Reaper Of The Wizarding World

Chapter 80 - Explaining Sin

(A/N: I was going to post one chapter of each today but I'm only going to post this and Dead God since I got my first order today. My roommate and I set up a computer repair and build shop from our garage and we got our first order today so I was working on that. Same authors not as other chapter today btw.


Enjoy <3 )

I step back with a surprised expression "Uh, What do you mean?"

Sis speaks up "Don't try to lie, we saw it move when that man attacked you. Cedric said it saved him when he almost fell out of the port key."

I unwrap Sin from around my neck and hug him like a blanket. I glare at Cedric "You snitched?"

He holds up his hands defensively "They interrogated me."

"Don't blame your friend, we saw it anyway. Just tell us what it is." Auntie says sitting closer.

"He is my friend," I say putting Sin on my l.a.p.

"He?" Sis and Auntie repeat in sync.

I nod "I picked him up when I moved to London, he protects me. He helped me defeat the Troll and the dark wizard in the forest." I stroke Sin as I speak who does a happy shake

I hold him up a bit letting him move freely as he wraps around my arm. "I named him Sin."

Cedric and Auntie both approach warily while Sis stays back with a thinking look. "May I pet him," Auntie asks as she stands only a foot away.

I nod "Sure, he likes to be pet."

Auntie reaches out a hand and softly strokes the top of Sin where a corner is hovering an inch above my hand like a head looking up. Sin pulls away a bit but lets her stroke him as he wraps tightly around my arm.

Auntie smiles seeing Sin shirk back a bit Cedric looks a bit jealous "May I?" He asks.

I just nod at him and gesture Sin more towards him. He pets Sin as well with a smile "Thanks for saving me." Sin unravels a bit at his words and hovers above my arm nodding his 'head'.

Cedric's smile widens as I hear Sis's voice "Soren… You know what he is right?"

I look at her defensively as I pull Sin closer "Yes. I do. And?"

Auntie looks at Sis curiously "What is it?" Then her eyes turn to me.

"He is a Lethifold," I say hugging Sin.

Auntie looks confused "What is a Lethifold?"

Sis sighs "It's not a surprise you've never heard of them, they are insanely rare creatures. They haven't been studied, hell, they have only had one recorded sighting."

Aunties eyes narrow "Why so low?"

Sis laughs a bit as she looks at the creature 'purring' in my embrace "Because they have a 99.7% kill rate. Only one person has ever survived a Lethifold attack and that was because he mistook it for a dementor in the darkness."

Auntie shivers a bit as she unconsciously takes a step backing away from Sin. "Sin doesn't eat people anymore." I pipe up in Sin's defence.

"Anymore?" Cedric asks as he backs away.

"They are considered more dangerous than Dragons. They are Amortal, they cannot die. The only thing you can do is use your Patronus to suppress them and slow them. They are one of the 11 creatures Aurors are told to never approach alone." Sis says with a grim face.

"Now you're just trying to scare them!" I say with indignation.

"Well, it is scary Soren!" Sis yells back.

"Just sounds like you're a scaredy-cat Auror," I mutter with narrow eyes.

Auntie sighs "Well obviously it isn't a normal Lethifold. Otherwise, it wouldn't be so docile, right Nymphadora?" Auntie says giving her mild eyes and raised brows.

'Score 1 Auntie' I think to myself.

"Itoldyounottocallmethat." I hear Sis quickly mutter under her breath angrily. She sighs "Yeah, I'm sure you're right. What do you feed him, they are carnivores after all?" Her words earned her a glare from Auntie.

I rub my chin "I usually just let him catch mice or give him a leg of lamb. He really likes turkey legs from the great hall when they have it. When we went to the restaurant yesterday I gave him the frog from my food since I didn't like it."

Sis puts her head in her hands "I just realized you have been bringing him to Hogwarts."

I scoff "Well duh. How would he protect me and stay with me if I left him at home? Pft, dummy."

Auntie chuckles a bit "Mom, how can you laugh? Soren is walking around with an XXXXX level threat around his neck."

"Well it obviously won't hurt him, he has already had it longer than a year. With Soren's luck, he needs something protecting him. Only a year he has been with us and he has been attacked three times? He needs a guardian angel." Auntie says looking over at Sin who is resting in my arms.

I lean closer to Sin "You hear that? You got promoted to a guardian angel." I whisper jokingly to Sin.

Sis sighs "Fine, you are right about that."

"I'm sure you won't tell anyone but I need to ask. Can you keep this a secret Cedric?" I ask Cedric who is sitting across from me.

He nods his head seriously "Of course. He saved my life, after all, it's the least I could do."

I smile at him "Thanks."

Cedric nods but still looks a bit scared of Sin. "Can I speak to Soren alone?" Sis says looking at Cedric and Auntie.

Auntie and Cedric walk out of the room without saying anything. "Let's go get your mentor, we can start making dinner," Auntie says as Cedric nods and walks out first.

I turn to Sis who is giving me a serious look not moving her gaze from my eyes. "Soren."

"Sis," I say with a fake serious voice.

"Answer me seriously this time." She says leaning forward.

I nod "I'll do my best."

"Are you the next Dark Lord?" She says with such a serious face I feel the urge to laugh bubble up.

After my initial feeling of laughter, I begin to think about her words. I plan to make a giant wizard tower to keep my dementor. I am abnormally talented in dark arts magic. I think of the fact I am actually a giant dementor 'King' that can control other dementors and hide as a human.

Not only that I have a pet Lethifold which are notoriously terrifying creatures. In fact, the title probably fits me better than Voldemort. To anyone else other than me it may seem like I am some type of evil being praying for other people's kindness.

'Maybe I am?' I shake my self deprecating thoughts off quickly as I think of all my good points. Of which there are too many to list off.

I take a deep breath as I look into her eyes "I am not the next Dark Lord. If anything I'll be the Hero who stops him."

She looks into my eyes trying to find a lie, after a few seconds she sighs "I'm sorry Soren. I trust you. Even if you said yes I would stay by your side… You're my brother after all." She says with a soft smile.

I smirk "You know me, Sis, I don't like the prejudice of the other Nobles. But seriously, first Rita, then you, then Dumbledore, and now you again? Am I that untrustworthy?"

Sis laughs a bit "Dumbledore you say?"

"Yeah he said my talent reminded me a lot of Voldemort back when he was a kid," I say in an annoyed tone.

She hugs me unafraid of Sin on my l.a.p "How could he say that? My little brother is far more talented."

"I know right?" I say with a tone.

She pulls away and smacks the side of my head "Come one, let's go get Dinner. Sin will get a portion this time."

I smile as I put Sin around my neck and follow close behind.

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