Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 43 - Extermination (II)

Although the leader is fast the other group will be here much sooner since they are much closer. I face the direction of the pack and let my shroud start seeping out of my body lining the forest floor in a layer of darkness.

The first few of the pack ignore my appearance and the fog and charge me moving faster than a professional runner. The five spiders, however, seem to sense the danger from the fog and run on the trees.

Five tendrils sprout from the fog attached to my body and impale each of the spiders as they leap at me. The nine vampires in front of me finally realize the danger of the fog and try to back away. They quickly realize they can't as the fog on the ground crawls up their legs locking them in place.

They speak in a language I don't know again to one another. If I could I would smile right now.

'These tendrils feel like natural limbs I've had all my life' I think this as I use one to wrap around a vampire's head and crush it like a watermelon. The other vampires seemed spooked at how easily their comrade was killed.

I quickly use another tendril to sever the heads of the other vampires as I see their allie's approaching. Another group of Vampires shows up looking at the corpses of their comrades they don't enter the fog but pull out their wands.

I hover over the ground there staring at the group of maybe 25 wizard vampires with the front 12 pointing their wands at me. A few of them begin slinging spells at me but do nothing but blow around my cloak.

As I'm about to attack again one of them steps forward with confidence and points his wand at me.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" He speaks loudly.

I slap away the green streak of magic as one of my tendrils rushes forward and pierces the man's throat. Before I can spread my tendril and sever the man's head another vampire slashes at my tendril with his claw. The tendril fades to fog and reforms immediately back behind me.

One of them seems to recognize something and says a word I recognize, "Patronus". As soon as I see three of them again raise their wands I begin shifting to my human form.

"Expecto Patronum." Three of them chant in sync with their thick accents.

I shift out of my Dementor form as the white wisps hit me and do nothing. I raise my wand at the vampire who produced the Patronus "Reducto!" he stands there with his mouth agape as he gets blown into dust.

The other vampires now realize the fog is gone begin to rush me along with the spiders who stayed back.

"Confringo, Confringo!" I quickly cast twice as I back away killing a handful of vampires outright.

I use my shroud to bring me up to a tree but the vampires easily start climbing the giant tree. I am nearly exhausted of magic so I use tendrils to stab down on the climbing spiders and vampires. If I wasn't exhausted I could probably spew an endless amount of Diffindo's and end all of the vampires here.

I kill all the spiders but the vampires backup has arrived bringing the number of vampires back up to around 50. So I jump off the giant tree catching myself with my shroud and hiding once again. As I hit the ground I look around at the surrounding vampires and close my eyes to see the leader.

The leader is nearly here so I have to deal with these ones fast… As I'm thinking of a way to deal with the big group I notice a reflection in the corner of my eye. A shining sword with a handle of silver and a pommel of ruby is nestled in the crack of a tree.

I walk over still in my shroud avoiding the screaming vampires who probably think I apparated away. As I grab the sword I notice the intricate designs on the crossguard and handle, they are similar to my wand. I clear those thoughts from my head as I pick it up and sneak behind a vampire.

As I swing my cloak fades and I behead the vampire in the view of all the others. I cut his head off like a hot knife to butter but I realize my cloak faded when I swung so I launch my tendrils at the others as well. The tendrils pinned down most of them expanding to the sides cutting their heads clean off.

One of them with quick reactions dodged the tendril and quickly sent a spell at me. Sin deflected it into another vampire who burst into flames the second it hit him. I turn to him and swing down hard with the sword. To my surprise, the sword cleaves the man in half with no effort, going through bone and flesh alike.

As the vampire's body splits in half and falls to the floor the rest begin to rush at me. I back up as to not give them my back and put two tendrils on each side of myself. The tendrils are only flailing about but they have enough power to crack concrete so the vampires are forced to run at me from the front.

As they charge at me forced to fight me one on one I cleave each of them down with only one or two swings. My tendrils also kill a few who tried to run past them at me and Sin is able to reflect all the spells that come at me.

Honestly, if I just fight them all like this I could probably win but the leader is coming so I need to hurry. I take a step back after killing another that rushed me and I drop my sword. The sword is swallowed by my cloak as I transform back into my dementor form.

"This ends now…" More tendrils sprout from my cloak as the whole area is covered in a black fog. A few try and run but are quickly skewered by my tendrils before they get far. The ones who didn't run begin to fall to the ground like flies. The few women vampires who were apart of the camp were among those who dropped.

As the fog saps their strength they lay there not moving a muscle. One by one the tendrils go to each fallen vampire and behead them. As I'm finishing up and stare upon the field of corpses that I've created I hear footsteps behind me.

I turn to see a man who looks like a classical vampire fit with a cape and everything. He has a hard look on his face with sadness in his eyes.

He looks up at me floating above him "You did this?"

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