Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 71 - A Brawl For The History Books

(A/N: The goal will be the same for each novel. Top 50 in powerstones for a bonus chapter at the end of the week. The poll is still up if you wanna vote.


<3 )

At lunch, there were people talking about the fight against the Slytherin group and I. A lot of students looked at me with a bit of fear. The Gryffindor's, however, looked at me with reverence.

The group was curious about what Flitwick wanted and I told them since I don't care much. They all seemed surprised, Ron and Daphne immediately said I should do it.

When we went to Potions Theo ended up sitting with us. I was a bit surprised but I am always happy to add people to the friend's group. The class finished as usual but this time was a bit more fun since I had someone to talk to about potions rather than just doing the work and leaving.

Defense Against The Dark Arts was probably my least favorite class now. Considering how fun I found learning offensive magic it was rough. Lockfart would go off on tangents for 10 minutes at a time about stories of himself.

In the hour of class, I heard more about his fight against the Yeti in the mountains of Tibet than the differences between Hexes, Jinxes, and Curses. Honestly, I feel like Lockfart is the worst possible teacher for this class and I'm tempted to talk to Dumbledore about it.

I don't want to be someone who complains a lot but I don't see how this man is able to show us how to defend ourselves. The more he talks about his stories the less I believe him.

After class finished I went to Flitwick's office to tell him that I'll join the tournament. As I step in I see him grading papers from charms class. His face brightens as he sees me walk in his office.

I hand him the flier back "I've decided, I'll go."

He claps his hands "Fantastic! There will be one more student joining us. He has his own coach so he will only be traveling with us."

I'm a bit surprised and curious "Who is it?"

He smiles "A Hufflepuff, Cedric Diggory. Do you know him?"

I shake my head "No."

He nods "Come tomorrow at noon, I'll introduce you. He is very talented in charms and a kind young man. I'm sure you'll get along great."

I nod my head thinking about it "Sure, sounds good professor."

"Now if you'll excuse me young Black, I have the fifth year tests to grade." He gestures to the stack of papers on his desk.

I wave as I start walking away "Cya tomorrow professor."

He gestures goodbye looking back at the papers and begins grading again.


The next morning Hermione, Ron, Dean, and I sat out at the Quidditch field doing our Herbology homework on the Mandragora. We managed to get Ron out of bed at 8:30 by tempting him with food and help on the homework.

It was a good excuse to do homework while watching Harry, Woods, the twins, and the others practice. We sat in the courtyard only 30 or so meters from the field.

From the courtyard entrance, we see the Quidditch team making their way to the field. They are intercepted by the Slytherin team making a turn towards them.

The four of us stand up seeing a confrontation about to start. As we get closer we can see Harry and Malfoy arguing.

Malfoy gestures at the broom he is holding then at the ones everyone else on the team has "My father got them. The very best."

"Those are nimbus 2001's." Ron points out.

Malfoy's smile becomes smug "You see Weasley, unlike some my father, can afford the very best for me."

"At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got in on pure talent." Hermione quickly snaps back.

Draco's brows furrow as he steps closer he spits on the ground in front of her "No one asked you filthy little Mudblood."

Everyone around looks taken aback at his words, even some of the Slytherin. Draco's head snaps to the side as my fist plows through where his jaw used to be. His unconscious body falls to the ground like a sack of potatoes.

I hear movement next to me so I quickly turn my head, a punch barely grazed my cheek causing me to step back. I look up to see the still unstable captain of the Slytherin team looking at me angrily.

With a smile, I quickly jab at his face with my left hand hitting him square in the nose. I feel a scrunch as he falls back into another Slytherin who catches him. I look at the small amount of blood on my fist with a grin.

Two Slytherin kids drop their brooms and rush me, I back up and get ready. To my surprise, a haymaker comes out of nowhere and knocks one of them out cold. I turn to see Wood smiling as he swings at the other.

On my left one of the twins is beating up Flint and the other is hitting the poor guy that was holding him. On my right, Harry, and Dean are fighting two bigger guys while Ron was on top of a poor Slytherin who didn't see him coming.

I watch the chaos I created unfold with a bit of a satisfied smile. Mainly because we were stomping the Slytherins… Literally. The ones who can are currently running away while the unconscious or out for the count Slytherins lay on the floor groaning.

Seeing Draco lying on the ground holding his jaw I kneel next to him. I lean into his ear as I whisper "How many times do I have to teach you. F.u.c.k off."

He slowly nods his head as he lays there. I turn to see Hermione watching the scene with wide eyes.

Harry who is panting standing over a Slytherin boy looks at Woods "What now."

His brows raise "Now? We get in trouble."

I give a salute "Sorry I can't get in trouble with you I have to meet up with Flitwick cya." As I run off I yell behind me "If McGonagall asks I wasn't here!"

I make it to Flitwick's office without a hitch and walk-in. I see a boy who looks a few years older than me standing in front of his desk. He is fairly tall with a handsome face and broad shoulders.

His face turns into a wide smile when he turns around and sees me. He reaches out a hand "Soren I'm assuming. Flitwick was just telling me all the great things about you." He says gesturing his other hand at the short man sitting at his desk.

I shake his hand firmly as I reply with a smile "I guess that makes you Cedric? Nice to meet you, I've heard nothing but good things."

Cedric laughs "Can't say the same. Every Slytherin I talk to hates your guts. I can't blame them after the show you did in Dueling class."

My grin widens "Yeah, that was fun." I hear the door behind me opening and I turn to face it.

A woman in emerald green robes and pointed hat enters. "Ah, headmaster McGonagall, what can I do for you," Flitwick speaks up first as I hide behind Cedric's larger frame.

Her eyes seem to pierce Cedric as she points at him "Professor Flitwick, I'm here for the one that's hiding."

I peak out "What for?"

"I have 11 eyewitnesses placing you as the start of a fight between the Slytherin and Gryffindor quidditch teams." She says in a calm but sharp voice.

"I don't think I remember such events," I say listlessly.

"Were you not the one that fractured Draco Malfoy's jaw and broke Marcus Flint's nose." her voice getting sharper.

I look away avoiding her gaze "Perhaps…"

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