“Unscathed? What a trick! ”

Orochimaru’s brows furrowed.

She suddenly found that Ling Yun had no injuries on his body, and seemed to be immune to sword qi attacks.

And this small detail suddenly made Sister Hua’s heart uneasy.

She immediately realized – this is the power of super-speed regeneration!

Super Speed Regeneration, a skill unique to the void.

It can make the wound heal quickly in a short time.

The vast majority of virtual beings master this ability, which is strictly speaking, very common.

However, in the original plot, many big voids often give up super-speed regeneration in order to obtain more powerful power when they become broken faces.

Even if it was the later Ten Blades.

Only Neutra, Ulquiorra and others also have the power of super-speed regeneration.

You know, they are all big voids after breaking the surface, and they hold a strong destructive power.

“Seven Zero Seven” but now…

Ling Yun just walked away unconsciously, showing exactly the same characteristics.

This is the scariest part!


“How could you possibly degenerate into a great void?” Ohashika’s face was solemn.

Although she refused to believe it, what happened in front of her showed that Ling Yun’s soul was decaying step by step.

Death and Void.

It seems to be opposites, but between the two, there is only one step away.

Heaven on one side and hell on the other.

One thought!


In the face of Orochimaru’s question, Void Lingyun gave a response.

The deafening roar was accompanied by a piercing sonic boom that seemed to tear the eardrums.

After being forced back by the front just now, Void Lingyun shot again.

The slashing knife in its hand emitted a dark glow, as if it was a judgment of fate.

Brush brush brush brush –

Yan Demon’s unruly swing, one after another sword qi chopping waves, containing different attributes, all locked in the Flower Flame.

Even in an unconscious state, Void Lingyun still exerts the most powerful characteristic of Yan Demon.

Multi-attribute spiritual pressure.

Now coupled with the spiritual pressure of the Great Void.

The power of the slash skyrocketed in an instant!

“With the most primitive fighting instinct alone, he has such a strong combat power.”


“If you wake up, I’m afraid even you.” I would be shocked too. ”

Orochimaru muttered in a low voice.

As Ling Yun’s teacher, she knows Ling Yun’s strength.

Although it was full of calculations, Ling Yun only had more than a month to contact the Eight Thousand Streams Sword Dao.

However, his attainment in kendo surpassed the vast majority of the God of Death, and even an ordinary Captain of the God of Death may not be able to compare with Ling Yun.


This is the premise that Ling Yun is still awake and has a talent bonus.

Enter the blurred runaway state. Lingyun’s fighting style is transformed, and his power is still strong.

It’s unbelievable!

“Eight Thousand Streams of Sword Dao, Meteorite Slash!”

At the moment when those sword qi chopping waves, that is, the body.

Hana Lie calmly swung his slashing knife and slashed a blow with his backhand.

Like a shooting star, the aurora bloomed with the ultimate light, instantly dispelling all darkness.

The meteorite shone, and the sword qi rippled.

Eight thousand streams of sword Dao, Yan Demon’s slash, instantly formed a fierce confrontation!

The glow lasts for a while and then ends.

Sister Hua’s strength is there, and the power of the void is fierce, but after all, it is an unconscious state, and it is still suppressed after all.

Prick —

The tearing sound kept ringing.

Attacked by the sword qi, Lingyun’s skin and flesh were flawed, and he instantly turned into a bloody man.

But then it happened, a creepy scene!


“The situation has gotten worse!”

Sister Hua’s frown deepened.

Meeting her jealous gaze, the scars on Ling Yun’s body were illuminated by the white light, and they were instantly healed.

This scene happens, like a thriller movie, bringing fear that hits the soul.


“Even if it is a super-speed regeneration, it is impossible to heal instantly, is it…”

Zhihua Lie suddenly remembered that the return path that Ling Yun mastered was also different from the others.

Because of the full-level divine healing technique, even if you enter the void and go away.

Super speed regeneration is also amazing!

Roar –

After all the scars on his body were healed, Void Lingyun roared again.

He is like a perpetual motion machine, with an inexhaustible vitality that can never fall.

Savage, furious, dark…

The momentum on Lingyun’s body reveals boundless darkness, as if it brings terrifying doom 0…..

“It’s terrible!”

Even as the first generation of Jianba, the moment she looked at Ling Yun, Sister Hua still couldn’t help but sigh.

Under the red and black death carved mask, the vertical pupils that flashed red were filled with incoherent killing intent.

Blurring Lingyun is like a terrifying killing machine.

Make your scalp tingle!



Sister Hua was only distracted for a moment, and Void Lingyun launched an offensive again.

The ultimate ringing.

It even shielded Orochimaru’s neural perception.

Brush –

The slashing knife Yan Demon waved, the white light flashed sharply, and Lingyun’s form changed again.

It’s not just a death mask.

Ling Yun’s body and limbs, every inch of skin on his body, were covered with white bone armor.

He has completely turned into a monster!

“Eight thousand flowing swords, bloody streaming!”

This time, Sister Hua no longer hesitated.

She swung her slashing knife with all her strength, and the aura that surrounded her body all condensed into substance in an instant, turning into a scarlet and dazzling rainbow.

The anger swept through, and the sword qi rippled.

Accurately hit the body of the blurred lingyun.

The situation has been reversed again!


The monster-like blurred Lingyun let out a deafening roar, and flew backwards like a cannonball.

Bearing the full blow of Sister Hua head-on, even if the virtual power is violent, it will be defeated in an instant.

3.5 click——

The shrill cracking sound sounded endlessly.

The bone armor on Lingyun’s body was like a broken mirror, falling down one by one.


At the moment when everything is about to repeat itself.

Void Lingyun did not fall, but burst out an even more savage and violent force.


The front end of one of the fingertips, the crimson spirit pressure was highly compressed, and eventually evolved into a dark black.

“This is…”

Orochibana’s eyes widened suddenly.

Her eyes reflected a black flash that kept condensing.

A feeling of heart palpitations arose.

What is obvious.

This super black flash that appeared in front of her brought her an unprecedented deadly threat! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read-

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