As I stood floating in front of the man with the tantalizing dark light in his core I realize he hasn't even realized i'm here.

'Has he grown numb the creatures around here like me... dementors?'

I try to reach out to him with my thoughts but the fog seems to be keeping me locked in this little section of my mind, it's excruciatingly hard to think of anything but food. I kneel down to his level, or at least my version of kneeling, and put my hand on his shoulder. With this he finally reacts, he slowly turns his head to face me to look me directly in my sockets, his eyes look dead inside, no light to be seen.

As soon as he looks at me I begin to feast, no hesitation, he just looks too good. He looks so beaten and broken I honestly really want to stop. There is no way my body would let me do that, I can't control my hunger it's like a completely separate part of me I can't reign in.

As I tear away at the Darkly lit light I can see no visible changes to the mans face other than the warping caused by my feast. He just stares at me with blank dead eyes 'God I really don't want to be doing this' he looks almost bored as I feast.

Only once the dark light reaches his mouth does he finally start to react, his eyes go wide as if not expecting me to go this far. He is strong, he somehow manages to raise his arms to grab my shoulders but it means nothing. The moment his hands touch my shoulders the shroud of fog devours his arms and not even a second later the fog dissipates and his arms go limp.

The light is nearly touching my "mouth" and he begins to convulse just like Bellatrix did, the only difference was he didn't show fear while knowing his fate. He was angry, his dead eyes returned to life and he looked at me like he wanted to tear my throat out. 'This guy has such a strong will, why am I doing this?' As i'm feasting it's becoming easier to think, the more I think the more I regret what i'm doing right now, this man obviously has a good reason to live.

Once his light enters me I feel full, I feel satiated, like everything I had eaten in my life was just a small ember to a fire and this was a raging flame. I felt as though I could go my entire life without ever eating again and be satisfied; However with this satisfaction came his memories. This mans name was Sirius Black... and I finally saw why he had such a powerful reason to live, five names resounded in my head.

They came in a scream rather that a gentle whisper like Bellatrix's.

The First and possibly most important was Harry Potter, just a boy who should be a few years younger than I was when I died. He was someone Sirius must protect, this young man was probably one of the last or rather only people whom he could consider as family.

The second was a man by the name of James Potter, Harry's father and the man whom he had considered to be his true brother in every sense of the word. His parents had taken him in when Sirius ran away from his evil and arrogant family. He even attended Hogwarts with him getting sorted into the Gryffindor house breaking the long tradition of their family being the proud Slytherin.

The third was a woman named Lily J. Evans Potter, the wife and good friend whom he believed to be as close as a real sister. She was Harry's mother and the one who put a charm on harry so powerful that even the Dark Lord couldn't touch him.

The Fourth was Remus Lupin, a friend to both James and Sirius, someone who was cursed with lycanthropy but someone he saw as a brother nonetheless

The last was an immense hatred a fire that burned like the flames of Surtr a eternal hatred that could devour its target and still never be satiated. The mans name was Peter Pettigrew an animagus, a close friend and the one who betrayed the man he saw as a brother James Potter.

He was the one who told Voldemort "The Dark Lord" where to find James and Lily, the secret that Frank and Alice Longbottom had been driven to insanity to protect. I wasn't able to see as much about him compared to the others since it was all blinded by his hatred.

I saw nearly all of his memories especially the bad, as well as the good. Unlike Bellatrix, I was able to see through a lot of his time at Hogwarts I learned much about Potions, Legilimency, Occlumency, and more basic spells.

I saw the times he failed tests, the times he succeeded where he expected to fail. I saw his love for his family fade, I saw the anger towards his family grow, I saw his brotherhood with Lupin, Peter, and James form. I saw the happiness he got from watching Severus Snape and James compete. I saw his anger, agony and depression he had from staying locked up for nearly 9 years unable to help harry grow up and have a good home.

I would be lying if I said his memories didn't deeply effect me... Harry Potter had everything I had ever wanted growing up, loving parents. Yet this wondrous thing was STOLEN from him by that man... Voldemort not only that, his father was betrayed by someone he and Sirius had considered a friend... a brother... Petter Pettigrew.

All these feelings made me feel angry, powerless, and bitter with a tinge of melancholy. But most of all I felt regret... I had just killed an innocent man who had dreams of one day being free and setting the world straight about his name. A man who wanted to live to someday see the boy he thought a nephew grow strong and most of all safe.

After eating Sirius's... light. I no longer feel the need to feast I can now control my body again. But I still don't move I just stand there, floating above the body of someone whom I would consider a good man... someone I had murdered. If I could I would cry but nothing came from my sockets I just stood there frozen, the fog around me calmed down and was merely a slow roll at this point.

I can hear the dementors outside they are screaming, wailing... it feels like they are crying for this man. I know they aren't but I would like to think they are...

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