Most of the vampires are in clothes that look like they have been worn for months with no cleaning. Meanwhile, the clothes on Aadit are immaculate except for the cuts that I caused. The only thing I find on Aadit's body is an ornately crafted golden locket, on the inside is a painting of a red sun. I decide to take it since there is no reason not to and I head off.

I walk over to the first camp taking my time since I still have a few hours till Sis wakes up. The first camp has a few enchanted tents, five small tents and one large one. The small ones seem to be living quarters for the vampires, with only lines of cots. I take a few cots just in case I need them in the future.

The large one has a large open area with a kitchen, a large living room, and a dining room with a massive table that could seat 100 people.

The living room furniture and dining room table and chairs all looked brand new so I took them all to help upgrade the place for the Veela. The kitchen had bags of blood in it and already butchered and prepared meat.

After seeing there was nothing else I wanted I moved on to the second camp. This camp also had the same setup. Five small tents and one large one, again the small ones are living quarters for the vampires. But I feel something off as I enter the big tent.

As I enter a putrid smell enters my nostrils. I quickly cover my nose with Sin and look around. I almost vomit from the sight. Nearly 50 muggle corpses are hung upside down by meat hooks being drained of all their blood. They each have a large pan underneath them to catch the blood.

If I had the time I would prefer to bury them all but I don't have the time. But I won't be leaving them here to rot like the corpses of the vampires. I close my eyes and focus to make sure none of them are still alive, then I begin.

"Incendio, Incendio" I start a fire at each side of the tent then leave and watch it burn. Once it is done burning I head to the last camp.

The last camp is set up differently, there are only three tents, two small and one giant tent, much larger than the last ones. The grass in this area is also well kept and the clearing has trees bent over it to give shade.

As I walk into the first tent I notice it's full of supplies, like rope, magic lights, and even water for some reason. I take everything into my Mokeskin pouch and walk out to the next small tent.

This tent has living quarters but they are much nicer than the cots in every other tent, the bed is well made and it has a weapons rack on the side. There are multiple dressers filled with clothes on both sides but nothing of value to me.

I step out and make my way into the final tent of the whole place. As I step inside I am greeted by marble flooring and a giant stairway leading to a second floor. I walk around the first floor to find a modern kitchen with actual human food. A refrigerator, stove, sink, and even a breakfast nook adorned this kitchen inside a tent.

The fridge was full of packaged foods and drinks which I happily took some. The rest of the downstairs was a living area with a magic music box and a large sofa. I take both of them.

I'm amazed at how much my cloak can store, but after I put the sofa in I feel heavy. As if I just put on a set of weights around my c.h.e.s.t.

I decide that's enough and head upstairs. The upstairs consists of a bedroom with a large bed that looks like it was made for a king. The bed has intricate designs on the wood and well-made cotton and silk sheets on it. I immediately put it in my cloak as well.

As soon as the bed enters my cloak the weight on my c.h.e.s.t triples and I fall to my knees panting. With a wave of my arm eight cots spew from my shadows and the weight is relieved. I rub my c.h.e.s.t to dull the aching as I take note of the limit for future reference.

On the other side of the room is a rather large body mirror on the wall, which is weird because vampires can't use mirrors. It's roughly two meters tall and three meters across.

As I step up to it I realize it's not a regular mirror it's instead a foe glass. To my surprise, I see the silhouettes of five figures.

'When could I have ever made so many enemies' I think to myself.

Another shocking revelation is the clearest two are silhouettes I don't even begin to recognize. I can tell it's a woman and a man but other than that I can't tell much.

This piece of foe glass is more than likely insanely expensive to I spew out the last two cots I was carrying and take it into my cloak. I also notice a c.h.e.s.t sitting at what used to be the foot of the bed. It is full of Romanian Leu, I don't know how much but I still take it all into my Mokeskin bag anyway.

I also notice a small book on the nightstand next to where the bed used to be. The cover of the book says "Book Of The Chosen Sun" and unexpectedly it's a Diary. It details the full life story of Aadit, the 'True-Blood' Vampire I just killed.

His mother is Indian and that's why he has such an off name, I guess that makes sense. He was considered the chosen one because he was born during the day of the red sun. That is a day that comes once every five years and is when vampires are at their most powerful. He was raised being trained by the best yet he was killed by a kid, iconic.

He was forced to flee Transylvania when his kin were have found to be killing muggles and not drinking animal blood as the pact states. The ministry in Romania started slaughtering them so they fled here to Bulgaria and settled in this forest. But after a few raids on the local village were also located by the Bulgarian Ministry.

After reading about his life I start to head back to the Veela sanctuary. I'm a bit upset that I let wasn't able to save anyone there but it can't be helped, I got my revenge.

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