Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 61 - Start of Term

The Entrance Ceremony went just about as expected. The only notable placements were Ginny being placed in Gryffindor which was expected. The other one was the Quibbler girl, Luna Lovegood, got placed in Ravenclaw which was a bit unexpected. Then again I don't really know her so I wouldn't know huh?

At the end of the Ceremony, however, I got a message from Hagrid that said to meet him after... they had found Harry and Ron. Hermione read it over my shoulder and insisted on coming as well.

As soon as it ended Hermione and I went to the courtyard to meet Hagrid. As we stepped outside we could see Hagrid pacing back and forth obviously concerned about something.

I call out to him first in a hushed yell "Hagrid! What happened?"

He looks at us with relief in his eyes "Finally. Harry and Ron. They flew some sort o' car to Hogwarts, they wer' seen. Muggles. Saw them' flyin, they might get expelled!"

Hermione's jaw drops as I slap my forehead "Those dullards, why did they take the car?"

"What were they thinking?" Hermione says exasperated.

I rub my temples as I think. "I don't believe Dumbledore will expel them… Probably…"

Hermione looks at me confused "Why not? They could get in real trouble with the Ministry for this."

I shake my head "Dumbledore owes Harry too much. Thanks for telling us Hagrid."

He nods "Not eh' problem, I gotta go feed fang now. Don't you be gettin' in trouble now."

As we turn to leave I smile and say "Never."

Once we get back to the dorms there is still no sign of Ron or Harry. I can only assume they are getting a reprimanding by McGonagall. I shiver at the thought.

Since it's almost bedtime Hermione and I go our separate ways. I set up my desk and bed to be more comfortable like I did last year and just sat up reading. I was waiting for Ron and Harry so I could hear the story from them.

After another 30 minutes of reading about how to set up anti-apparation wards, I hear someone open the doors to the dorm room. I turn to see Ron and Harry walk in with sunken faces and dead eyes.

"So how was the drive? Smooth?" I speak up causing them to jump a little.

"You heard?" Harry asks with a defeated tone.

"Yeah, I was asking around for you and Hagrid was nice enough to tell me what happened," I say with a knowing smile.

Ron sighs "We'll be in detention till winter break, I swear that woman is evil."

"Hmph, better than Snape at least. He wanted us expelled!." Harry complains.

I shrug "Makes sense anyone else probably would have been expelled. McGonagall was being nice if you ask me."

Ron shivers as I say her name "You weren't there… she was scary."

I chuckle a bit at the fear in his eyes "You should go to bed, we have introductions to our classes tomorrow. Don't wanna make McGanagall mad again, would you?" Ron grunts and jumps on his bed face down. Harry just quietly walks over to his bed and sits on it. I sigh and pick up my schedule to see what we have tomorrow.


8-9 Potions

9:30-10:30 Herbology

Lunch 10-12

12-1 Defense Against The Dark Arts

2-4 Charms/Dueling

Dinner 5-6:30

8-10 Transfiguration

Lunch 10-12

12-1 Charms

1:30-3:30 Dueling


Dinner 5-6:30


8-9 Potions

9:30-10:30 History of Magic

12-1 Transfiguration

Dinner 5-6:30

Astronomy 12-1


8:30-10:30 Herbology

Lunch 10-12


Defense Against The Dark Arts

1:30-2:30 Transfiguration

Dinner 5-6:30


8-9 Charms

9:30-10:30 Dueling

Lunch 10-12

12-1 Potions

1-2 Defense Against The Dark Arts

Dinner 5-6:30

I sigh as I look at my busy schedule. I don't regret taking Dueling but it sure doesn't give me a lot of time to myself. Rolling over I see Harry already covered in blankets trying to fall asleep so I follow suit.

Waking up early I head to breakfast to find the Gryffindor table is nearly empty. I assume because people are not used to waking up thanks to the long break. The only face I notice is Ginny so I decide to sit next to her.

"Morning," I say with a fairly genuine smile. As she turns to meet my eyes I notice her hide a small book behind her bigger books.

'Odd' I think to myself but I still continue to smile.

"G-good morning Soren." She stutters out.

Seeing how shy she is I feel the need to tease her... forgive me. "I noticed despite living with Harry for a few weeks you never confessed to him. I feel like he wouldn't say no, why not just go for it?" I speak with a devilish grin.

Her face is dyed red instantly causing me to let out a small laugh as I try to hold it in. "H-he is too nice."

I look at her confused as to what she means. 'Maybe I'm just dumb to understanding women… May as well change the subject.'

"So is the book you're hiding a diary? Keeping all the confessions in there?" I grin but my face quickly falls as I see her expression.

When I mention the book her face goes from red to pale… I'm baffled. What did I say?

She quickly gets up gathering her books and heading towards the door at a fast walk. Hell, it's nearly a jog… 'Did I scare her away?'

As I'm questioning myself I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn to see Hermione looking at me with judgemental eyes.

"Only a day and you're scaring poor girls away?" She says, sounding genuinely surprised.

I shrug with a wounded look "I don't know what I did. All I did was tease her a bit."

Hermione rolls her eyes and sits down next to me grabbing a plate. "What, actually coming to eat, not just study? This is a first." I say with a small grin.

She lets out a sigh "I didn't eat much yesterday, I was worried about Ron and Harry… And you just scared away a girl by teasing and now you're right back at it."

I grin wider "You're my friend though, you wouldn't just run away from some small teasing right?"

"Ugh" To my surprise she picks up her plate and walks away to the end of the table. She sits with an older girl named... Katie? I think? But this goes against all expectations… this isn't how it's supposed to go right?


(A/N: Pa treon Info below

To no one's surprise, I made an account on the site that shall not be named. That will be how I determine how many chapters a week I will post. I really don't like the idea of just having some readers 20 chapters ahead so it will be eternally capped at 5. I was thinking about using Ko-Fi, I even bought premium but I realized it would make a worse user experience for you guys so I went to the less than reputable one. I don't want you guys to overpay if you only want to read one book and don't care at all about the chapters per week.

The 10$ tier will be a voting system for what books you want to have extra chapters per week there will be cut-offs ever 10 votes. For example if Reaper gets 9 and Morningstar gets 7 then Reaper will get a bonus chapter. But if Reaper gets 10 votes and Morningstar gets 7 then they will both get an extra chapter. If Reaper get 15 Morningstar and Dead God get 12 then Reaper will get 2 extra and Morningstar/Dead God will get 1. Same thing when It reaches 20.

This is also a way I can tell how serious I'll take writing. Even if the pat reon never even gets patrons I'll still be posting 1 chapter a week for every novel.

w ww.pat I'll also drop it in the comments.)

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