed out Harry and I nodded.

"I'll break his nose next time I see him," Ron said making me roll my eyes.

"Oh, son of a-" I'm cut off.

"Hello, Children." Peeves floats down in front of us.

"Peeves I swear, if you ev-" I'm cut off again.

"Don't worry… I'm doing this for your own good." A wicked smile grows on his face.

"RUN!" I say in a half yell and we all take off running.


We run down the corridor, and when we get to the door at the end we find that it is locked.

"Move over." Hermione pushes us out of the way. She puts her wand up to the lock and chants "Alohomora."

The door lock clicks and starts to swing open, we all pile in and quickly close it behind us. As we turn around we see a giant 5 meter tall 3 headed dog with pitch black fur. The room was small, it was only big enough to hold the dog, but I notice the dog in on top of a trapdoor. The dog seems to be sleeping but I pull out my wand just in case it wakes up, everyone else is petrified.

"Slowly open the door, we have to be quiet," I whisper.

"Go, Go, Go!" I say rushing them. The dog quickly gets up upon noticing us. Both Ron and Hermione got out before it could get up but it came after Harry and I.

Before it could get to us I pointed my wand at it and chanted "Petrificus Totalus" The dog freezes with its maw only a few feet away from us.

I look at Harry "Let's go" Harry nods obviously terrified.

As we close the door I can hear the dog slam against it.

'How did it get free so fast? What a resistant creature.' I think to myself.

We all rush back to the center of the corridor where a small exit is, it leads to the main stairwell. We got really lucky, the staircase's aligned to the entrance of Gryffindors common room perfectly.

As soon as we got in I hears Ron start to yell "What in the bloody hell are they thinking!? Keeping such a dog like that locked up in a school for children?

"You don't use your eyes, do you?" Hermione interjected.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked

"There was a trapdoor. It was underneath the dog." I add

"I was too busy staring at its teeth to notice" Harry shivered.

"We could have been killed, or worse… expelled." she sighed. "Now if you don't mind I'm going to bed."

I just shake my head "She is right that was dumb. We should go to bed as well." Ron and Harry nod.

"We have potions in the morning and I don't want Snape to have any more reasons to hate me," Harry says.

That morning when we went to breakfast we say Malfoy already eating. When he saw us his jaw dropped and food almost fell out.

I turned to Ron and Harry "I'll be right back."

I walk over to Malfoy, he looks kind of scared as I walk over with a smile on my face. "Hey I have some stuff you discuss would you mind coming to have a chat out in the courtyard?"

Malfoy looks back and forth between Crabbe and Goyle then finally nods with a new found confidence. "Yeah, I wouldn't mind chatting with you." he has a smug smile.

"Great, just follow me" my smile gets wider. Across the room I see Ron and Harry looking at me with concern.

When we get to the main courtyard no one else is there, probably since it's too early. I turn around to face all three of them while pulling out my wand. They are smiling like I am a lamb to slaughter.

They all start to pull out their wands but I am not that nice. "Stupefy, Stupefy, Expelliarmus" I wave my wand and chant three times.

Crabbe and Goyle both fall to the ground unconscious and Malfoys wand goes flying.

I smile "You know I may not know how to do many charms or transfigurations but I know my Defence Against the Dark Arts very well… I also know quite a few curses."

Malfoy falls back and starts to scream "Silencio!" I chant before he can attract any attention. He tries to scurry away from me "Locomotor Mortis" his legs latch together and he can't scurry anymore.

I walk up to stand above him "Don't worry, I won't be too harsh since we didn't actually get caught." My smile grows wider "Calvario" all the hair on his head starts to fall off.

"You won't tell anyone about this right?" Malfoy shakes his head vigorously which makes me laugh "I'm kidding you won't be able anyway, Mimble Wimble" I cast the tongue-tying curse so he can't speak of what has happened this morning.

I also go to the unconscious Crabbe and Goyle and do the same, making them bald and unable to say what happened to them. As I walk back towards the castle I see Ron and Harry staring at me with wide eyes and slack jaws.

"That was wicked," Ron says as he gets a big smile.

"Yeah, you have to teach me some time," Harry says.

I nod "Sure, let's go eat I'm hungry." I look back to see Malfoy struggling to stand up.

Later that day at potions we saw Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle walk into potions late and get into trouble. Everyone was already laughing at them for being bald, at least I was nice enough to let them keep the eyebrows.

It made me chuckle when Hermione tapped my shoulder. "What did you do to them."

"Just a little payback." She probably knew it was me because they were glaring at me from the second they walked into the classroom. I'm honestly surprised Malfoy found the counter-curse so quickly, he probably knows the curse himself in that case.

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