Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 59 - The Quibbler

On the day to return to Hogwarts I went downstairs with my suitcase to see a tired Uncle Ted and an excited Auntie waiting at the kitchen table. I put my stuff by the door and sit down at the table to eat. Sitting down I see a note from Sis next to my plate.

'Good luck in the new year. <3 Nymphadora.'

I smile as I fold it and put it in my pocket. "So, why are you so tired Uncle Ted? You are usually up pretty early." I ask, taking a few bites.

He leans back in his chair "There was a group caught breaking Broom Regulation Article 6. I volunteered to do the paperwork for it since I'm new. Little did I know I was volunteering to write reports on 17 counts of misuse."

"Well, who was it?" I ask genuinely curious, it's rare for people to break broom regulation.

"It was a test group from Nimbus Racing Company. They put an illegal charm on the prototype of the nimbus 2001" He says getting up ready to leave.

My eyebrows raise "That's interesting I guess?"

Auntie rolls her eyes "Are you done eating? We need to be leaving soon."

After another 2 hour drive to London, we arrive at Kings Cross with the same routine. I grab a trolly and load my stuff on going through the pillar yet again.

When we get to the platform I look around for people I recognize and don't see anyone. I do see a lot of new faces though.

I say goodbye to Uncle Ted and Auntie Dromeda taking all my things to the storage area. Since I don't see anyone I recognize and social interaction with new people scares me a bit I just head inside.

Walking through the train I head to the second year area. I see a lot of people I recognize like Draco and Daphne. I nod as I pass but don't stop, a few cabins down I see Seamus, Dean, and Neville sitting together. Seamus annoys me so I say hello and keep walking.

Finding an empty cabin I close the door and lock it behind me. I quickly age myself a tiny bit to keep appearances. Once I'm done I unlock the door and sit back down without opening it. I don't care to invite people in when I could just sit alone.

I lean back resting my eyes waiting for Harry, Ron, and Hermione to find me. Or not, it isn't a big deal either way. After a few minutes, the train horns roar and it does the final call before take off.

Only a minute or two into travel I hear a knock at the door to the cabin "Come in?" I say confused as to why they knocked.

A short blond girl with straight hair and a big smile opens the door. She is holding a large stack of magazines with both hands. "Would you like a copy of The Quibbler?"

I stare at the girl confused "Sure?"

I am now extremely confused but open the magazine labeled "The Quibbler" and start to read. Rather I would if I could, as I try and read the letters rearrange themselves so I can't make sense of it.

"Why can't I read it?" I ask confused.

"There are runes in the pages. You have to read it upside down." She says as if it is the most normal thing in the world.

I turn it upside down and sure enough the letters arrange themselves properly. "So what is the point of that."

She tilts her head "Of what?"

"You know, making people read it upside down," I said gesturing at the magazine.

She smiles again "So people know it's a real copy of The Quibbler."

"... But what if someone copies the runes as well." I speak the fairly obvious fault.

She looks confused "Why would they do that?"

At her genuine confusion I give up "Nevermind, So, What's your name? Are you a first-year?"

She gives her bright smile again "I'm Luna Lovegood. A first-year."

I smile and nod "I'm Soren Black, a second year."

"I know." She says with a straight-faced smile.

"Umm." Before I think of something to say she picks up her magazines and walks out again.

I pick the book back up and gaze at it again confused 'What just happened?' I ponder to myself.

"What the f.u.c.k are Nargles?" I mutter to myself.

I keep reading it since it's better than sitting here bored. Luckily after only a minute or two, the door is thrown open.

Hermione stands in the doorway staring at me. "Ron and Harry aren't with you?"

I stare at her surprised at the sudden entrance "Uh… no? I'm sure they are somewhere on the train."

"This is the last cabin for the second years and I haven't found them yet." She says with concern in her voice.

"Crap." I stand up and walk past her "Let's go ask the twins."

"Why not Percy? He is a Prefect." Hermione asks.

I roll my eyes "Because if they did miss the train than Percy would for sure rat them out."

Walking into the upperclassmen area we eventually find the twins sitting with Lee Jordan and someone I've never met nor care to. "Hey George, did Ron and Harry get on with you to the train? We can't find them in the second year section."

George shrugs and Fred answers "No 'Lord Black', haven't seen them since we got to the station. Maybe they went on an adventure without us." Hermione and I head back to the cabin and sit down in defeat.

I lean back and groan "Well, that isn't good. Let's see if I can make up the points this year… I hope they at least don't make trouble."

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