“The person in charge of the Financial Department of Imperial Bank is……”

The reason why Ke Ke paused was because it was a foreign name.


In the Eagle Sauce Manor.

Malpama, who was once the chief financial officer of Wall Street and served as the bank deputy of Trump’s team, stood up and waved his fist!

Trump, who had already retired from politics, couldn’t help but be excited. The old friend was happy.

He shook hands with him and bumped his chest!

Malpama is a member of his team, and they are all a team supported by the magic root of the law.

“Congratulations, old man, congratulations on entering the cabinet and being able to become an executive-level cadre of the club in one fell swoop, so that your age and career can continue! Malpama:”

Thank you!””

He was so happy. He hugged other old friends one after another.

During this period, he couldn’t help but rub his eyes to prevent himself from crying.

It’s really not easy for people in their seventies.

In the eyes of ordinary people and even Yingjiang The entire upper class, maybe they are all powerful people.

But in the entire Mogen system, he only works for Te Mopu, and Te Mopu only works for Mo Gen.

With their level, it is difficult to enter the club to share the benefits.

Not to mention becoming a senior member!

Logically speaking, he can already retire.

The reason why he is still active in the Wall Street financial circle is that he is waiting for an opportunity!

Entering the cabinet is his only chance to enter the club and delay his life!

In the past few years, He saw that several of his friends had left this world one after another because of old age.

Compared to Buffett, who was about to turn

100 years old, he was very envious! Gai Zi, who had just retired, was already in his eighties, and he was still in high spirits. Being able to return to the crazy parties of the past.

He was so eager to join the club to save his life and get a chance to climb up!

He was so excited that he even opened the champagne on the spot.

Compared to Malpama, other competitors’ homes were very The other opponents who are also veterans in Financial Street are from the Rockefey family.

There are also talents supported by other card players and Clint.

They all sat down on the sofa in frustration, using pillows to hold on. They suppressed their faces, finding it difficult to accept that they were not selected this time.

Their wives and children would hug and comfort them.

“Don’t be discouraged, you still have a chance, you are still young. 26 Several losers expressed regret:”I want the group to transfer me to the Shenlong Island branch. I should go there and do something. Maybe the royal family will be impressed by me!””

Among the world’s top 500, any group engaged in industrial foreign trade will set up a company branch on Shenlong Island.

It is responsible for helping the company declare the list to the Ocean Group. Once it is declared, the Ocean Group headquarters will send it to the port. After obtaining the formalities, they will arrange for loading and delivery!

Therefore, the office buildings on the island never worry about whether they can get out.

More than 200 countries around the world participate in foreign trade, and at least hundreds of companies in each country need to Register and declare on the island.

Small companies can use a special platform to help declare.

But the speed is very slow.

Therefore, at least thousands of companies around the world will set up declaration team offices on the island.

Major financial companies in Wall Street are also There are branches there that specialize in providing financial and procedural services to large and small companies around the world that are inconvenient to go abroad.

Only by being transferred to the island can you have more contact with the upper class circles, or the royal family, so that in the next issue you can Maybe there is a chance!

“It doesn’t matter, there is still a chance, look at Ocean Group!”

Rocky Chris was sitting in front of the closet, watching the TV news, with his hands crossed and his feet shaking. He looked relaxed, but actually he was nervous.

On the TV.

Keke picked up the next envelope.

“Employee of Imperial Marine Group……Liu Qiangdong!”


Dragon Kingdom.

In Qiangzi’s villa, he jumped up suddenly and raised his hands into fists above his head. His wife Milk Tea beside him was so excited that she hugged his waist tightly, and the couple jumped.

The teenager next to him The son was speechless as to why his father was so excited.

Qiangzi:”Wife, prepare to pack your things. The inauguration ceremony will be in three days. Let’s go there in advance and visit the Prime Minister and other colleagues first.”

Milk Tea nodded. She can finally go to Shenlong Island.

The man she chose lived up to her expectations, and she can finally go to Vanity Fair, which is the center of attention for the world’s richest people!

Before, she and her husband went to the island, and in that wealthy circle, the two of them It seems impossible to integrate!

Because, many real inner circles are actually separated by the Shenlong Club!

This club is the real aura of players on the island.

Although Qiangzi, Jack Ma, Wang Jianlin, and Zhang Yiming are all from the Dragon Kingdom Internet tycoons of the same period.

But their status abroad is really different!

This makes Milk Tea, who wants to truly enter the circle of powerful people, feel that the sky is the limit.

Now, her husband has been selected as the head of the Ocean Group, which affects many people. In all the foreign trade market economies in the world, the status is self-evident!

I can also enter the real circle of power in Shenlong Island because of my husband!

Before the two of them had time to celebrate, the phone rang one after another.

Everyone was congratulatory.

Including the milk tea side, too There were calls of congratulations from friends in the circle.

At the same time, in the Beijing circle,

Mr. Bai and others were actually not sure whether Hadron could securely take over the Ocean Group.

After all, Jack Ma had said it.

He was not sure The method can influence the king.

He will try his best to recommend it, but there is no guarantee that he can win it steadily.

