Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 73 - To Paris

(A/N: Sorry for not releasing the last week chapters till today. My internet went out and comcast had to come to fix it. I tried everything to fix it and got it to work intermittently eventually. Turns out a speed adjustment on the cable caused all 3 splitters to got bad (2 inside, 1 on the poll) and the poll wasn't even supposed to have a splitter on it.


Enjoy and sorry <3 )

The next two weeks went by pretty well, I didn't hear the whispers again so I still don't know what they were. Our classes went smoothly and it was fun with the new additions to our group. Before I knew it, it was the day before I leave for the dueling tournament.

The tournament will be one week for each round. Since it is during the school year the time is spread out. If I pass the first round I need to come back in two weeks and stay another week. I suppose there are a lot of kids so it makes sense.

Today is also Hermione's birthday. Unlike last year where it was sprung upon us by surprise we knew. Katie, Daphne, Theo, and I managed to prepare a cake for her. I also got her a book as usual.

We ended up celebrating in the Great Hall between lunch and dinner so we were the only ones there. The house-elves in the kitchen ended up helping us set it up.

After dinner, we all ended up resting in the Gryffindor, by all I mean Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I. The rest had already gone off to do their own thing.

I sigh as I lean back in the chair "I have to wake up early tomorrow… on a Sunday."

I hear Ron grunt from the couch "Oh shut up. You get the next week off school. I have to sweep the library with Filch tomorrow. DO YOU KNOW HOW BIG THE LIBRARY IS?"

All of us laugh at the genuine pain in his voice "I have to help McGonagall tomorrow. I don't know why Filch keeps requesting you, Ron." Harry says laughing a bit.

Ron grunts as he slams his face into a pillow. I roll my eyes as I stand up, "I'm going to bed. Good night, and Happy Birthday Hermione." I wave at them as I walk up the stairs. I look at my watch and it reads '8:15'.

'Ugh, I have to wake up in eight hours.' As I reach my bed in the dorms I plop down. I lay down in the empty room still fully clothed.

When I wake up I see Ron and Harry sleeping soundly in the beds next to me and caddy-corner from me. I push myself up as I grab my watch from the nightstand and look at the time '3:57'.

I sigh 'Three minutes before my alarm.' I slap the top of my magic alarm clock to make sure it doesn't go off. I sit up and make sure I have everything I need ready. It's not like I need a lot, only my clothes and my identification papers… well, and my wand.

I look in the standing mirror and see my clothes are wrinkled to all hell. With a wave of my wand, I cast a few hygiene spells and iron out the wrinkles. Seeing my handsome self I smirk as I pull Sin out of my robes so you can see my 'scarf' more prominently.

Sin hugs me tighter as I pat him grabbing my bag with my other hand. I walk out.

I stop by the kitchen to grab a small breakfast. The house-elves happily obliged as they started preparing for breakfast almost an hour ago.

I'll be honest I never cared enough about Hufflepuff to wonder where their common room is. I knew it was near the kitchen but in a barrel? Odd.

I waved at Cedric who already saw me and was walking towards me. I toss him my apple as I grab the bread out of my mouth to talk.

"Good morning," I say with a grin. I slept pretty well last night so I'm in a pretty good mood.

Cedric smiles with even more enthusiasm as me "Morning, thanks for the apple I guess? Let's head out shall we?"

I shrug as I gesture at him to lead the way. Flitwick told us to meet him at the bridge out of Hogwarts at 4:30 am so we have time.

We both take our time as we walk through the halls talking about his history of dueling. Apparently his father works at the ministry and had high hopes for him when he was young. To meet those hopes one of the things he did was take up dueling.

His wand is weak with offensive spells so he makes up for it with his overwhelmingly good defense. I tell him about my wand without going into much detail but the simple fact that it may be the best wand for dueling out there. It's even better for killing but I won't mention that.

As we reach the crest of the hill we can look down and see Flitwick already standing at our side of the bridge. We walk over to him as we wave.

"Good Morning Professor." We both say in unison.

Flitwick nods as he adjusts his snazzy suit. The two traveling cases next to him are almost as tall as him. 'I wonder how he carries them?'

"Good morning boys. I hope you are rested, we have a full day ahead of us." He says as he pulls out a long ticket that looks sort of like a train ticket.

"Alright boys let's get going, once we pass the disapparation barrier we will but taking this once use portkey. Do you both know how?" Flitwick asks with a serious face.

Cedric and I both nod our heads "Good, let's go." We both follow behind him seeing him struggle with his cases we both grab one to help him. Once we pass through the membrane of the barrier we all stop as Flitwick nods.

"Both of you grab your bags together and grip tight. With your other hand, you will hold onto me. If you let go you may be dropped anywhere from the English channel to Rouen. Paris is pretty far so just don't let go and you'll be fine." He looks seriously between us as we both give a hard nod.

He smiles "Good." We both grip one of his arms as we share the handles of our luggage.

Once we are ready he gives a serious nod and tears the ticket in half. Once he tears the ticket the air around us quivers and we are pulled through space in a whirl. It's similar to the port I took with Sis but obviously this one isn't made as well.

The air pressure is honestly harsh. It's a good thing my body is abnormally strong. I look over at Flitwick and see him closing his eyes tight as he holds on. Cedric however has a worried look on his face.

I look at where he is looking and I see his grip is slipping off of Flitwick. I look at his hand on the bag and see it's slipping off there as well. I grit my teeth knowing I can't catch him as things stand right now.

He loses grip from Flitwick and looks at me with fear in his eyes as he begins to slip. "SIN CATCH HIM!" I yell in a muffled voice as the wind nearly blocks it out.

After around 30 seconds the winds die down as we slowly drift towards the ground. Sin drops Cedric a few feet and wraps back around my neck as we slowly touch the ground.

Flitwick kneels on the ground panting "It appears, *huff* they gave us a faulty portkey." I look around the large green grassy field we are in and I can see the Eiffel tower in the distance.

I kneel down and pat the groaning Cedric's shoulder. "At least it sent us to the right place."

"That was incredibly dangerous. I will have to file a complaint with the dueling board." Flitwick says in an angry huff.

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