Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 29 - More Presents

As I got walked into my room I saw a stack of presents with Shy perched on top of the stack. Shy makes a small sound as he sees me enter the room and flys off the stack onto the wardrobe.

The stack has a few wrapped gifts and letters attached to them sitting next to the stack is some candy and notes, from Dean, Seamus, and Daphne Greengrass. I didn't get Daphne anything since I didn't expect her to get me anything now I feel a bit bad. I suppose it's a thank you for helping her out in potions a few times.

I pick up the first present as I pick it up I can tell it's just a wrapped book but I still read the letter attached first.

From Professor Minerva McGonagall

Dear Soren Black,

It has been brought to my attention by Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, that I have been partial toward you. This was brought about by my priorly held biases held towards your late father which have as of recently, have been proven misinformed. That is why through this letter I wish to extend my sincerest apology and would like to offer a book that will better help you advance in my class. I hope you study well and have a joyous Christmas with your family.

Sincerely, Professor Minerva McGonagall

I am happy she apologized for being partial towards me, but this is a bit impersonal isn't it? I sigh as I wonder what she thinks I'm lacking in transfiguration as I open the wrapping.


… The transfiguration alphabet? I'll admit I don't have it memorized but is that really a reason to drop my grade from an O to an E? Hell, not even Hermione has it memorized yet…

From what I can gather the "Transfiguration Alphabet" is just ancient runes simplified into a pseudo-language from having similar transformative properties. The books in Sid's lab often mentioned the ancient runes… not that I understand them.

I set down the book on my desk and move on to the next present, it's from Hermione. Surprise, surprise it's another book. The card on top is just a normal Christmas card so I just unwrap the book.


I smile at the gift as it is exactly what I would expect of Hermione, then again I got her a book as well so what does that say? I set that book on my desk as well, winter break is long so I have more than enough time to skim through them both. With how much I read at Sid's lab I have gotten REALLY good at going through a book fast… even if I don't retain everything.

Next was from a name I didn't recognize, Molly Weasley is that Ron's mother?. The package was soft so I assume it is probably some sort of fabric, but first, there is a letter attached.

From Molly Weasley

I know we have not met yet but I hope that will change in the future. My son has sent many letters discussing you, not all of them the kindest. But I would like to thank you for keeping him out of trouble and being his friend. Currently, I am away on vacation but I hope next break you can come to visit with Harry Potter. I have known the Tonks for quite a few years and we don't live that far away so feel free to pop in.

Best wishes, Molly Weasley


She seems like such a nice lady, how in the hell did the twins and Ron end up so… wrong. Nothing against them but Ron is pretty ignorant and the twins are just pranksters.

I unwrap the gift to see it's a black jumper with a golden embroidered B on it… it's hand-knitted. I'm baffled, how did such a sweet woman have such mischievous kids?

I look at the last present and am surprised by what I see, a letter and the name on it is Narcissa Malfoy. This is more surprising than getting something from Ron's mother.

From Narcissa Malfoy

I hope you choose the right side of the family nephew.

Regards, Your loving Aunt

I open the small gift and notice it is actually a small book, about the size of a small notebook.


The book itself was pure black except for the golden lettering on the front. I wonder if it is supposed to be a bribe, I guess it doesn't matter. No way I will take her up on her offer, pure-blood elitists should all just die out.

I wonder if she knows what I did to my 'Cousin' at Hogwarts? Probably not, that mama's boy probably can't stand to talk about being pushed around by a 'half-blood'.

I suppose even if I don't like her I don't mind reading a bit of the book. After going through all of Sid's books my line between good and bad magic is literally non-existent. I can see how 'Dark Magic' would be perceived as such but in actuality, the only bad thing about it is that you have to imagine them in pain to use it properly. But Reducto is easily the most brutal spell I can think of literally disintegrating the enemy and it isn't considered Dark Magic.

Avada Kedavra, the killing curse, really isn't that bad in hindsight. Yes, its only purpose is to kill, and yes you have to truly want them dead. But is it really that bad to want someone dead? There are many atrocities in this world worse than death… I would know.


After Christmas day the break was still pretty eventful, Uncle Ted got a job at the Ministry of Magic. It's just a low-level job in the Department of Mysteries but still really good for a Muggle-Born wizard in this day and age.

The book about Hogwarts was really interesting, I learned Dueling used to be a trained standard at Hogwarts. Nowadays it is only taught at the discretion of the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, usually in your 4th or 5th year.

I'm tempted to try and get Dumbledore to consider re-adding it to the curriculum as an elective, it would be a fun class to take next year. I'm sure if I use Harry as leverage I can get him to add it to the curriculum.

…. Maybe blackmailing the most powerful wizard alive isn't a good idea…. Nah, I think it will be fine…

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