

Chu Feng really only cared about drinking.


If in the past, when I hadn't soared, I could come to this kind of place to spend and have such a good time.

He definitely took off to drive the whole audience.

However, after obtaining the cultivation of the Divine Dragon, coupled with the experience of life and death at sea, he has become much more introverted in character.

This kind of restraint also includes willpower.

Today's women alone are indeed not enough to make him feel any excitement.

Today, he came, in addition to catching up with these people and having a good drink, by the way, to deal with the gold matter.

"Now you don't care about the gold, right?" Chu Feng asked Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin and Lao Han nodded: "I recommended Zhao Mo, he can help Brother Feng solve it." "

"Zhao Mo. Chu Feng raised his arm and beckoned.

Zhao Mo immediately trotted over: "Brother Feng?"

"Are you in charge of gold?" Chu Feng asked.

Zhao Mo nodded: "Yes, I'm afraid that others will be unreliable, so I specially took over Lao Han's class, and Brother Feng has something to order." "

"So, I have another batch of gold to deal with here, this time 20 tons. "

Zhang Bin and Lao Han's pupils dilate.

"How much?" Zhao Mo thought he had misheard.

He turned to the girl who was singing and shouted, "Be quieter!".

The girl was very sensible, so she simply turned off the music in the box first.

After quieting down, Chu Feng said, "20 tons." "

Zhao Mo poured himself wine excitedly: "What does Brother Feng mean?"

Chu Feng: "It's the same. "

Zhao Mo raised his glass: "Brother Feng, I respect you!"

"Respect together, respect together!".

Zhang Bin and Lao Han, as well as the rest of the people who received the money last time, all came around.

They all toasted, and the others dared to sit?

They all stepped forward to toast.

After Chu Feng drank the wine in the cup, he said to Zhao Mo: "Then you can prepare for it in the next two days, and I can let Ah Cai transport the goods." "

"Yes, Brother Feng. Zhao Mo said proudly, walked out of the box, and called the manager in directly: "These wines, bring me a set!".

The girls at the scene just applauded and shouted: "Mo Shao is mighty!".

"It's my brother Feng's might!" Zhao Mohaha smiled.

The few rich people who sat back in their seats were very curious about what Chu Feng was all about.

I've been in it until now, I want to ask, but I haven't had a chance to speak.

When I went to toast just now, I heard this Brother Feng say that he had goods that would be shipped.

These people are bold.

Silently approaching the people of Zhao Mo's other gangs, he asked curiously, "Lin Shao, what business does Brother Feng do?"

Lin Shao was also one of the five people who had traded gold before, and when he heard the rich man ask, he had nothing to hide.

If you have strength, you are not afraid to say it.

"Foreign trade. "

"Foreign trade?" a few rich young people were a little disappointed when they heard it.

It's not that foreign trade is not profitable, it's just that on the list of domestic rich, it is difficult for the strength of foreign trade to be in the forefront.

They also thought that the customers who could make Zhang, Han, Zhao and others so highly regarded as guests of honor also be tycoons or system bosses!

Can't imagine being a businessman?

And it's also a foreign trade one

You said that the family is real estate, and they all feel that they have strength.

Real estate has been bad for years.

But in recent years, which billionaire in the mainland dares to say that his capital accumulation does not depend on the real estate industry?

No matter how bad it is, you are from an old wealthy family in Minato, which is enough to attract their attention.

"Foreign trade has not been easy to do in the past two years, right?"

There is a derogatory connotation in this language.

In the past two years, global foreign trade has indeed been depressed for a long time due to disease problems.

A lot of them either change careers or starve to death!

Those who survived also cut off their arms.

Then they can't figure it out, how can a foreign trader be favored by Han Shao?

From the demeanor and attitude of the five people tonight, the rich and young people could visibly feel their respect for Chu Feng, which was not like the kind of flattery to outsiders.

It's the kind of natural expression of the kind of person I feel in my heart that I don't consciously admire.

Like Han Shao and Zhang Shao, even when they went to order songs, they didn't shout 'Brother Feng' like Zhao Mo and them, but directly 'brother'.

It's a very affectionate, natural kind of title.

Not contrived in the slightest.

What's even more commendable is that Chu Feng's respect for them doesn't have any burden at all!

A few rich people think that there must be something special about this person!

"Or does he not only have foreign trade?"

"Brother Feng is engaged in trade. Lin Shao smiled: "However, others are exported to other countries, and most of Brother Feng's goods are sold in." "

He paused and looked at the three curious rich young men: "Who do you guess his client is?"

Someone blurted out: "It must be one of the top 500 enterprises in China, right?"

Lin Shao smiled.

hugged the head of the rich young man who said, 'It's not easy to do foreign trade in recent years', and patted him on the back of the head: "Don't be such a frog at the bottom of the well!"

"Brother Feng's customer is the Dragon Kingdom!".

The pupils of the rich few people who accompanied the smile instantly dilated.

Although people are waste, but that is only for their father and the family business, they can't help much, they can only be sloppy, so that the public thinks that the rich second generation is moth-eaten.

But in fact, they have been exposed to capital economics since childhood, and they understand the capital economy better than anyone else.

Understand that enterprises and enterprises become bigger and stronger and you do business with the country are two different things!

Lin Shao looked at Zhang Bin and Lao Han, singing a song with Chu Feng there, and he said enviously: "Lao Han and Lao Zhang, this son was carried up by Brother Feng!"

These words had already made the rich and few people in the turbulent waves like they were struck by lightning and were shaken there.

I was watching Chu Feng put his arm around Zhang Bin and Lao Han's shoulders with one hand, singing and swaying in front of the screen like a big brother.

That posture, Tainima is up to the top!

At this time, the manager of the Earl's nightclub came in with the bartender pushing several carts of wine.

The manager bowed to Chu Feng and the others first, and waited for the music to stop before he dared to speak.

"Mr. Chu, all the drinks and consumption tonight, the boss will give you a free order, if you still need wine, just order it. "

As he spoke, the manager handed Chu Feng a business card.

On the back of the business card, there is a pattern that is improvised with a pencil.

After Chu Feng looked at it, he smiled and burned it with a lighter.

When he saw Zhang Bin, Zhao Mo and the others commenting with the manager on why they grabbed their orders, Chu Feng stopped them with a smile: "I know this boss, he won't ask me for money, don't rush to pay." "

On that painting, it is the badge pattern of the Shenlong Club!

Meaning, this owner is a member of the club!

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