When he saw Ke Ke read out Liu Qiangdong’s name, Mr. Bai and other old people who had retired breathed a sigh of relief.

The influence here is great.. It is related to who all the countries around the world will play in the foreign trade market in the next 10 years.

In the first 10 years of the Dragon Kingdom, he finally led the entire Pan-Asia to regard him as the big brother and jointly created a trading business circle.

Those The small country sells all the Pan-Asian distinctive industrial export goods to the dragon country at preferential prices. The dragon country then concentrates and sells them to other intercontinental sectors around the world.

It not only drives the sales of the younger brothers, but also absorbs the increased price difference. It condenses the prestige of Big Brother.

Other continental countries will also sell to Dragon Country, and then Dragon Country will help promote their products to the markets of South Asian countries, forming a win-win situation.

Therefore, in order not to destroy this tacit understanding and good environment.

Dragon Country The country spared no effort to win the position of Ocean Group!

It even spent a lot of effort to lobby Jack Ma to let him put aside his prejudices and introduce Liu Qiangdong.

In the meantime, it can only be said that Qiangzi is aware of current affairs. After being kicked out of the company, he knew very well the consequences of not listening to the above.

Therefore, he took the initiative to admit his mistake to Jack Ma.

Because King Chu Feng was deeply impressed by Qiangzi.

Several times when talking about management, he would be curious He asked why it was rare to see cabinet members playing with Qiangzi?

Then after saying a few words of praise for his abilities, Long Guo decided to find Qiangzi to try to see if he could succeed Wang Wei.

All of this, but ordinary people Without the king appreciating the hadron, it would not be possible!

Liu Qiangdong also knew this.

So when he met the king Chu Feng for the first time, he was very excited. He was originally from a rough background, and he had that kind of expression on his face. In his excited and reserved state, Qiangzi seemed a little naive.

Chu Feng was dressed in a king’s suit and leather shoes, and his majestic and condescending aura made Qiangzi both excited and timid. So much so that when Chu Feng stretched out his hand to shake his hand,

Qiangzi Ziren didn’t even react.

Jack Ma next to him coughed slightly, and Liu Qiangdong immediately stretched out his hands to shake Chu Feng’s hands in fear.

Other cabinet members, especially foreigners, chuckled at his rude behavior.

After Chu Feng shook hands with all the members, he walked to the ceremony press c


Jack Ma followed behind and glared at Liu Qiangdong:”Cheer up and don’t make a fool of me for a while.”

Although Zhang Yiming is younger than these brothers, he is also a cabinet veteran.

Smiling and encouraging the newcomer Qiangzi, he said:”Brother Liu, don’t be nervous, the king is not strict with trivial matters sometimes.”

Chu Feng first walked into the venue with Princess Reba. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

All the guests were already seated at the scene.

It includes the controlling forces behind the scenes in almost all countries in the world, including state directors and directors of clubs.

There are also hundreds of executive members.

As the king and princess entered, everyone stood and bowed.

Then, new cabinet members followed one after another.

After Chu Feng and Reba sat on the throne, the cabinet members made an oath declaration to the king and the royal family under the solemn and solemn ceremony of the master of ceremonies.

After taking the oath of office, Malpama announced his policies for the future of his term of office to all the guests present.

“I will promote Imperial Bank Financial’s loan business to countries around the world, and I welcome users from countries with such needs to come to me. He looked at the directors of West Africa State humorously and said:”I know you are short of money. Come on, man, come to my office to chat tomorrow.””

After the scene burst into laughter, there was applause.

It has to be said that the opening of Imperial Bank Financial’s loan business to the world can indeed ease the global economy.

The bank’s current liquidity is tens of trillions of dollars!

It is enough to supply any country Loan amount!

It’s Liu Qiangdong’s turn.

This guy sees all the big guys below.[]

I am a bit shocked by the current influence of the royal family.

Almost all the slightly stronger representatives from around the world are here!

He really underestimated the true strength of Shenlong Club!

Below, Wang Jianlin’s wife Lin Ning was sitting with milk tea to cheer her up.

Mr. Bai and others were afraid that he would mess up, so they all took the initiative to applaud.

After Qiangzi coughed slightly, he said:”I do bring good news to everyone. From now on, the royal family will open the teleportation array and allow all countries in the world to act as agents of teleportation arrays in inland seas!” Everyone at the scene widened their eyes, and then, Crazy applause broke out.

Representatives from several countries looked at each other, expressing surprise at the approval of this policy.

Now, only various countries have inland sea teleportation arrays, but not many.

There are only a few ports located between Longguo, Yingjiang, and Aozhou.

If the royal family opens up and allows countries around the world to use domestic canals, it will definitely reduce a lot of transportation time and costs!

It can indeed improve the efficiency of trade and increase national income!

The royal family will definitely give the agency to the state, and the state will collect fees from private operations, which can increase an additional income.

Don’t underestimate the income from ship trading between domestic canals.

It is also a considerable income.

Milk Tea watched the cabinet members formally put on the uniforms awarded by the royal family on the stage, and looked at the medal on the chest.

There was also an employment certificate, and her hands were almost broken when she slapped it.

