Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 7 - Setting The Plan

At this point, I have laid out a plan to myself as to how I will proceed with my life. Since I'm immortal there is no reason to be stingy right?

I will use Sirius Black's memories to inherit the Black manor and assets, this is because I don't want to go to Hogwarts as a muggle orphan and it's the best I could come up with on the spot. Also, I want to make it up to Sirius by protecting those close to him; the ones he cannot protect anymore... because I ate his soul...

I need a wand, Sid's wand doesn't suit me and makes it feel like I'm fighting the wand just to cast anything.

I will need to get in contact with Andromeda Black Tonks, the only blood relative Sirius actually cared about. Good thing Sirius had an enchanted 2-way mirror to get into contact with her in case something went wrong, too bad he couldn't retrieve it before he got arrested.

Last but probably the most pressing is I need to bury Sirius, I want to bury him in Godric's Hollow with the Potters but I honestly don't know where that is. Sorry for being born an American, I may not have been much into geography in my last life but Godric's Hollow sounds like a made-up name.


As I apparate in front of the "Black Manor" I notice it is shabbier than what Sirius remembered. It looks like some rundown apartment buildings to be honest.

I pull out Sid's wand and with a flick, something amazing happens, the bricks begin shifting over and folding on themselves. Eventually, it reveals a narrow corridor, as I start walking in it opens up to a large foyer. Inside there is an ugly house elf staring at me.

"Hello, you must be Kreacher, father mentioned you in the letter." I greet him with a smile and a shameless lie.

"Kreacher does not know this one, speak who are you." Kreacher chantlessly Accios his wand into his hand and points it at me.

"Calm down, calm down, father said to show this to you and it would be fine." I pull out Sirius's Black family ring and show it to Kreacher.

Kreacher looks visibly shocked but soon goes back to his normal grumpy look. "Kreacher lives to serve The Noble House of Black." Kreacher says with a small bow of his head.

"Kreacher would like to know young masters name if you would?"

I smile at his sudden change of attitude. 'Just as Sirius remembers him'. "My name is Soren, Soren Black."


After going around the manor a few times and familiarizing myself better with the changes my final stop is Sirius room. The room is exactly as Sirius had left it, slightly messy with posters of half-n.a.k.e.d biker chicks on the walls. 'This room reeks of rebellious teen'

After scouring through a few drawers I finally find the mirror hidden underneath some clothes. But... how do I use it? I set it on the desk while looking around Sirius's room for a hint or something. There was nothing like this in Sid's time or at least I couldn't find anything like it in the books.

As I pick the mirror again I see a face staring back at me.

"Ah!" I get startled by the face staring back on the bed... the face it looked exactly like Bellatrix.

"Hahaha" -mirror lady

I give my best smile. "You are auntie Andromeda I suppose?"

"Auntie?" She looks at me curiously. "And who would you be to call me auntie?" she looks at me with a wide smile.

"I'm Soren Black, son of Sirius Black and the new head of the Black family." I try to look as confident as I can while I say this.

She giggles "I didn't know Sirius had a son, and I didn't know someone so young could be the head of a family." This causes me to blush quite a bit, I've never had an interaction like this... I haven't actually had many interactions in my life.

"Father hid Mother and me in America to protect us, but mother passed away when I was only 3 so I've lived in an orphanage until now. But a week ago I got a letter from father telling me about the world of magic and that I should contact you for help."

She looks to be deep in thought. "That explains your weird accent, so you're telling me that while everyone was hiding from the dark lord my foolish cousin ran off to America and had a kid?"


"...Yeah, that does indeed sound like Sirius... Where are you now?"

"I'm in the Black manor with Kreacher, he is currently setting up a room for me."

She looks kinda mad at me when I say that. "No, no, no, I'm not letting a young boy stay in such a big house by himself. I'm coming over now."

"But I have Kreacher with me," I say trying to smile.

"That's even worse, that racist little house-elf should not be allowed to influence you." She had a good point, Kreacher is indeed super racist.

I'm about to say something but her figure disappears from the mirror before I can speak. Not even a few seconds later I hear the shifting of bricks opening the front door so I go downstairs to greet her.

As I get downstairs I see the beautiful woman from the mirror walking towards me with a big smile on her face.

"Hello Auntie," I say with a broad smile

As she approaches me she lowers herself to my eye level. "Hello, Seron" she pulls me into a hug and softly strokes my back.

As she hugs me I start to get emotional, tears start falling and I get choked up. This woman who had never even met me didn't even suspect I was lying to her. For someone as love deprived as me, this was too much, I had never been hugged by a mother figure, hell I can't remember ever being hugged.

As she pulled back from the hug with her hands on my shoulders she saw my face covered in tears. She used her thumb to wipe away my tears and pulled me into another hug this time tighter. "Don't worry honey you are not alone anymore." these words made me cry even harder, I didn't even know that I needed to hear them.

After we separated she told me I would be coming to live with her, at first I was against it but she insisted and I had always wanted a family even if it was built on a lie. She told me how everything was legally still my father's(Sirius's) until I turned 17 since that was a.d.u.l.thood in the wizarding world.

Their house was a quaint two stories house with 4 bedrooms it looked comfortable with a rather large field behind it and a decent sized front yard. At first, Uncle Tonks was against me living with them saying "we can't house the son of a criminal", but Auntie Andromeda quickly changed his tune.

Auntie Andromeda also explained that she had a daughter named Nymphadora, of course, I knew that, but I let her brag about her daughter. She extremely proud of her, saying that she was particularly talented in combat magic and how she aspired to be an Auror since she was just a child.

Maybe it was the influence of Sirius's soul or maybe it was the fact that she was the first in my life to show me love. But I felt it, I must protect this woman... at all costs.

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