Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 77 - Soren's Duel

(A/N: The latest Patreôn chapter is a bit short at 1230 words for both Reaper and Morningstar but I didn't want to artificially inflate chapters and I figured its fine since most chapters lately have been 1400-1800 words. Hope you enjoy the chapter, this chapter becomes pretty important later on just like the vampire arc lol.


Love y'all <3 )


Auntie Dromeda looks away as she holds me "Ah, Merlin's beard, it was supposed to be a surprise."

I look over at Nymphadora with a questioning gaze "Why are you guys here?"

"To watch you of course," she says with a small smile.

"Cedric, Leon, Mr. Hilton, Mr. Klaus, Professor Flitwick, this is my Auntie and Sister. You can call her Tonks. Auntie, Sis Dora, this is Cedric, Leon, Mr. Hilton, Mr. Klaus, and of course you already know Professor Flitwick." I say as I gesture at each person individually.

Leon is the first to stand up "Hello, I am Leon König. It's a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to meet you."

After that was Cedric, one by one everyone gave their pleasantries until it came to Professor Flitwick.

He stands up with a cheery smile "It's fantastic to see you again Miss. Tonks. I never got a chance to congratulate you on becoming an Auror. You deserve it with the amount of effort you put in."

She smiles stunning the other four men who I give a glare of, she softly smacks the back of my head seeing me glare at them "Thank you, professor. I started apprenticing under Shacklebolt as of recently, he has been a great mentor so far."

"That's great to hear Miss. Tonks, perhaps you would like to come to Hogwarts as a guest teacher sometime." He says as he cusps his hands.

"I don't know about that one, Professor," She puts her hand on my shoulder and turns to me "Shouldn't you get on the field? Your duel is soon."

I look down at my watch, it reads 2:49. I look up at Flitwick "I guess she is right." I gesture towards the lower stairs "After you Professor."

Flitwick smiles and nods as he walks down first being careful of the stairs. As we get to the opposite side of the stage where two are fighting right now I see two men standing opposite me. One looks to be in his 40's the other early 30's.

They both smile and nod at us. I turn to Flitwick "Who are they?" I nod back not wanting to be rude.

He looks confused, "I… don't know?"

I look back up at the stage and the boy who looks around seventeen just beat the younger kid quite easily. After the referee announces the winner he looks down at me and the two men.

"Step up to the stage whenever you are ready." The referee's words confuse me since my opponent isn't here yet but I go up.

The man who looks to be in his early 30's steps up across from me with a kind smile. I look at him then at the referee with a confused face.

"Is… is he my opponent?" I asked the referee.

He looks at me with a bored face "Yup."

I'm taken aback by his words "Isn't he a bit… old?"

The referee shrugs "He passed the age barrier so he is 17 or under."

I look at the man who is 6'3" or 190cm. He has a kind face with slightly Slavic features, broad shoulders, and an arm circ.u.mference larger than my head.

"How old are you?" I ask him with questioning eyes.

"17 years old." He says with an incredibly thick accent, it appears his second language is Russian or a sister language.

"I'm Soren, what's your name?" I ask, trying to be nice.

"Jury," He says, still holding his 'kind' smirk.

I sigh "Whatever." I look back at the group who all have angry faces, Sis looks like she is about to rush on stage. I shrug and wave at them as I step up to the centerline looking up at the man who clearly isn't 17 and is nearly a foot taller than me.

"All spells are allowed, except unforgivables and instant kills… Wands ready!" As the referee yells I ready my wand in the formal stance as does the man across from me.

"Turn, 15 paces." I turn on my heel and take fifteen moderate paces and hold still as I reach the end while I ready my wand.

"BEGIN!" The referee yells I turn quickly but I don't attack since I feel I will probably need to defend.

Just as I thought, even without turning around he points his wand at me and shoots a red spell at me chantlessly. I chantlessly cast Protego as I don't have time to chant and I send the spell into the air.


Jury is staring at me with a small smirk no longer kindly "Dobra." he says as he takes a step forward raising his wand at me again.

Again, a spell comes at me chanltessly this time it streaks in an icy blue light. I dodge this spell as I fire back.

"Stupify." I chant as I see him raise his wand defensively "Expulso" "Expulso" I fire twice the first one a foot in front of him and the second one at his feet.

He easily catches the first spell with a protego and takes two steps forward way faster than I expected him to be able to move. He easily deflects the two explosions into the air and looks like he is about to cast again but I don't let him.

"Immobulus" A large wave of blue light flies at him only for him to rush forward, blocking the spell as he steps up to the centerline.

He flicks his wand at me sending spell after spell which I manage to block with a lot of trouble. I didn't expect anyone in this tournament to be able to chain more spells together than me. White, white, red, blue, then red again all chantlessly. After the fifth spell in the chain a gap formed and I took the chance to return the favor.

"Confringo, Stupify, Expulso." I chain three together as I watch him forced back a few steps. I stare at him annoyed as he looks like he is about to cast again, I decided to take a chance.

As the red light leaves his wand I meet it with my expulso. The beams of magic seem to liquify as they meet in the air. I grit my teeth as I feel my power being tested. I push with all my might as I feel myself slowly winning. I look up to see 'Jury' glaring at me with a hateful glare as he slides back along the stage.

*BANG* The clash of magic ends with one final push. I managed to hit him with expulso and send him into the air with an explosion. I begin to rest as I feel that it is over, the crowd is cheering but quickly stop as we all see something beyond our wildest imagination.

Jury flips in the air like a gymnast and lands at the end of the stage perfectly fine. He has burned clothes but he looks completely unharmed… just incredibly angry. My eyes harden as I feel that I know what's going on.

Just as expected with an angry gaze he rushes forward with inhuman speed "AVADA KEDAVRA!" He yells as green light baths the arena. All around me I hear gasps as my eyes look at him coldly.

Sin quickly deflects the spell as I step forward and quickly cast at him with full power holding nothing back "Reducto." The blue light from my wand streaks across the arena faster than any other spell today and hits him in the center of the c.h.e.s.t.

The blue light consumes him reducing him to ash instantly. To my surprise the coach jumps on the stage and points his wand at me. Before he can even do anything a familiar figure appears in front of me with her wand out.

Another smaller figure appears in front of me as well. "Incarcerous." Sis Dora casts "Petrificus Totalus." Flitwick casts. Thin chains rise from the ground wrapping the man as Flitwick's spell hits him causing him to fall over like a sack of potatoes.

I look between Sis and Flitwick then at the referee who is still standing there as if nothing happened. "Um… Am I disqualified?"

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