Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 75 - Leon König

(A/N: Hope you guys are having a great day. The next poll will be soon so if you haven't join the discord. $Rank Readers in general chat to join the chat.


Enjoy <3 )


A few hours later there is a knock at the door while I'm cooking lunch. There was basically every type of food I could think of in the fridge so I am making hamburgers. I sigh as I take them off the heat and go open the door.

Flitwick is there standing at the door. "Here is your schedule Soren. As well as 10 galleons for the 'taxi'."

I take them from him with a wry smile."You don't have to pay me back, professor. I'm the heir to house Black after all."

He shakes his head "I can't have a student pay for me after all. I'm sorry I can't take you and Cedric on what I planned. I have to have a few meetings with the director of the tournament."

I nod "It's fine, resting for the day is just as good."

He nods back as well "Then I'll take my leave, be sure you aren't late tomorrow morning."

With that, he walks away and I can go back to cooking my burgers. Before I even get back in the kitchen someone knocks on the door again. I sigh as I open it again. I'm greeted by a face I've never seen before. A kid with blonde hair and blue eyes with a chiseled jaw, maybe 16 years old.

He looks at me in surprise. "Uh, I'm Leon König, the second seed for the competition." He says in an only slight german accent reaching out a hand to shake.

I shake his hand a bit confused "I'm Soren Black."

He looks a bit nervous "I'm sorry to ask but how did you manage to get first seed in the competition? You seem a bit… young."

I shrug "I didn't even know I was first seed till you mentioned something."

"Yeah, you get room numbers based on the seed you are. I'm 602, right across the hall… How old are you by the way? If you don't mind me asking." He asks cautiously.

"I'm 12," I say curtly.

His jaw drops "What tournaments have you won? I was first in the German national tournament. That's how I got my second seed."

I shrug "Never touched a tournament in my life. But I have killed a troll before… and fought off a dark wizard before, but I was 11 when I did that."

He looks taken aback "It is true that they look at achievements… and that is incredibly impressive." He says rubbing his chin mumbling to himself.

He shakes his head breaking his chain of thought "Well there is no chance we go against each other in the first two rounds of the tournament so be sure to call on me if someone tries bullying you. I'm 16 by the way."

I chuckle a bit "I sure will. Do you want to come in for food? I was making burgers. If you want to join, that is, you seem like a nice guy."

"Burgers? You're American? I thought the Black family was British?" He says apparently knowing I come from a pureblood family.

I chuckle "Yeah, I'm from 'THAT' Black family, it's complicated." I say with a smirk.

He shrugs "Sure, I have nothing better to do, don't tell my coach though, he wants me to diet."

I give him a thumbs up "I would never." I say as I walk back in to keep cooking.

As we were eating Cedric stopped by with his coach to introduce me to him, his name was Mr. Hilton, he was pretty nice.

I introduced Leon and Cedric and they hit it off. Cedric ended up staying with us and I made him a burger as well. It was unsurprising seeing as Leon and Cedric had a very similar demeanor and personality.

Leon was apparently a part of a pureblood German family. But according to him they really stopped caring about blood status after the world war ended. For obvious reasons.

We all compared our positions on the Tournament tree and saw we were all really far away from each other. It was a single-elimination tournament with 4 bracket trees. I was first in the first bracket. Cedric was second to last in the second bracket. Finally, Leon was first on the fourth bracket.

Each fight was three rounds per fight. At the earliest, I could only meet Cedric in the semi-finals and Leon in the finals. One round could be fought in the morning a second later in the day. If needed a third would be fought the next day.

This first set over the course of the week would contain two fights. So I only had to fight a max of six times. My first fight tomorrow wasn't until 3 pm but check-in was at 8 am.

Leon's first fight was at 8:30 am so he left first and Cedric left not long after. His fight was at 9 am.


The next morning I was at the coliseum by 7:50 sharp. I met Flitwick waiting at the entrance as the over 100 students accompanied by their coaches marched in readying up.

I waved at the Professor "Good Morning. So how do we check-in?" I ask in a fairly good mood. The bed was really damn comfy.

He just gestures at the large arches of the doorway "Just walk through the arches, they have a tracking charm on them. We will be checked in once we walk through."

I nod "Then let's go, I want to watch Leon's fight."

He tilts his head "Leon?"

I nod "Someone I met yesterday. His fight is on stage four at 8:30." I say walking ahead of Flitwick.

Following the signs, we make it to the fourth stage at the end of the building. All fourth bracket fights will be done here.

His coach looks like a gaunt man with slicked-back black hair. If I saw him on the street I would say he was a mad scientist, not a wizard. More people started filling the rows of seats around the coliseum. I heard most of them speaking German, so they should be here for Leon I think.

The first match actually takes a while, I can see why the tournament takes so long. The two teenagers aren't particularly skilled but they were better than most. The slightly older one won the duel and the referee called Leon and his opponent up.

Leon's opponent looked to be 17, the max-age but Leon still had a polite smile. They shook hands and the referee began.

"All spells are allowed, except unforgivables and instant kills… Wands ready!" They both hold their wands in front of themselves in an official manner.

"Turn, 15 paces." They both turn on their heels and step 15 paces once they both reach 15 the referee speaks again.

"BEGIN!" He yells putting his right arm up.

Leon turns "Expelliarmus!" he yells before the other can even turn completely. Before the spell even reaches the other "Confringo!" he casts but doesn't aim at the opponent, instead it was aimed at his feet.

The older kid gets ready and blocks the first spell but his eyes go wide as the second isn't coming at him. He can't step forward fast enough to block it so he puts up his arms and braces himself.

The spell explodes when it touches the ground in front of him causing him to fly off the stage. He lands hard on the ground below. He groans as he holds his stomach and rolls over proving he is not dead.

The referee raises his right arm with a bored look obviously expecting this "Leon König Wins round one. Your next round is on the schedule."

The crowd stands and cheers at the smirking Leon who waves at his fans as he walks down the stairs to his coach. I clap as well, I see him nod his head at me with a smirk.

Flitwick nods his head "Your friend is very talented Soren."

I shrug with a smile "I expect no less. But is the other kid okay? He hit the ground hard."

Flitwick smiles "Again a marvel of charms, the entire lower stage is enchanted. Unless you are instantly killed all wounds will heal within a few minutes. It takes a lot of magic to run such a powerful enchantment, that's why the tournament only runs until 5 pm."

I nod a bit impressed. "We should head to the second stage, Cedric's duel is soon. I guess we should thank Leon. His duel was so fast we have like 25 minutes to get there now."

Flitwick hops out of his seat "Then let's go, I'm sure he would enjoy seeing a friendly face in the stands."

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