The smile on his face never faded away.

Jack Ma finally came up and gave a summary of the entire work of the previous 10 years.

Finally, after the ceremony.

Chu Feng left the stage with Princess Reba, and the audience stood up and bowed again.

Then, the entire palace’s huge venue became a place for congratulations and socializing.

Whether they know each other or not, it does not affect their ability to talk and walk out of the palace together.

Then find anywhere on the island where you can continue the conversation.

Liu Qiangdong, wearing a cabinet uniform, came out of the royal palace and stood on the steps of the dragon fountain sculpture, looking at the scenery of the entire island and the cityscape with clusters of skyscrapers.

Very emotional!

“It turns out that this is what Shenlong Island looks like when viewed from the empire. It’s so spectacular and beautiful.”

The sky is blue.

The climate is mild.

As a national city where the world’s richest people live most densely, Shenlong Island is not only a place where living can delay aging, it is more like spring all year round! The climate is generally between 18 and 28 degrees Celsius all year round! There is a gentle breeze everywhere

“Mr. Liu, it’s time to check your address.”

At the bottom of the steps, Qiangzi’s assistant drove a special car for cabinet members and opened the door for the couple with a smile.

Liu Qiangdong looked at the two special cabinet cars and couldn’t help but stretched out his hand to touch it.

Although it did not have its own domestic garage A million-dollar car is expensive!

But on Shenlong Island, it represents power! When Qiangzi saw Jack Ma and others passing by him in this car on the road, the wealthy people around him looked at him in awe. The couple looked at each other in awe.

When people sit in the car, although it is also made of Rolls-Royce technology.

But it cannot be said that this car is very comfortable!

Presumably, this is the kind of comfort that power brings to people, that they are calm and have everything under control! The 250 car arrived in front of a brand new independent villa.

Qiangzi walked in with milk tea in hand.

It covers an area of 3 acres and has a backyard for breeding and breeding.

The assistant said:”This is where you will live from now on, and the entire decoration will be the same. Yes, you can change it however you want later, and there are no restrictions on planting things in the yard.”

Milk Tea ran to the backyard. When she saw the flowers growing, she smelled them. Her body and mind suddenly became more happy.

At this moment, Wang Jianlin’s special car drove to the door of Liu’s house.

Lin Ning got out of the car, made milk tea and waved He said:”You come to the palace with me. As a new member of the cabinet, go with me to pay my respects to the princess.”

Milk Tea reacted and her face straightened. That

‘s right.

She even forgot to say hello to the boss’s wife on behalf of the women of the cabinet.

She asked hesitantly:”I, don’t I need to change my clothes?”

“Don’t change it, it’s too late, the Prime Minister’s wife is here, waiting for you. All of us are fine, mainly you, going to see the princess for the first time.”

Milk Tea quickly got into Lin Ning’s car.

At the exit of the villa complex, as expected, the vehicles of other cabinet members were waiting.

Seeing the Wang family’s car coming out, Jack Ma’s wife in front signaled the driver to leave.

Milk Tea and Lin Ning Sitting, a little nervous

“No need to bring a gift?

Lin Ning joked:”What can you give me?” The princess has it all.”

Milk Tea fawned:”Sister Lin, please take care of me for a while, I may not understand the rules very well. Lin

Ning nodded:”Just talk less and don’t try to show off that you are powerful in front of the princess.””

Milk Tea nodded:”Understood.”

Three cars.

Four women.

Jack Ma’s family, Zhang Yiming, Wang Jianlin and Milk Tea.

A total of four women were on Ke Ke’s guide road, taking them to the back garden where Reba was.

Lin Ning and Milk Tea Luo At the end, he introduced Milk Tea:”Koke is the internal affairs officer and the steward of the royal family. Please be careful about your attitude in the future.”

Milk Tea nodded.

As he said that, Ke Ke, Jack Ma’s wife, and Zhang Yiming’s wife all bowed one after another.

After Lin Ning saw the people clearly, she took Milk Tea and bowed together.

Milk Tea thought the princess was here.

But the audience said:”I’ve seen the princess before..”

Milk Tea raised her head and saw Chu Xiaoyu, who looked like a princess.

Chu Xiaoyu brought Xiaoman, who was a little timid as a mouse.

Stop:”Get up, my mother-in-law is in the backyard, you go.”

Then, Chu Xiaoyu took Xiao Man away.

Gu Man followed Xiao Yu. From the moment she entered the royal palace, she felt like she had entered a maze.

If she hadn’t followed Xiao Yu, she would definitely have gotten lost!

Along the way, she saw Anyone would take the initiative to bow to Xiaoyu and say hello.

Gu Man felt the dignity of the royal family for the first time.

Not long after Chu Xiaoyu took Gu Man back to the island, he immediately came to say hello to his mother and concubine.

Then he went back to his bedroom

“Change your clothes and I will take you to the island for a day of fun. We will go to the wedding tomorrow.”Chu Xiaoyu opened her wardrobe and asked Gu Man to choose a suit.

Gu Man saw the wardrobe that was bigger than her home of 100 square meters, and her mouth grew louder…

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