Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 69 - Dodgespell (II)

(A/N: I'm writing chapters by books now since it is more efficient so this will be the only chapter today. Morningstar is tomorrow and Dead God the day after that. This allows me to make longer chapters for obvious reasons. Morningstar poll is up in discord if you are in the discord but have it muted.


Enjoy :) <3 )

"Immobulus" "Expelliarmus" "Immobulus" Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle were the first to strike.

Hermione steps forward deflecting the Immobulus back at Draco who ducks to avoid it.

Both Dean and Harry dodge the spells with side steps while Ron steps forward. Pointing his wand directly at the kneeling and defenseless Draco he casts.

"Expelliarmus." His wand glows but as the magic touches the cracked portion the spell backfires. With a bright flash, Ron is flung off the stage flying right towards me.

With a quick sidestep, I avoid him falling on me. Not wanting to be a total d.i.c.k I have my shadows catch his head so he doesn't hurt something.

"Ugh." Ron groans as he lays on the floor holding his stomach.

"Ron!" Harry yells in concern.

I shoo him to stay on stage. "He is fine, just hurry up and win."

Harry nods as he turns back to the Slytherin squad "Expelliarmus!"

Hermione follows suit "Petrificus Totalus." Dean simply steps forwards ready to block for someone.

"Protego" Pansy blocks Harry's spell that was going for Draco while Crabbe tries to dodge the Petrification spell. His large body isn't very nimble so he gets hit while sidestepping causing him to fall over like a sack of potatoes.

Goyle kicks him down the stairs out of the way while he fires back "Immobulus".

Draco fires as well "Expelliarmus".

"Protego" Dean blocks Goyle's spell as he moves his wand back down "Prot-" Expelliarmus hits him and his arm is flung into the air sending his wand flying.

"Dang" Dean quickly jogs down the stairs to grab his wand.

Hermione and Harry step closer to each other "Expelliarmus" they both cast at the same time.

"Immobulus" Draco casts as Pansy blocks for him again.

"Expelliarmus" Goyle cast's meeting Harry's spell mid-flight forcing Harry to not back off. A clash of red light ensues.

As the spells clash Harry's eyes go wide seeing Draco's spell heading to him. "Protego." To both of our surprises Hermione steps in front of him blocking the spell.

Unlucky for Harry the diverted attention gave Goyle a chance to win the contest of magical strength. Harry turns back to Goyle to see Goyle's beam approaching him at a rapid pace. Before he can raise a resistance Harry's arm is flung into the air and his wand is sent flying.

He looks at Hermione as he turns to leave "Sorry."

From across the room, I hear Draco laugh "Pathetic, Potter."

Hermione sighs as she looks at the three still standing Slytherin. She takes a defensive stance as she readies her wand.

"Expelliarmus" "Immobulus" "Expelliarmus" All three cast at the same time.

Seeing the spells coming at her Hermione gets low to the ground dodging two as she Protego's the third. Before they can cast again she points her wand to the center of the three.

A powerful blue light envelopes her wand "Immobulus." She used magical power to spread the spell wide enough to envelop all three of them.

"Protego" Pansy blocks the spell while Draco and Goyle both become weightless and floaty while slowly falling to the ground.

"Expelliarmus." Pansy casts at the still kneeling Hermione.

The tired Hermione raises her wand to defend herself but is too slow. Just like the two before her, her arm is flung to the side as he flies from her hand.

The room is quiet as everyone stares at the narrow win with wide eyes. "Team Four Wins!" Flitwick's voice pierces the quiet room.

Cheers erupt in the small room Slytherin and Gryffindor alike. Flitwick quickly unfreezes the three bigots while Pansy is receiving a warm welcome front the Slytherins.

Hermione comes down the stairs with a downtrodden face. But against her expectations, she receives a warm welcome from the Gryffindor kids.

"That was awesome. How did you do that?" One girl asks.

I stand next to Ron who is now just sitting on the floor with an upset look on his face.

"It's my fault…" He says quietly.

"Yes, yes it is," I say with no remorse.

Ron gives me a glare as I smile back at him. "But you couldn't have known your wand would backfire," Dean speaks up defending Ron.

I nod "Indeed. It is your fault but that doesn't mean you caused it. In the end, this is just a game."

Ron looks at me while rubbing his head "Says the one with the best odds here."

I smile "Want me to humiliate them?"

"YES" Dean and Ron answer in sync.

I smile "Then just wait for the final round."

"Teams 2 and 3 come to the stage," Flitwick says standing back on his stool

I walk up to the stage handing Hermione her wand as I pass her. Once we all get to our side I stand behind the other three and sit down slumped over with my elbows on my knees lazily..

The team standing across from us is made up of three Gryffindor's and one Slytherin. I have no idea who any of them are. That being said I only note the names of important people.

They look at me with a glare since I'm obviously not taking them seriously. Seeing their anger I just smile at them and wave.

Flitwick raises his hand "Alright you may begin when I say 'Duel'... Mr. Black, are you going to sit?"

I wave my hand "Don't mind me."

He sighs. "5"






"Petrificus Totalus" Theo casts the very second the round starts catching them off guard.

The front guy drops to the ground with a shocked look on his face. "Zach!" The person next to him yells.

As I sit there I think to myself 'Zach? Do we have someone named Zach in our house? He must really be a side character…'

The three remaining look angry as they all cast at once "Expelliarmus" "Immobulus" "Expelliarmus"

Theo and Zabini easily block their spells as Daphne closes her eyes and casts Protego swatting the spell into the ground.

Once they deflect the spells Zabini and Daphne cast at the same time while Theo watches.

"Petrificus Totalus" "Expelliarmus" The spells are readily blocked by the other team but as they begin their Protego's Theo raises his wand.

Taking a page out of Hermione's book a powerful blue light radiates off his wand. "Immobulus." Just like Hermione, a large wave of blue light rushes at the three standing.

The two blocking ones are caught off guard falling slowly while glowing in a slightly blue light. The last one standing is a girl I don't recognize, she blocked the blue light at the last second and looked defenseless.

With no remorse Zabini raised his wand "Petrificus Totalus." almost instantly the girl is frozen as she falls hard onto one of her slow falling friends.

The room is quiet in surprise of how easily we just won but just like last time, Flitwick's voice cuts the silence.

"Team Three is the winner. There will be a short break then the final round will begin." He says with a raised hand towards our side.

As I stand up I put my arms around the three in front of me and whisper to them. Daphne's face goes red as she nods while Theo and Zabini get wicked smiles as they nod as well.

I turn to Flitwick as I speak "The break won't be necessary."

He looks at the other three in my group "Are you fine with that?"

They all nod as he shrugs "Fine, Team four, stand opposite team three."

The Draco squad look confused as they walk up to the dueling platform.

Flitwick sighs "You know the drill, you may begin when I say 'Duel'"

He sighs. "5"






Before anything happens Daphne, Theo, and Zabini all jump off the stage as I pull out my wand and face the confused four.

A grin shows on my face as I speak "Are you ready to be humiliated?"



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